The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 587 What Should I Do If I'm Pregnant?

Chapter 587 What Should I Do If I'm Pregnant?
"What should I do if I'm pregnant?" Su Weiwei was very worried. My brother is not yet 22 years old, so he can't get a marriage certificate. It's not good to hear the news of being pregnant before marriage.


Milky white milk was sprayed everywhere, and the screen of the mobile phone was full of milk.

"Ahem..." Su Jian choked on the milk, her words were broken, and everything she wanted to say was covered by the sound of coughing.

Ji Shizhou was stunned. Seeing that Su Jian was choking, he didn't have time to think about what Su Erwei said, so he took out a piece of paper and went to Su Jian to pat her on the back.

"Even if you're pregnant, it shouldn't matter, you can support the child." Su Weiwei continued to speak in a non-shocking manner, carrying the horror to the end.

"Ahem..." Su Jian coughed harder.

Ji Shizhou patted Su Jian's back lightly. Seeing Su Erwei seriously thinking about the problem, some thoughts flashed by, and the tip of his ear turned red, "I will take responsibility."

Listen, what people say is so pleasing to the ear, you have to be responsible.

Wait, be responsible!

"You really have it!" Su Weiwei was terrified, she was not ready to be an aunt yet.

"Ahem..." Su Jian's cough will not get better today.

Su Erwei was even more terrified, and she didn't even deny it anymore. Her resentful eyes fell on Ji Shizhou, "Brother, this responsibility must be taken."

"Ahem..." Apart from coughing, I can't do anything else.

"Yeah." Ji Shizhou nodded, his ears turned red to the pinnae, "I'll be responsible."

"Ahem..." Su Jian coughed lifelessly, almost coughing up her heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys. Do these two children know what they are talking about?
Su Weiwei's voice was a bit loud, unlike someone who had been ill for a long time.

Ms. Zeng in the kitchen didn't even have time to get her apron, so she ran out, "What's the matter?"

"'s okay..." Su Jian calmed down a bit, but still coughed.

When Ms. Zeng heard her coughing, she asked worriedly, "What's wrong?"

"I'm choking on milk." Su Weiwei helped explain.

Ms. Zeng looked at the milk stains on the ground, "Stop talking, take your time, and I didn't fight you, what's the hurry?" It was love's reproach.

Su Jian: "..."

Ms. Zeng remembered Su Weiwei's words, and then asked, "What did you just say?"

Su Jian: "..." Little baby.

Su Erwei calmed down, gave Ji Shizhou a look that I resolutely kept a secret, and calmly said to Ms. Zeng: "It's okay, I said brother and sister are rich, and I plan to ask them to help me buy a car."

"What car to buy, why not drive when you are not in good health?" Ms. Zeng poked Su Erwei on the head, "Don't think about getting oil from your brothers and sisters all day long."

Su Weiwei rubbed his head, "Try to see if brother and sister love me."

"You girl, do they still need to test their feelings for you?" Ms. Zeng said seriously, "You are the one they love the most."

"My mistake." Su Wei raised his hands to admit his mistake, "I'll go to the kitchen to help."

How could Ms. Zeng ask Su Erwei to help her and let her stay in the living room, and went back to the kitchen by herself, "Jian Jian, I've eaten, come in and help serve the food."

"Sister, I won't tell others." Su Weiwei said solemnly to Ji Shizhou again: "Brother, you have to take responsibility, blessings, blessings."

Ji Shizhou: "..."

Su Jian got up, but Su Erwei stopped her and pointed at her stomach, "Protect yourself, I'll help."

After speaking, Su Weiwei slipped away and went to the kitchen to help Ms. Zeng serve dishes.

Su Jian regained her breath, Ji Shizhou was still helping her, she took his hand away, "Tong Yan Wuji."

(End of this chapter)

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