The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 595 Ji Shizhou wants to report to Su Jian?

Chapter 595 Ji Shizhou wants to report to Su Jian?

After hesitating, Leng Feibai still told Ji Shizhou about it.

"Miss Su has been followed." Leng Feibai used clever words, "And some videos that make people think about it were taken."

A man's cold voice came from the phone, "Yes."

"Master, Ms. Su is frank, open the door and the window, nothing will happen." Leng Feibai was guarding on the opposite floor, everything was normal, the two sat on the sofa, but they sat apart.

The person on the phone didn't speak, Leng Feibai was a little flustered.

The phone was hung up, and Leng Feibai panicked even more when he heard the busy tone of "beep".

Leng Feibai handed over the person's mobile phone, but there was nothing on the phone, and the call records were all mine. It cannot be ruled out that the other party deleted the call records on purpose.

He gave the man's mobile phone to the burly man, "Xiao Liu, send the mobile phone to the young master."



Ji Shizhou looked at the video, glanced at it and clicked to pause, and at the end he deleted the video, and even the phone with the video installed felt hot.

In the office, it takes half a day to sit.

When the mobile phone was delivered, it was already three hours, it was past six in the afternoon, and it was almost seven in the afternoon.

Dr. Fang handed it to Ji Shizhou after looking at the phone, "I didn't find any call records in the phone. If it was deleted by someone, someone can restore it."

Ji Shizhou didn't answer the phone, looked at the phone, as if avoiding the plague, he didn't even want to touch it, "Send it to Ning Zhaoyi, let him restore the data."

"Yes." Dr. Fang secretly glanced at the boss, but didn't dare to say anything more, so he left silently and closed the office door behind him.

It's time to get off work, and there is basically no one in the company. Ji Shizhou is still sitting in the office, pressing the document under his hand, holding the pen in his hand, but there is only one word written on the opinion page of the document, The other word was only written in one stroke.

This season, it was very bright at six or seven o'clock, without the gloom of winter. He looked out of the window with darkness in his eyes.

At the door of the office, Zeng Ling was there with a bag in his hand.

There was no movement in the office, Zeng Ling clenched the bag in his hand.

Hesitating, she finally opened the door.

The man sat on the office chair expressionlessly, looking out the window, not noticing that someone came in.

Zeng Ling approached and spoke first: "Su Huai, why don't you leave?"

Hearing Su Huai, the man's gloomy eyes changed a little, his eyelashes trembled, he turned his eyes from the window, saw the person coming, his eyes were condensed, "Go out."

"I heard from Assistant Fang that you haven't eaten all day. I bought some pastries. You can eat some first." Zeng Ling put the kraft paper tape containing the pastries on the table. "Your body is the most important thing."

Dr. Fang was moaning and sighing all day long. Zeng Ling overheard that Ji Shizhou was in a bad mood and hadn't eaten all day, and felt a little distressed.

Cakes are his favorite, and Zeng Ling saw him buy them many times.

"Su Huai..."

The kraft paper tape was swept by Ji Shizhou and fell to the ground, the cake fell out of the paper bag, the beautiful and delicate cake fell to the ground in embarrassment, the cow stuck to the ground, and the original appearance could no longer be seen.

The tall figure of the man stood up from the chair, and the darkness covered it.

Zeng Ling looked at the shapeless cake on the ground, tears rolled in his eyes, "Su Huai, I'm sorry."

There was nothing wrong with her, but she still had to apologize. She was very wronged.

"Bang!" Her body was pushed by a force, her back was pressed against the desk, it hurt so badly, and the shadow covered her.

(End of this chapter)

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