The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 584 Su Jian, Do You Love Me

Chapter 584 Su Jian, Do You Love Me
Whenever the matter of marriage was brought up again and again, Su Jian didn't even know why he was so obsessed with it. Aren't boys all very playful and don't like getting married and having children?

Su Jian was silent.

Ji Shizhou got silence from her again, leaned over, and kissed the corner of her lips, his movements were very light and gentle, as if he was afraid of hurting her.

"Jane." He stepped back a little, and said solemnly, "I love you."

Su Jian patted him on the shoulder and pushed him back a little, "You said it, I know." At this moment, she just wanted to eat watermelon.

"You..." Ji Shizhou was silent for a long time, so long that when Su Jian thought he would never speak again, his eyes fell on her face, "Do you love me?"

When he asked this sentence, his whole body was tense, his nerves were tense, if it was a little tighter, it would break.

He never asked this question, nor did she say it.

He never asked, and he didn't dare to ask. These words exhausted his courage all his life, and he panicked for no reason.

Su Jian was stunned by the question, paused, and said, "I..."

"Do you like me?" Ji Shizhou immediately interrupted her, his voice was urgent, and there was a trace of panic, he no longer asked about love, but about like.

Su Jian nodded seriously, "I like it." My life, I don't like it, whoever likes it, there is nothing else I like except my life.

Ji Shizhou closed his eyes, and stuck to the corner of her lips again, "Yes."

The kiss was kissed, and the words were finished, Su Jian continued to eat her watermelon.

In the evening, Ms. Zeng called and asked her to cook dinner for Ji Shizhou.

After dinner, Su Jian lay on the sofa, and Ji Shizhou silently got up to wash the dishes.

Su Zhi'an was on summer vacation, and my uncle took people to live in the place where he ran a company. There was no one at my uncle's house. After watching TV for a while, Su Jian went to vacate the guest room, "You will sleep in the guest room tonight."

"En." Ji Shizhou nodded.

Su Jian washed up casually, changed into a thin nightgown, and fell asleep. As soon as she lay down, someone knocked on the door of the room. There was no one else at home, and the person who knocked could only be Ji Shizhou.

If it wasn't for Ji Shizhou, it could only mean that a thief broke into the house.

Su Jian didn't have the habit of locking the door while sleeping, she simply closed it and opened it from the outside, "Come in."

When Ji Shizhou came in, he was still wearing trousers and a shirt. Su Jian remembered that there was no pajamas for him to change at home, "Go to the next door and get a set of pajamas. I don't have your pajamas here."

Su Jian thought he didn't have any pajamas, but upon hearing her words, Ji Shizhou was unmoved and walked to the bedside, "Jane Jane."

Su Jian's heart ached from the shouting, and she got up from the bed, "I'll get it for you."

"Kacha" the door of the room closed after she went out, and Ji Shizhou's eyes were also blocked by the closed door.

When Su Jian came back, she not only took a set of pajamas, but also brought him a pair of underwear by the way. When she entered the door, she saw Ji Shizhou sitting by the bed, with her hands sticking to her sheets, and gently stroking them.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, her back stiffened, she got up from the bed, and saw the pajamas in her hand.

"Your pajamas, go and change them." Su Jian thought like an old lady, the boss changed the clothes and this kind of person was contracted out, so worried to death.

Ji Shizhou nodded, and when he took the pajamas in her hand, he realized that there was a pair of underwear tucked inside the clothes. He just flipped through the pajamas casually, and there was nothing unusual.

Holding the pajamas, he went out of the room, Su Jian thought it was over, but she didn't want him to come back again, it was endless.

Su Jian asked: "What?"

"I'll sleep with you."

(End of this chapter)

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