The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 590 Are you together?

Chapter 590 Are you together?

Cen Xi hugged An Sheng up, and the fans in the audience screamed, breaking their eardrums.

And the fans who watched the on-demand screening through the screen frantically scrolled through the barrage.

"Ah! Ah! My boyfriend is overwhelmed!"

"I want to knock this pair off, sorry, Miss Anmei, I've changed my mind!"


"I'm sorry for An Sheng, I want to empathize with you!"

An Sheng was picked up, stunned for a moment, before he could react, the hands on his waist slightly lifted him up, and Cen Xi reminded him: "Take the balloon."

Only then did An Sheng react and go to get the balloon, and the audience went crazy.

Su Jian's ears hurt from the fans' screams, and she stuffed her ears with her fingers to prevent her eardrums from being persecuted.

Someone touched her arm and a headset was handed over.

"No need." Su Jian waved her hand, "Thank you."

The person who handed her the earphones took them back. Su Jian looked sideways. A strange man, someone he didn't know well, looked at the stage, but didn't look at Su Jian.

Su Jian returned her gaze to the stage, took out her phone and took some videos.

After the screening session ended, Cen Xi's and An Sheng stepped off the stage together. The two of them were going to leave from the backstage. Cen Xi's thought of Su Jian, so he sent someone to bring Su Jian.

Seeing An Sheng and Cen Xi, Su Jian showed professionalism, "Excuse me, is Mr. Cen secretly dating Mr. An now?"

Before An Sheng could speak, Cen Xixi first explained: "My company's artists are just artists. I won't be so hungry that I will attack my own artists. We are a formal boss-employee relationship."

Su Jian started to ask questions about the gossip news: "I heard that Mr. Cen has had a heated fight with the fourth young master of the Qin family recently. Is it true or not? Is Mr. Cen going to be serious this time?"

"Men are unmarried and women are unmarried, so it's okay to fall in love. I'm not an artist, so I'm not afraid of losing fans, so I don't need to hide it."

She knew that Su Jian didn't know how to write gossip and gossip, so she just talked about it.

An Sheng who was standing beside her smiled lightly, the smile didn't reach his eyes.

Su Jian smiled and started to operate normally, "Excuse me, Mr. Cen, along the way..."

Asked a lot of questions about how Mr. Cen became Mr. Cen. After asking, Su Jian put away the camera, "My interview is over, let's go first."

"Yeah." Cen Xixi nodded, "My company still has something to do, so I won't send you off. You have a car anyway."

Su Jian strode away, chic and comfortable, she had a car.

"While the fans are still at the scene, you should go back early." Cen Xixi finished explaining to An Sheng, lifted his pants and left.

"Boss Cen." An Sheng strode after her, grabbed her wrist, "I'll take you back."

"No, someone is coming to pick you up." Cen Xixi hooked his lips, squeezed his wrist, and pulled it up, red lips printed on the back of his hand, "I won't play with you anymore, goodbye."

With the heat on the back of his hand, every pore on An Sheng's body shrank,
Cen Xixi's big eyes sparkled, the back door, the man was leaning against the car door with an unlit cigarette dangling from his mouth, when he saw her coming out, he stepped forward, "Boss Cen, please get in the car."

Cen Xixi nodded, and let go of An Sheng's hand, "You should prepare the new song earlier, it'd be better if it can be launched simultaneously with the variety show."

Fourth Major Qin handed Cen Xixi his hand, "Boss Cen is right."

Cen Xixi's hand fell on Qin Sishao's palm, and touched lightly, "I won't see you off, you go back early."

An Sheng looked at Qin Si, and finally his eyes fell on Cen Xixi's face, "Together?"

He tried to find a flaw in her eyes, but there was none.

(End of this chapter)

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