Chapter 580 God Assist

"Forget it." Su Jian was impatient, and was about to withdraw her hand, but was held by him.

"Su Jian, have you met your parents?" Ji Shizhou lowered his head, paused, and added, "Come back this time."

Su Jian: "..."

She didn't answer, and Ji Shizhou's emotions plummeted immediately, and he called out, "Su Jian."

"I'm here." Don't be so loud.

"You don't want to tell them?" Ji Shizhou's voice was cold, and he let go of her hand a little unhappy.

Well, as soon as her temper came up, she stopped holding hands, and she didn't hold hands if she didn't hold hands. She was very happy.

Thinking this way in my heart, but my hand was tightly grasped, and my hand couldn't help but continue to hold the opponent's hand tightly, "No, I'm afraid of irritating them."

Stimulate?Ji Shizhou frowned, "I'm not good?"

As soon as the beauty frowned, the faint king would kill her. Do Su Jian want to tear up the brocade cloth to make the beauty happy?
"Hello, you're fine wherever you are, let's talk about it when we go back." If the Su family knew that she had kidnapped Ji Shizhou, they didn't know how they would react. If their uncles and aunts dote on Ji Shizhou so much, if they knew that their son was kidnapped by the old Wang next door No, Su Jian next door is gone, I don't know if she will die of anger.

"You don't want to." Ji Shizhou said indifferently, feeling more and more depressed.

"I think." Su Jian clenched his hand, "I'll tell them at the end of the year, when uncle and aunt come back together, is that okay?"

"Oh." There was no special reaction, as if he was not satisfied with the answer.

Ji Shizhou held an umbrella, covering only half of his body, and the sunlight fell on half of his face, making it not so dark.

Su Jian tugged at him and pulled him closer, "Don't be so far away, get closer."

"Yeah." Ji Shizhou squeezed in, next to her tightly.

It's so hot, Su Jian wants to stay away.


Su Jian called to ask, Su Erwei was still in the hospital, but she didn't say that she was back.

She went directly to the hospital. Zeng Mengyi went to cook for Su Erwei. There was only Su Erwei in the ward. She was lying on the hospital bed, holding her mobile phone in both hands to play games.

Hearing the sound of the door being pushed, Su Weiwei thought it was Zeng Mengyi, didn't pay attention, and continued to play the game.

Su Jian pushed open the door and called her, "Su Two-Dimensional."

"Ouch!" Su Weiwei screamed, the phone fell from her hand and hit her nose, the pain made her burst into tears.

"Sister!" She rolled over and got out of bed, and ran towards Su Jian, "You're back!"

"Yeah." Su Jian nodded, being thrown into her arms, she touched Su Erwei's nose, which was red from being smashed by the phone, "Does it hurt?"

"It hurts, it cures all diseases." Su Weiwei hugged her without letting go, and began to act coquettishly, "Buy a bag."

"Buy, buy, buy for you." My life wants to be pampered, and my sister should also be pampered. Be a person who treats everyone equally, "I will take you to buy it when you are discharged from the hospital."

"Okay, thank you, sister." Su Erwei happily let go of her, broke free from her embrace, and covered his head with sweat.

She turned her eyes to the person standing there like a log, got close to him, and called out stickily: "Brother."

"Yeah." Ji Shizhou nodded, "How's your body?"

Su Weiwei pounced over and hugged his waist, "He is in good health and can play with Lego. Speaking of Lego, I remembered that I had my eye on a set of Lego a few days ago. It was so expensive that I was not willing to buy it."

Ji Shizhou's body was a little stiff, and he didn't like people touching him very much. He glanced at Su Jian, stretched out and pushed Su Erwei's hand down slowly.

"I'll buy it for you." Ji Shizhou promised her.

Su Weiwei grinned, and suddenly squeezed his eyes, "It's been so long, has my sister finished it yet?"

(End of this chapter)

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