The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 570 Appreciate Su Jian, You Deserve It!

Chapter 570 Appreciate Su Jian, You Deserve It!
"Sister, you go first!" Zeng Linghu died heroically in front of Su Jian.

Xuemei is a good person, let's call her Xuemei.

"Oh, good." Su Jian nodded and was about to leave.

go... go?
Zeng Ling was so frightened that his legs were a little weak, "Sister... sister, remember to call someone to save me!"

"I'm afraid you two have misunderstood something. We have no malicious intentions. We just want to take Miss Su to see the young master." The men surrounded Su Jian and Zeng Ling. Their main purpose was Su Jian.

"No." Su Jian said indifferently, "I have no feelings for him."

"Then we can only offend." The man walked up to Su Jian, and they wanted to arrest him.

Before getting close, Su Jian put down her bag, tore off her hip skirt so that her legs could move freely, took off her jacket and tied it around her waist, and pressed the switch on the anti-wolf electric stick in her hand, and heard a "Zi Zi" electric current as soon as she pressed it Voice.

She was ready for a fight.

Several men looked at each other, feeling a little palpitated, but still bit the bullet.

"Hey, fight, take me." The woman's playful voice sounded from behind, wearing a long skirt that stretched the floor, it was really not suitable for fighting.

She took out lipstick from her schoolbag, and slowly added makeup, "I'll do it for you."

Four or five men in suits came from the other end of the corridor, their steps were unmistakably unanimous, and the obsessive-compulsive disorder would cause extreme comfort.

"Come on." Cen Xixi threw the lipstick in her bag and waited for the show.

This time, Su Jian gained the upper hand, and the men looked at each other, "Miss Su, don't get me wrong, we have no malicious intentions, it is our young master who wants to see you."

"Goodbye." Su Jian walked to Cen Xixi's side.

Cen Xixi winked, and the men in uniform went up and intertwined with them. Su Jian was wearing a short skirt, and she had to be pretty unless she had to. She didn't participate in the battle and just watched with cold eyes.

After such a big commotion, Ji Shizhou rushed over after hearing the training, ignoring the intertwined men, he only had one eye in his eyes.

"Jian Jian!" Ji Shizhou's forehead was covered with sweat, and he ran over with a flustered expression. Seeing that Su Jian was safe and sound, he was finally relieved.

"It's okay." Su Jian pointed at them, "They said you want to see me."

Those people were brought over by Cen Xixi and pressed to the ground.

Ji Shizhou's eyes were condensed, "Jiye City."

"Master, don't get me wrong, we really just want to invite Miss Su to come over, the second son Ji wants to see her."

The Second Young Master Ji is naturally referring to Ji Yunshen, and now the blame is entirely on Ji Yunshen.

"Oh, the young master you are talking about is not Su Huai." Su Jian rubbed her chin thoughtfully, "I thought it was."

"We're just following the orders of Young Master Ji."

"It's me, I want to see Miss Su." Ji Yunshen came out, "I have read many news articles written by Miss Su before, I have always admired Miss Su, and I want to meet Miss Su."

Ji Shizhou looked contemptuously over Ji Yunshen, "See you as soon as you want, do you deserve it?"

"I just admire Ms. Su, and I thought we might cooperate in the future, so I met you last time. Ah Shi, don't think too much." Ji Yun frowned deeply, out of dissatisfaction with Ji Shizhou, "Ah Shi, I'm still you Second Uncle, be careful with your words."

"Since it's a misunderstanding, let's break up." Su Jian dragged Ji Shizhou, and couldn't care less about keeping a distance, "Su Huai, let's go."

Ji Shizhou looked at Ji Yunshen coldly, every word was extremely clear and frightening, "Whoever dares to touch her will die."

(End of this chapter)

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