The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 591 Don't be greedy for your heart, people who are greedy for you

Chapter 591 Don't be greedy for your heart, people who are greedy for you
"Coming soon." Cen Xixi felt a little strange seeing the man's calm appearance like an expert outside the world, and curled his lips, "Don't worry, I don't like you anymore, I will still give you the resources."

The word "coming soon" is like a stone falling into a calm lake.

"I don't care if Mr. Cen gives resources or not." An Sheng looked a little cold, "Mr. Cen is always pursuing what you can't get. I hope you can succeed this time."

"Of course I can." Fourth Young Master Qin interjected untimely, "I'm already hers, Mr. Cen is amazing, but she has tormented me so much that I belong to her from body to heart."

Yeah?An Sheng looked a little deeper, "Mr. Cen, is that right?"

"I want to know, after washing and lying on the bed, I will tell you personally, although I am not greedy for your heart anymore, I am still greedy for your body." Cen Xixi didn't look at him again, and left with Qin Sishao.

After getting in the car, Qin Si waved his hand to An Sheng who was standing there, and then went up the window.

An Sheng's agent asked suspiciously: "Why did Fourth Young Master Qin join in?"

After a pause, the manager said again: "I think Mr. Cen is serious this time."

"Really?" An Sheng asked calmly, not knowing whether to ask the manager or herself.

"Except for you, I've never seen Mr. Cen so close to a man." The manager didn't notice the change in An Sheng's expression, and said to himself, "This Fourth Young Master of the Qin family is not a cheap lamp."

"However, it's a good thing you don't belong to the entertainment industry, otherwise, your resources may be affected." The manager has no desire to survive, and only speaks the truth.

People who Mr. Cen wants to be popular will spend money to make them popular, and the man Mr. Cen likes will be popular if he spends money.

Coincidentally, An Sheng used to be the person Cen always wanted to be popular, and also the man Cen had his eyes on, but now that the man Cen has his eyes on is removed, the resources can't be halved?
"I'm afraid I don't have the resources, so you can bring other people." An Sheng's tone was cold, but the manager was terrified when he heard it.

"I was wrong." The agent is not a professional manager, but after An Sheng entered this industry, he became an agent temporarily, but he was telling the truth.

"Qin Sishao is not bad in terms of family background, and in terms of appearance, he is also handsome and romantic. How many women have died under his suit pants." The manager couldn't help but say a few more words, "Sir, you should come up with it earlier." Come on with the countermeasures."

"I think so much, how can you help me?"

An Sheng was laughing, but the manager felt his scalp numb.

The manager clapped his hands, "I was wrong, I shut up."


Qin Fourth Major General Cen Xixi sent Cen Xixi back to the apartment, and was about to follow in, but the bodyguard at the door stopped him: "Mr. Qin, step back."

Cen Xixi turned around, "Go back, you have nothing to do here."

"Do all the tricks, play hard to get, are you sure you don't want to try it?" Qin Sishao smiled cheaply and brightly, "I will cooperate very well and will never resist."

Cen Xixi thought for a while and said, "I haven't exercised for a long time, but I can use you to practice my hands."

"I'll let you. You're here tonight, huh?" Qin Sishao took a step forward and was stopped by the bodyguards.

"Practice your hands well, he said, you are on top." Cen Xixi walked away gracefully, with something in his words.

The two bodyguards at the door stretched their muscles and bones, and the perverted smile on Qin Sishao's face gradually froze. He took a step back and drove away quickly.

Oh shit!This woman is so perverted!
Watching Qin Sishao drive away from the door of the apartment, the man upstairs in the distance retracted his long-sighted glasses and called An Sheng: "Qin Si has already left, Mr. Cen didn't let him into the apartment, um, okay."

(End of this chapter)

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