The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 586 Brother, You Have To Be Responsible To My Sister

Chapter 586 Brother, You Have To Be Responsible To My Sister

"Jane Jane." Ji Shizhou stuck her body up, her hot breath brushing against her neck continuously, "I think..."

Su Jian: "Hold on." What to think, I still think about it.

"I think we don't want children in the future."

His tone was serious, as if he had thought it through.

He has already thought about having a child. Whether Su Jian can successfully pass the age of 26 is still a question. How can she have time to think about children.

She said lightly: "I will talk about the future, I will not make meaningless assumptions."

Ji Shizhou was speechless, his expression hidden under the darkness was somewhat complicated, and more of it was sadness.

Sheng Xun's words were not without reason.

"Go to sleep, there is everything in the dream."

She whispered, her voice was full of sleepiness, thinking she was really sleepy.

"Good night." Ji Shizhou whispered.

When Su Jian woke up the next day, Ji Shizhou had already woken up, and she glanced at him suspiciously, didn't she have sex in her dream last night?

No change of pants, probably not.

Ji Shizhou was uncomfortable being watched by her, "I didn't."

Unnecessary explanation, Su Jian said with a serious face: "Nothing?"

Ji Shizhou: "..."

Su Jian passed Ji Shizhou to wash up.

Today, Su Erwei was discharged from the hospital. They were going to the hospital to pick him up. Su Jian tidied up casually and went to the hospital.

When they arrived at the hospital, Su Weiwei had just finished the examination, and Qin Chubai patted her head, "You can leave the hospital, pay attention to rest and diet."

Su Weiwei made a gesture, "Understood."

When Qin Chubai saw Ji Shizhou come back, he didn't say anything. Qin Chubai also helped to pack things together. When he saw her ruined clothes, he told him, "Put on your coat."

Qin Chubai is a doctor, and patients have a natural sense of fear towards doctors, and he has always been Su Erwei's attending doctor. Su Erwei still trusts him, so he obediently put on his coat.

"Contact me immediately if you feel uncomfortable, understand?" Qin Chubai was a little worried.

"Okay, Doctor Qin." Su Weiwei called Ji Shizhou, "Brother, come and twist the bag for me."

Su Jian helped Su Erwei unscrew the bag first.

After packing up their things, Qin Chubai sent them to the hospital gate. Ms. Zeng had a car, so Qin Chubai did not send them away, and watched Ms. Zeng's car leave.

As soon as he got home, Su Weiwei pestered Su Jian to go to a certain treasure and emptied her shopping cart. Su Weiwei was still quite afraid of Ji Shizhou, so he didn't dare to pester him.

After emptying the shopping cart, Su Weiwei had nothing to do. Su Jian forced herself to correct the manuscript on the sofa in the living room with her legs crossed. No one played with her, so Su Weiwei entered the room.

When she came out, she sat down beside Su Jian mysteriously, "Sister, did you do anything wrong?"

Su Jian didn't have time to chat with Su Erwei, so she dealt with her casually, "What bad things can you do?"

Su Weiwei leaned against the sofa, his smile gradually became strange, "Brother's pajamas are still on your bed."

Su Jian slowed down reading the manuscript, "Oh, I probably forgot to take it away."

"I'll just say it." Su Weiwei looked at Ji Shizhou who was sitting on the side. The siblings would definitely be CPs, but wouldn't it be too much to take them home for the night?

Su Weiwei warned Ji Shizhou: "Brother, you are responsible for my sister."

Ji Shizhou was puzzled, but still nodded, "Yes."

It is irresponsible to sleep, even if it is brother, Su Weiwei will not let him go.I started to worry again. Is it really appropriate to go to bed without getting married?

Su Weiwei glanced at Su Jian again, then shook his head, "Not reserved."

Su Jian came over with the milk on the coffee table and revised the manuscript while drinking, not understanding what Su Weiwei was talking to himself.

Su Jian, who was ignoring Su Erwei at first, spit out milk when she heard what she said next.

(End of this chapter)

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