Chapter 573 Trading
It was a man who delivered the goods. When Cen Xixi opened the door, the man froze and swallowed, "You, your things."

After signing, Cen Xixi was dazzled by the man's lust, "Did you see the two bodyguards at the door? They are all foreign retired killers, and they can kill you with one finger."

The man who delivered the goods came to his senses, quickly looked away, and smiled apologetically, "Mr. Cen, don't get me wrong, but Mr. Cen is so beautiful, I can't help but take a second look."

Cen Xixi pointed at the stairs with her slender fingers, "From here, start rolling."

She wasn't joking, but she really made people roll, she smiled pervertedly, "Scroll more pleasantly."

"Okay." The man lay on the ground and began to roll, and when he reached the stairs, he got up and ran.

Cen Xixi played with the things in his hands, waiting for the sheep to enter the tiger's mouth.

Waiting and waiting, the waiting day lily is cold, but there is still no one waiting.Cen Xixi wore little clothes, and was blowing on the air conditioner, which made her body feel a little cold.

Cen Xixi put on his coat and drank some wine.

From today onwards, Mr. Cen will start to move on.

Cen Xixi took out the phone and looked for the pestering man, "Didn't you always want to find me?"

"Boss Cen." The people over there were a little surprised, "Have you figured it out?"

"I'll give you two hours. If I don't see anyone after two hours, then I won't wait for you." Cen Xixi didn't call him the address. With the ability of a man, it was very easy to find out where she was.

Two hours later—

The man sat on the sofa with his clothes open, lying lazily and coquettishly on the sofa, biting the cigarette in his mouth, "I just took a shower, are you waiting for me?"

"Man, the smoke is gone." Cen Xixi raised his right hand and put his index finger against his nose.

Qin Si took a puff, took the cigarette out of his mouth, and put it out in the ashtray on the coffee table, "Let a man enter the house at night, and dress so sexy, there is a purpose."

Cen Xixi gathered his coat, sat beside Qin Si, and pinched his chin, "You should be able to tell who the bodyguards at the door are. Put your fancy intestines away. According to the agreement, we will Into the organization, you don't follow BZ anymore."

After all, BZ has done something, if it is pursued, she will be in trouble.

"Of course, you will always serve the country in the future. You are a hero." Qin Si raised his chin in cooperation with her, "The country will not treat a hero badly."

Cen Xixi let go of his jaw, got up and went to the bedroom, took a blanket and threw it on him, "Sleep here tonight, and leave with great fanfare at nine o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Boss Cen is inviting me?" Qin Si smiled coquettishly.

Cen Xixi took off her coat, revealing her sexy nightdress, hooked her lips, and retreated to the room, her feet drew a non-existent line on the door of the room, "Try."

Qin Sishao looked at the line under her feet, "Mr. Cen can lock the door. I sleepwalk and don't know what I will do. Mr. Cen is dressed so coolly, I'm afraid I won't be able to control myself."

"Then there will be two corpses lying on the ground tomorrow." Cen Xixi looked at his body, retreated to the room with a smile, and closed the door.

The two corpses, which two are they? Obviously, this is a threat.

Qin Sishao lowered his head and glanced, it was the separation of fate and roots.

Qin Si also smiled captivatingly. He tore off his loose tie and threw it on the sofa. When the door of the room was closed, Qin Si's smile stopped, and he lay on the sofa, pulling a blanket over his body.

Every move of this woman is seductive, if he looks at her a few more times, he might not be able to hold her back.

 No update in the early morning, try to update at noon, I hope I can get up early tomorrow, haha

(End of this chapter)

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