The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 571 Little man, big scheming

Chapter 571 Little man, big scheming

"Let's go." Su Jian led Ji Shizhou away.

Ji Yunshen waited for them to leave, and looked coldly at the people kneeling on the ground, "A bunch of trash, they're all fired."

Those kneeling on the ground didn't dare to speak, they had always known the old man's tricks, and Ji Yunshen was responsible for this matter, but he was not innocent.

Ji Yunshen took out his phone and contacted the old man, "Dad, I failed."

"Idiot." The old man of the Ji family cursed and hung up the phone.

Ji Yunshen pinched the phone with a mocking look, old bastard!


Zeng Ling caught up, "Sister, are you alright?"

She wanted to pull Su Jian's wrist, but Ji Shizhou blocked it before she touched it. He pushed Zeng Ling away, "Don't touch her!"

Zeng Ling staggered, although he was a little injured, he still looked considerate of others, pointed at Su Jian's skirt, "Sister, your skirt."

"Oh." Su Jian tightened the coat tied around her waist, "Thank you, junior, for showing up in time today."

"No need." Zeng Ling smiled, "As long as Senior Sister is fine."

Ji Shizhou took off the suit jacket on his body, went around from the other side, and tied it around Su Jian's waist. He was tall, and the clothes fell on Su Jian's body for a long time. The original skirt was even longer, directly covering her exposed thighs.

Cen Xixi let out a "tsk", this terrible possessiveness.

"Say." Ji Shizhou looked at Zeng Ling coldly.

Zeng Ling didn't react to his sudden viciousness, "What, what?"

Looking at her bewildered look, Ji Shizhou's icy eyes were like ice cones formed by water droplets under the eaves, sharp and piercing, "Who made you appear there?"

Su Jian raised her eyebrows. She had suspected that the school girl had something wrong with her just now, but she didn't say it out of shame.

Zeng Ling was stunned for a moment, then hesitatingly handed the small perfume bottle in his hand to Ji Shizhou, "They told me to wait for you in the room, and gave me this, saying that I can use this to be with you." together."

"So powerful?" Su Jian took over the perfume bottle for Ji Shizhou, opened the lid, and was snatched away before she had time to smell it.

"I'll just smell it." She looked at the owner who had snatched the perfume bottle, paused, and said her guess, "It should be because smelling this perfume makes me prone to heat and misses the sun."

Ji Shizhou: "..."

"Oh, this stuff is good." Cen Xixi took the perfume bottle from Ji Shizhou's hand, and said to Ji Shizhou, "I kept it, and I will give you feedback on the effect after using it."

"Su Huai, senior sister, this matter has nothing to do with me, and I never thought of harming you, so I ran out, not wanting to let their scheme succeed." Zeng Ling made a last-minute gamble, and she won. Neither Ji Shizhou nor Su Jian are easily induced.

In this matter, she is just the one being calculated, and she has been helping Su Jian all the time, Ji Shizhou will not blame her, on the contrary, it can make Ji Shizhou have a better impression of her.

She is not a person without brains, and she doesn't know that she is being tricked. If you want to use her, it depends on whether she is willing to be used.

Ji Shizhou's brows were filled with coldness, "Stay away from Su Jian."

Zeng Ling looked a little hurt, but secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Ji Shizhou took the perfume bottle from Cen Xixi's hand, and Cen Xixi reached out to grab it unwillingly, Ji Shizhou said flatly: "It's useful."

"Tsk!" Cen Xixi suddenly thought of something else, and glanced at him thoughtfully, "You guys are having so much fun now?"

Little man, it's not easy.

(End of this chapter)

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