The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 574 The strategy is well used, no troubles in love

Chapter 574 The strategy is well used, no troubles in love

The next day, Fourth Young Master Qin got up, washed his face, and brushed his teeth before going out.

"Just leave?" Cen Xixi leaned against the door, laughing wildly, "Don't do anything?"

Qin Sishao stopped cooperatively, turned back, put his hands on her sides, "I will cooperate with whatever else you want to do."

Cen Xixi pursed her lips, her gaze turned cold, she grabbed Qin Sishao's arm, switched places with him, pressed him against the door, hooked his fingers around his chin, and approached his ear, whispering: "Cooperate." joy."

The hot air brushed past his ears, and Qin Si's body tensed up, "Mr. Cen, don't test my concentration."

Cen Xixi let go of him, helped him tidy up his collar, and buttoned his loose shirt collar from the first button to the last button, "We are just a cooperative relationship, don't like me, I only like girls under 24 years old. Fresh meat." Except for Anmei.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in a strong woman like Mr. Cen, but I'm afraid that Mr. Cen will fall in love with me." Qin Si touched the collar she had already buttoned, and then unbuttoned another collar. people.

"Hmm." Cen Xixi snorted, stood up, opened the distance between the two of them, found a lipstick from somewhere, painted it on his finger, and touched Qin Sishao's neck. His clothes also rubbed some on purpose.

After closing the lipstick cap, she said, "I look forward to seeing you next time."

"Looking forward." Qin Sishao looked at the lipstick on his neck and deliberately untied another collar without wiping it off.

"Little thing, remember to miss me." Cen Xixi gently waved his hand against the door frame, motioning him to go.

Oh shit!The goblin!
Fourth Young Master Qin left without looking back. If he didn't leave again, this goblin would be fascinated.

A car was parked not far from the door, and a man was sitting in the back seat of the car. The man was wearing a mask and a hat. When he saw Qin Si coming out of the front door, his eyes darkened.

"Mr. An, our people have been watching. This man went up at nine o'clock last night and only came down now." The man sitting in the cab said.

"Hmm." An Sheng's voice was a little hoarse, and he didn't know why.

"Mr. An..."

An Sheng took out his mobile phone and called her. After it rang for a while, the other party answered the phone lazily, and said in a hoarse voice: "I have something to say tomorrow, I'm very tired."

An Sheng's eyes froze, he couldn't control the strength of his grip on the phone, and his fingertips turned white, "Mr. Cen, it's nothing, just to remind you, I hope you can attend the screening meeting next Monday."

"Oh, I almost forgot, don't worry, I will participate." The person over there was very lazy, and hung up the phone after talking on his own, impatient to listen to him.

An Sheng looked at the string of numbers on the phone page, closed his eyes slightly, and covered all the storms.

His eyes were condensed, and Qin Si also followed suit.

"Let's go." His voice was deep and deep, not as calm and calm as usual, transcending the world.


"Master, the ingredients of the perfume have been identified." Leng Feibai handed the identification report to Ji Shizhou, "It seems that the old man already knows about your affairs with Miss Su, and he plans to beat the mandarin ducks."

There are hallucinogenic drug ingredients in the perfume, which can also arouse the lust of men.

Ji Ye City's goal is not Su Jian, but Ji Shizhou. He wants to use Su Jian to lure Ji Shizhou over, and if something happens to that woman Zeng Ling, Su Jian will lose heart and stay away from him completely.

Ji Yecheng has always been capable, but he dared to reach out to his side, Ji Shizhou's eyes were dark, so it's no wonder he didn't care about blood relationship.

(End of this chapter)

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