The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 583 I want to get married, I don't think about it all the time

Chapter 583 I want to get married, I don't think about it all the time
Ji Shizhou followed her in, and just as she was about to close the door, the people behind her leaned forward.

Su Jian's nerves tensed up, and the people behind hugged her from behind, arched their bodies, pressed their faces against her ear, and rubbed gently.

He said, "I will give you all my money, no need to prepare a dowry."

Like a cat, soft and soft.

Su Jian was thinking, what should she say?I'll give you my money too, so you don't need to prepare a bride price?

That is impossible.

"It should be given or given." Su Jian said righteously: "I am not the kind of person who recognizes money but does not recognize people."

"Well, you're not." When Ji Shizhou spoke, his lips brushed over intentionally or unintentionally, making the tips of her ears red.

Sweat covered her back, it was sticky, she pushed the person behind her, "It's too hot, go and turn on the air conditioner."

In the summer, you have to hug each other and enjoy the shade, okay?

"Su Jian, don't treat me like a child, I can help you with anything." Ji Shizhou didn't let go, just wanted to hug her, "You can do whatever you want."

"You can do whatever you want?" Su Jian asked back.


"Let go of me now." It was so hot that her back was covered with sweat, and if she kept sticking like this, her back would be soaked.

Ji Shizhou let go of her, the air poured in, and her back became cooler, and she pulled the thin cloth stuck to her back.

Ji Shizhou turned on the air conditioner, and the temperature in the room dropped. Su Jian went to open the refrigerator, and there was some milk left in the refrigerator.

She sighed, lay on the sofa, didn't want to move, wanted to eat watermelon, but didn't want to go out, it was too hot, "Su Huai."

Ji Shizhou responded to her: "Huh?"

"Do you want to eat watermelon?" Su Jian paused, "It's iced."

Ji Shizhou looked at it for a second, then got up and walked out, "I'll go buy it."

Su Jian was lying comfortably, and when Ji Shizhou came back, he twisted two watermelons in.

"I'll cut it." Su Jian twisted the watermelon in his hand and went to the kitchen, cut the watermelon in half, hugged half, took a spoon and went out.

Su Jian lay on the sofa, inserted the spoon into the melon meat, saw Ji Shizhou's eyes, and pointed to the kitchen, "The other half is in the kitchen, if you want to eat, go get it yourself."

Ji Shizhou sat beside her, looking at the spoon she inserted into the melon.

Su Jian scooped it down, scooped out the piece in the middle, stuffed it into her mouth, and handed a spoonful to Ji Shizhou's mouth, "Do you want to eat?"

Ji Shizhou opened his mouth, took the spoonful of melon meat into his mouth, put his lips on the spoon, and gently sipped the iron spoon.

Very sweet.

Su Jian's eyes widened, this...

It's all saliva!
It's delicious, isn't it?You have to lick a spoonful of saliva!

Su Jian took back the spoon, wiped it on her clothes, inserted it into the watermelon flesh, and scooped out a large spoonful. Before she could put it in her mouth, a figure came over suddenly, and her spoon touched his heart. The melon meat fell on the sofa.

"Jane Jane." Ji Shizhou leaned over and stared at her moving lips, "When will we get married?"

Without dust for three seconds, Su Jian calmly picked up the watermelon on the sofa, put it in her mouth, and crunched it into pieces, "I've said it before, you're still young, so wait a little longer."

Marriage should not be considered until she has lived past the age of 26. At the end of this year, she already plans to resign and change jobs.

At 25:08 on October 30 next year, the weather will be light rain.

She died in an alley in the ancient city.

"I'm 21 years old." Ji Shizhou looked closer, and when he spoke, his breath brushed against the corners of his lips, a little itchy, "I'll be 22 next year, and I can get married."

(End of this chapter)

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