The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 569 A trick for Su Jian

Chapter 569 A trick for Su Jian

Su Jian's work is finished, there is no need to stay any longer, "Boss, I'm going back first."

"I'll see you off." Sheng Xun was going to see her off.

"No need." Su Jian waved her hand, "I have a car."

Sheng Xun nodded silently. After being rejected many times, he gradually became numb.

Seeing that Su Jian was about to leave, Ji Yunshen whispered to the people beside him, "Find a way to stop her and notify Ji Shizhou to go over."



Leng Feibai was afraid that something would happen to Ji Shizhou, so he dragged him away. After Ji Shizhou left, Ji Yunshen turned his attention to Zeng Ling and winked at the man next to him.

The man nodded, walked over to Zeng Ling and said respectfully: "Miss Zeng, our young master has something to tell you."

Zeng Ling couldn't believe it, "Ji Shizhou?"

The man couldn't deny it, "This way please."

Zeng Ling didn't think much about it, and followed the man. The big hotel owned by Ji's family was terribly big, and if he was not careful, he might get lost in these messy exits.

Zeng Ling followed the man for a while, and something was wrong, "Is your young master Ji Shizhou?"

The man handed her a bottle of perfume, "Do you like my young master?"

Zeng Ling was a little dazed, and hadn't figured out the situation until now, "How do you know?"

"If you like my young master, go inside and wait." The man opened the door of the room, "If you don't like it, you can leave immediately."

"What do you mean?" Zeng Ling looked at him warily, "I won't be fooled by you."

"The young master will be here in a while. As long as you are sincere to the young master, it will do you no good." The man glanced at the door of the room and stuffed a bottle of perfume for her. "With Miss Zeng's intelligence, it is not difficult to guess what we mean. .”

"Who arranged it? Ji Shizhou or someone else?" In fact, Zeng Ling knew exactly what they wanted to do and didn't dare to take risks.

"The old man doesn't like that little reporter. Her status is not as high as yours. Compared with Su Jian, the old man likes Ms. Zeng more. Ms. Zeng is not willing, and there are other women. My old man is just an adult beauty."

The man looked at the time, "Miss Zeng, time is limited, you don't want to, I have already contacted other women here, excuse me."

After speaking, the man left without looking back.

Zeng Ling didn't have time to think, and immediately said: "I am willing!"

The man didn't look back, Zeng Ling entered the room first, closed the door ajar, and sat on the bed anxiously, she knew what this meant, it meant that he would change from a girl to a woman.

If the other party was Ji Shizhou, she would not regret it.


Su Jian was looking for the exit of the hotel. After searching for a long time, she almost lost her way. The hotel service staff came over and said, "Miss Su, my young master is waiting for you."

"I don't know." Su Jian continued to walk forward.

The hotel staff read out the name: "Ji Shizhou."

Hearing the name, Su Jian's footsteps stopped, "Go forward, and I will follow you."

"it is good."

Su Jian followed behind the waiter, reached into the bag, fumbled to unlock it, and pressed every phone number familiarly without looking at the screen.

The call didn't go through, but the waiter noticed it, and a few men came out from behind, and Su Jian took out the shrinkable anti-wolf electric stick that Su Jian put in her bag.

"Sister!" Zeng Ling from the next room rushed out and ran into the men surrounding Su Jian, "Hurry up!"

Suddenly a woman ran out, Su Jian really didn't think of it, but after thinking about it carefully, there was a clue.

The men never thought that Zeng Ling would run out, it was different from the plan.

(End of this chapter)

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