Chapter 564
When Ji Shizhou heard the knock on the door, his eyes turned cold, "Jian Jian, kiss me here."

He raised his hand and pointed to his neck, his eyes became hot again after cooling down, "Kiss him more, okay?"

The evildoer in the world!

"..." Who taught the boss badly!Drag it out and kill it!
Su Jian's waist almost flashed, "We should go out, the kiss is too arrogant, what should others do if they see it?"

"Let them watch." Ji Shizhou didn't care, Sheng Xun was here, so let him watch.

There is a red mark on Dr. Fang's neck. Everyone in the company knows that it was made by Dr. Fang's little wife. Those who covet Dr. Fang's fried chicken will not dare to covet it when they see the red mark on Dr. Fang's neck.

Ji Shizhou wanted it.

Su Jian refused to kiss and wanted to go out of the bathroom, but Ji Shizhou wouldn't let her go, and if she didn't make a mark, Ji Shizhou didn't plan to let her go out today.

She still had a task, she couldn't delay any longer, she couldn't resist him, so she brought him over, kissed her, and then let go.

She put on a fierce expression: "Okay, let's go, I will get angry if you keep dragging."

When I am angry, I am super fierce and difficult to coax!
Ji Shizhou looked in the mirror, and a little bit of lipstick was printed on it. It was still very light, and it was not easy to see. It was different from the mark on Assistant Fang's neck.

"Hmm." He gently pulled the collar back up, and pulled it down to prevent the collar from rubbing against the red mark.

The tie was messed up by her, and he retied it in front of the mirror, looking meticulous. Who would have thought that this man would still let her leave traces just now.

The sound of knocking on the door didn't stop, Ji Shizhou's eyes gradually cooled down, and he went to open the door.

The man's eyes were extremely indifferent, and his gaze passed over the two people at the door outside the station, "What's the matter?"

"Master, old man..." The voice of the person standing at the door stopped, his head was lowered, and he dared not speak any more.

"I just said that someone will look for you." Su Jian got out from behind him and reminded him: "Let's go."

Ji Shizhou followed Su Jian out the door, the two men standing outside the door looked at each other in shock, the woman...

Disappearing at the banquet, and now staying in the same room with a woman, it's tricky no matter what.The young master usually looks gloomy and doesn't talk much. The family members are afraid of him. Who would have thought that such a person would leave in the middle of the banquet, just to have a tryst with a woman!
Afraid of attracting others' attention, Su Jian deliberately separated from Ji Shizhou, leaving him behind.

Ji Shizhou followed after a few steps, "Let's go together."

Su Jian's facial features were tangled together, and after getting tangled, she still told the truth: "Su Huai, it's not good for us to appear together, let's go separately."

She doesn't want others to see it.

Ji Shizhou walked up and held her hand, "We are together."

"Don't be willful." The smile on Su Jian's face gradually disappeared, and she said with a serious face, "I'll be at the venue in a while."

Seeing her gradually cooling eyes, Ji Shizhou hesitated for a moment, then withdrew his hand.

Su Jian walked quickly, and Ji Shizhou followed at a distance.

When the old man of the Ji family saw Ji Shizhou coming out, his expression was gloomy, but he didn't get angry in front of so many people, "So many guests, where did they go?"

"Walk around." Ji Shizhou looked at Su Jian who had approached the crowd, "Can the interview start?"

"Not yet." Ji Yecheng's eyes fell on the faint marks on his neck, and his eyes were half cold, "Ji Shizhou, you better remember who you are, and don't mess with me outside."

"It has nothing to do with you." Ji Shizhou didn't have any affection for him, and when he was with Ji Yecheng, he didn't show any respect at all.

 First update, let me tell you, I was too tired yesterday, and I went to bed at [-] o'clock, but I overslept, and there was no update in the early morning, which is usually updated in the early morning.

  Let's do this first, I will code the rest of the updates, the author is not a god, and the code word speed is super slow.

(End of this chapter)

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