The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 585 I'll Give You Anything You Want

Chapter 585 I'll Give You Anything You Want

"I'll sleep with you."

She didn't know if she was crooked, or if she wanted to be crooked, Su Jian sternly refused: "No."

Rejecting so quickly, Ji Shizhou's eyes dimmed, "I slept before."

Oh, it's very upright, it's just that when she was thinking, she deviated, it was crooked, it's ridiculous.

"It doesn't matter if you've slept with her before. You're grown up, and you're not a child." Children don't even sleep with her. The boss is already a mature boss, and he has to learn to face the darkness alone.

Ji Shizhou looked at her, "It's not a child, you can get married."

"Go to sleep." Su Jian had no principles, she lifted a corner of the quilt, patted him, and asked him to lie down.

Ji Shizhou sat on the edge of the bed, the bed had collapsed, and his whole body was lying on it, only occupying the edge rather than moving inside.

Su Jian pulled the quilt and wanted to cover him, but he slept on the far side and could only cover half of it, half of his body was still exposed.

She patted the empty space in the middle, "Lie down a little, I won't do anything to you."

Ji Shizhou lay down a little inside, and immediately felt the heat from her body, which was a bit scorching, and his face was burned by this heat.

Su Jian: "You want to sleep with me, but I don't want to sleep with you. What are you so afraid of?" I am so handsome, and I am not a wretched person. What are you afraid of?
Ji Shizhou moved a little further in, under the quilt, something pressed against his thigh.

It was her feet, and she pressed against his leaning body, "It's almost done, it's too close, it's hot."

"Okay." Ji Shizhou didn't move, lying stiff all over,

Su Jian lay down, with her face wrapped around the other side, always feeling that there was another pair of eyes staring at her from behind, she was not used to it, so she turned over.

When they met his face, the nose was the nose, the eyes were the eyes, and the exhaled breaths were entangled, which made her breathing difficult.

Change direction and continue lying down.

She was not used to the sight behind her, so she switched back and faced him, "Su Huai, promise me one thing."

He said, "Well, you say."

"Turn your head to sleep." Su Jian paused, "Looking at you, I can't sleep."

Ji Shizhou: "..."

Turn off the light, draw the curtains, there is a faint light, only his blurred face can be seen, the facial features can't be seen clearly, but his eyes are very bright.

Even without the light, she seemed to be able to see the stars in the man's eyes.

"I'll turn around, you don't need to move." Su Jian turned around on her own with a strong desire to survive, not daring to look at the boss.

I've been a little drifting lately, and I dare to order the boss.

As soon as she turned around, the person behind her posted up, "Jian Jian, I can give you whatever you want, give me a little of my love for Su Weiwei, I just want a little."

There was an extra hand on her waist, and she narrowed her eyes dangerously in the darkness.

The salty dog ​​legs of the dog!Sticking to her waist, playing hooligans.

When encountering Goudong playing hooligans, we bravely stood up and said to Goudong: No!

"Jane." He called again in a low voice.

Su Jian thought for a while, and made a request: "I want the stars in the sky." Go pick it up, I'll wait, pick it up and you win.

Ji Shizhou: "..."

Wanting to kick someone out of the bed, Su Jian's quilt feet slowly stretched out, and then retracted gracefully, Zhong Er said: "Stop talking, go to sleep, dreams have everything."

The stars belong to the sky forever, and humans always like to be so unrealistic.

The hand on her waist did not retract, and there was a tendency to tighten it.


Su Jian's insteps rubbed against the bed sheet, feeling a little itchy.

(End of this chapter)

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