The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 563 Someone Robbed Me, You Be Jealous

Chapter 563 Someone Robbed Me, You Be Jealous
"Then what should I do?" Su Jian wanted to coax, but in retrospect, she had no experience in coaxing men, "Give you a piece of candy?"

Vinegar is sour, and a piece of sugar is sweet and sweet.

"Yeah." Ji Shizhou moved forward a little and kissed her.

The hand holding her tightened slightly, as if afraid that she would break free, but it was actually nervousness.

Su Jian stepped back, "No, I did lip makeup."

"I do not mind."

Su Jian: "..." I care, my lips are stained!

Ji Shizhou continued to kiss her, his lip makeup was all over, and he let go of her after kissing enough, and some of his lips were also stained.

He pursed his lips, "Sweet."

Su Jian: "..." No, it's not sweet, there will be no chemical reaction between lip tissue and lip tissue, and no glucose will be produced.

Love makes people lose their sense of taste.

Su Jian went to the bathroom to refinish her lip makeup, and saw some stains on his lips, she took out a cotton swab from her bag, and said to Ji Shizhou outside, "Come in."

Ji Shizhou walked over and brought his face closer. Su Jian dipped a cotton swab in water, took his hand, and put the cotton swab on his fingertips, "Facing the mirror, wipe off the color on your lips. .”

He glanced at the cotton swab and gave a faint "oh".

Su Jian touched up her makeup in the mirror, and heard him say, "No."

"I'll teach you." She was patient with the boss, she took a cotton swab from her bag, "Wet it with water first, then..."

The cotton swab in Ji Shizhou's hand dropped on the ground, "It fell."

"Pick it up." Su Jian said with a serious face, "That's unusable."

She leaned against the sink and dragged him over, still pulling his tie, and gently wiped the color on his lips with a cotton swab, "Okay."

She was about to turn around, but he held her down, put her hands on the sink behind her and hugged her, "Su Jian."

She raised her eyebrows and replied, "Yes."

"You saw, someone was going to snatch me just now." She saw someone talking to him just now, but didn't come over, Ji Shizhou looked at her seriously.

Su Jian asked, "Who?"

Who dares to snatch my people!
"I don't know." Ji Shizhou paused and said, "But someone robbed me."

Su Jian: "..." This is a difficult situation.

"If someone robs me, you'll be jealous." Ji Shizhou frowned, because his lips were still wet because the cotton swab was soaked in water, "I belong to you."

In Su Jian's heart, she couldn't tell what she felt, but there was a sudden "boom", as if her heart was on a trampoline, bouncing back and forth, up and down.

There was a distance between the two, and the distance was very small. Su Jian could clearly see his face, every expression on his face, and the dissatisfaction and accusation in his eyes.

"If someone strikes up a conversation with you, I must be very angry, but this is a banquet of Ji's family. I'm a reporter from Jiucheng. I'm here today on behalf of Jiucheng Group. I can't cause trouble at the banquet." Su Jian explained to him, not because she wasn't jealous, And because her status does not allow it.

"After the banquet is over, find a place where no one is around and beat up the person who hooked you up?" Su Jian asked for his opinion.

"En." Ji Shizhou nodded.

That's impossible, Su Jian doesn't know how to beat people up, and she didn't hook him up much, so he has to be reasonable.

"Go out, someone should be looking for you later." Ji Shizhou has been away for such a long time, the old man of the Ji family must be looking for someone everywhere, and Ji Shizhou is the protagonist of today.

Someone rang the doorbell, and then knocked on the door after ringing, "Master!"

She just said something.

When Ji Shizhou heard the knock on the door, his eyes turned cold, "Jian Jian, kiss me here."

(End of this chapter)

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