The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 572 Mr. Cen's Rise, Can An Meiren Escape?

Chapter 572 Mr. Cen's Rise, Can An Meiren Escape?
Su Jian fixed her cold eyes on Ji Shizhou when she heard this, "I won't play with you."

How honest and shy I am, a girl, don't you want to lose face?

"Su Jian." Ji Shizhou said with a straight face, "I just took it to identify the ingredients of the perfume for Leng Feibai."

He had a sullen face, but the pinnae of his ears were already red, "Don't think about it."

Well, think too much.

"I'm not thinking about it, I'm just joking with you." Su Jian waved her hands innocently, hoping that he wouldn't take it to heart. She has always been an honest person, and she doesn't have any flirts.

"If you... want to..." Ji Shizhou didn't continue, "I can."

Su Jian interrupted him calmly: "I don't want to, hurry up and do your appraisal.

Cen Xixi raised his eyebrows, "Save some for me after the appraisal."

"Go and change your clothes first." Ji Shizhou pulled her away quickly, leaving Cen Xixi and Zeng Ling behind.

"My brother is interesting." Cen Xixi smiled presumptuously, as if he had discovered some terrible secret, but it wasn't really a secret at all.

Cen Xixi still had an impression of Zeng Ling, she put her hand on Zeng Ling's shoulder, and patted lightly, "Be a human being and do your duty, look at the way Su Huai treats Su Jian, do you think you have Is there a chance to step in?"

"Senior sister, you misunderstood, I like Su Huai, I like it openly and aboveboard." Zeng Ling meant that she would not use any unscrupulous means to meddle in other people's feelings, "There is nothing wrong with liking someone, liking Su Huai It's my business."

"You might be able to snatch Su Jian by all means, but you definitely won't be able to snatch Su Huai." Cen Xixi just wanted to persuade the school girl to return from the wrong way and not to do wrong things. Since she didn't listen, she wouldn't persuade her either.

ill!Zeng Ling cursed.

She walked away with her skirt in her hands, and the long skirt dragged the floor tiles brightly.

Cen Xixi's figure was getting further and further away, getting smaller and smaller. The man was wearing a mask, tightly wrapped, and followed her not far or near, his eyes light.

The person walking in front seemed to be aware of it, and turned around slightly, but saw nothing.

Cen Xixi took out the phone in his bag, dialed An Sheng's phone number, it rang for a long time, but he didn't answer.Cen Xi was impatient. After hanging up, he dialed again, and someone answered.

"An Sheng."

"Boss Cen."

Cen Xixi was very upset by this strange and familiar address.

"I'll give you one last chance. If you're interested in me, come to the apartment to find me. If not, I'll start working on business tomorrow." Cen Xixi hung up the phone with an evil smile on his lips.

She rummaged around on her mobile phone, found out the number of a certain product that someone had recommended to him, and only sent one sentence: the one with the best effect.

The other party replied to her immediately: deliver the goods to your door, or pick them up at the store?
Of course it's home delivery, Cen can always go to that kind of store
Are you wandering around?

Cen Xixi's violent temper has been going on for so long, it makes her heart itch, and she still doesn't believe that she can't get anyone.

The cheap brother called her, and Cen Xixi told him to go back by himself, someone would pick him up, and the cheap brother didn't make trouble, and obediently went back by car alone.

Back at the apartment, Cen Xixi took a bath in the bathroom for half an hour before coming out, put on the sexiest little pajamas, and reviewed a certain action movie in advance.

The living room door remained open, waiting for someone.

She was sitting on the sofa, with a silky smooth fit against her body, where she should be, and where she should be thin.

Someone knocked on the door, she took the perfume and dabbed a little behind her ears and on her hands, then went out, opened the door, and leaned against the door frame in a charming posture.

(End of this chapter)

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