The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 565 Big Boss Ji Teach You To Be A Whore

Chapter 565 Big Boss Ji Teach You To Be A Whore
With so many guests present, Ji Yecheng couldn't lower his face to teach him a lesson, so he gave him a cold look, "Don't forget, who gave you these things on your body."

"I haven't touched anything from Ji's family yet." Ji Shizhou paused, his eyes turned frosty, "I don't know if I will touch anything from Ji's family in the future, except for my father's share."

Hehe, is this beast threatening him?Not only to get back his father's share, but also to get the whole Ji's family.

Wolf ambition, he missed it before he died, and still remembers being so blatant!
"Su Huai."

Zeng Ling bought a dress on purpose. His skin is better than snow, and his young body is good. He can attract men's attention wherever he goes.

Men in the mall, with careers and families, always want to find some excitement outside. Seeing this kind of beautiful girl who just graduated can't help but give birth to nasty thoughts.

Zeng Ling's idea was on Ji Shizhou, and the other men were self-aware and did not dare to take the next step.

She wanted to get close to Ji Shizhou, with a familiar smile on her face, "Su Huai, I think I should call you Mr. Ji."

"Senior is here too." Zeng Ling looked in Su Jian's direction, "He came here with Sheng Xun. He is really kind to senior. I heard that he has been chasing senior for four years."

Four years, naturally counted from the time Su Jian joined the company, can be regarded as an infatuation.

Su Jian was talking to Sheng Xun. The two of them were very close to each other. They almost touched their heads.

She covered her lips and said something in a low voice.

"I really envy my senior sister, she is beautiful, and there are so many outstanding men chasing after her, I am very happy." Zeng Ling looked at Su Jian enviously, "You are still your really outstanding brother."

The man who had never noticed Zeng Ling turned his head suddenly, his eyes were cold, and the warm wind blew by, but Zeng Ling felt extremely cold, like a dark wind blowing up from hell.

Ji Shizhou stared at her, "What's your name?"

Zeng Ling and Ji Shizhou are in the same class. He likes him, and it's obvious that he has appeared by his side quite a few times. Now Ji Shizhou actually asked her: What's your name?
Is there anything more cruel and ruthless than this "what's your name"?

Zeng Ling's face turned pale, "Su Huai, you really don't remember my name, or did you ask on purpose?"

"It's not important." Ji Shizhou asked her name not because he wanted to know her name. He looked at Su Jian, "What's her name?"

Zeng Ling was a little dazed, not knowing what he wanted to say, so he asked uncertainly, "Su... Su Jian?"

Mentioning these two words made me feel uncomfortable again.

"Well, mine." Ji Shizhou's eyes actually had a slight smile, "Her name is Su Jian, mine."

The coldness in the man's eyes was gradually melted by the faint sparks in his eyes, and he took a step towards Su Jian.

Jane, his.

Zeng Ling was still immersed in astonishment. It wasn't that he lacked feelings, but that his feelings were given to the woman named Su Jian.

In the past, everyone thought it was his sister, and everyone believed that their sibling relationship was very good.

The fact is not the case, Su Huai likes Su Jian.

"Are you okay?" Someone asked Zeng Ling.

Zeng Ling regained consciousness and saw a woman in a white gauze dress, "Who are you?"

Jiang Xi didn't answer her question, and said indifferently: "He has always been withdrawn and doesn't like to socialize with strangers. Even with acquaintances, he doesn't communicate much with people."

The temperament of a woman is too outstanding, and Zeng Ling is surprisingly not jealous as a woman, and feels comfortable with her, "Do you know Su Huai?"

"Su Huai?" Jiang Xi asked, "Ji Shizhou's former name?"

"Yeah." Zeng Ling nodded, "We were college classmates, and his name was Su Huai at that time, how did you know each other?"

(End of this chapter)

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