The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 579 Su Steel Can Do It, But Can Persevere

Chapter 579 Su Steel Can Do It, But Can Persevere

After a few words, when it came to Su Jian's heart, her heart softened, "Okay, next time I will tell you anything, okay?

Nothing is important, the most important thing is to coax the ancestors.

"Yeah." Ji Shizhou nodded, "I'm not afraid of trouble, but I'm afraid you're not."

"Okay, I'll trouble you every day from now on." It's not happy to find a worry-free girlfriend these days, and the taste of the boss is as unpredictable as ever.

"Well, I like it..." Ji Shizhou paused, "I like you to trouble me."

In this way, he is important.

Su Jian looked at the bloodshot eyes in his eyes. She must have not had a good rest after rushing back from abroad and catching the plane today, so she quickly covered his eyes: "Close your eyes and sleep for a while, your eyes are full of bloodshots."

"En." Ji Shizhou leaned on her shoulder, letting her hands cover his eyes.

Soon, the sound of his even breathing came from her ears, and she fell asleep so quickly, it seemed that he was indeed sleepy.

When he arrived at the destination, Ji Shizhou had already woken up, his head was still resting on her shoulder, "Jane Jane."

She said softly, "Well, I'm awake."

"En." Ji Shizhou nodded.

She asked again, "Did you sleep well?"

"En." Ji Shizhou nodded.

She reached out to push his head, "Get up when you wake up." Dog, you are fine, but I am not fine, my shoulders are numb!

Ji Shizhou sat up straight, the plane had already stopped, and the passengers got off the plane one after another.

Su Jian urged: "Get up quickly, we should get off the plane."

When the two stood up, Ji Shizhou saw Su Jian rubbing his shoulders.

He leaned against her for a long time just now, and she felt uncomfortable.Neither of them had a suitcase, and they got off the plane very quickly. When they came out of the airport, Ji Shizhou wanted to touch her shoulder, "Are you still uncomfortable?"

"It's okay." Su Jian raised her hand to block his hand, and shook her head stubbornly, "I can do it."

Strong girls who say yes, oh, and underestimating age, are women.

It's just because I haven't moved for a long time, my shoulders are a little sore and stiff, and it will be fine if I move around.Su Jian's shoulders moved and relaxed a lot.

It's almost July, and the weather is hot. Just after leaving the airport, the steaming heat on the ground is constantly burning people, and heat waves can still be seen in the air.

After walking two steps, Su Jian's face was covered with sweat, "This summer is really hot, even hotter than last year."

Hearing this, Ji Shizhou dragged her to a cool place nearby, "Wait for me."

Su Jian stood in the shade waiting for him, and saw his figure crossing the zebra crossing, entering a shopping mall, and coming out with something in his hand.

Su Jian didn't wear glasses today, and only saw a dark mass coming from the opposite side, getting closer, so close that he could hear his slightly rapid breathing before he saw clearly that he was holding a sun umbrella in his hand.

He opened the sun umbrella to cover the sun above her head, "It's not easy to take a taxi here, take two more steps."

"Oh, good." Su Jian looked at the shadow of the umbrella on the ground, feeling cool.

The weather was hot, and I was panting after taking two steps. Hearing her breathing, Ji Shizhou handed the umbrella to her, "I'll carry you."

Su Jian resolutely refused: "No need, I'm not tired." What are you carrying, the weather is so hot!

He reached out to hold her hand, but Su Jian shook it off first, shaking off the sweat on her hand, "Walk well, the weather is so hot, it's easy to sweat when holding hands, sticky, very uncomfortable."

Ji Shizhou's outstretched hand froze in the air for a few seconds, then he retracted it stiffly, "Su Jian."

He only called her "Su Jian", and there was a jade white hand in front of him. Her fingers were long and slender, but because of holding the pen all the year round, there was a layer of calluses on the middle finger and little finger.

"Take it," she said.

Ji Shizhou froze for a moment, he didn't mean that.

 I promised to update in the early morning, stay up late to do two updates, continue during the day, and there are four more updates, Calvin. 01:30, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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