The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 596 The name Su Huai belongs exclusively to her

Chapter 596 The name Su Huai belongs exclusively to her
Her breathing was suddenly suffocated, and someone strangled her throat.

The terrible suffocation hit, Zeng Ling showed fear, she was forced to look up, and saw Ji Shizhou's scarlet eyes, and there was a fire in his eyes, which was burning more and more intensely.

Not breathing well, her face was congested and red, "Su... Su Huai..."

"Don't call me that name!" The man lost control but tried his best to bear it.

The force of strangling her throat intensified, and she felt like a drowning person, desperately grabbing the surrounding plants, but in the end it was futile, and she could only gradually sink, sink.

Just when she thought she was about to die, Ji Shizhou threw her away, and Zeng Ling was thrown to the ground and pressed on the cake, "Su... President Ji..."

"Get out!" Ji Shizhou regained his emotions, because of forbearance, veins appeared on his forehead.

"I'm sorry!" Zeng Ling didn't care about the cream all over his body, got up from the ground, and ran out stumblingly.

Compared with the usual indifference and withdrawnness, Ji Shizhou just now was more terrifying. Zeng Ling thought that when Ji Shizhou was unkind, he was already enough to reject people thousands of miles away, but he never thought that this man would be so scary when he lost control.

He bypassed the cake on the floor and left the office.


Jincheng, 07:30 p.m.

The only sounds in the living room were the man's slight breathing and typing on the keyboard.

Sheng Xun turned over, and the blanket on his body fell off. Su Jian stopped typing on the keyboard, walked to his side, and picked up the blanket.It was all dust and had to be washed again.

The man's back was facing her, and because of all kinds of troubles, his clothes were turned up, exposing the skin on his back.

There was a scar on the exposed piece of skin, not much exposed, only a section of scar was seen, the scar left after being poked by a steel bar last time in Mingzhou.

This scar is very long, and after so long, this scar still exists.

Su Jian softened her heart, covered him with a blanket, got up and went to the kitchen to make sober soup.

When the blanket was covered, Sheng Xun woke up, the alcohol dissipated, and he rubbed his aching temples, the sequelae of drunkenness.

Seeing the blanket on his body, he smiled, folded the blanket and put it aside.

I don't know what happened, so I came to her.

Su Jian came out of the kitchen and brought out a bowl of hangover soup. Seeing that he was awake, she put the hangover soup on the tea table, "Drink the hangover soup, drink it to relieve the hangover."

Sheng Xun drank the hangover soup, looked at Su Jian, "I'm sorry, I drank too much, did I do anything excessive?"

This is the sober Sheng Xun, a modest gentleman.

"No." Whether he remembered it or not, Su Jian didn't want to mention it to avoid embarrassment, "It's too late now, I live with a woman, it's not convenient to keep you, you should ask you to pick you up earlier."

"Sorry to bother you." Sheng Xun apologized to her, and he got up from the sofa, "I'm leaving first."

"En." Su Jian got up and followed him, and walked to the door to see him off, "Go slowly."

Sheng Xun turned around and looked at Su Jian, "Some of the words after drinking are just said through drunkenness, and they are also in my heart."

He wanted to bring up the old matter again, and Su Jian didn't intend to hide it, "Well, what I said is also true, you should also remember it."

"You won't last long, Su Jian, you are a reporter." Sheng Xun seemed to have something in his words.

He left, Su Jian didn't continue to delve into the meaning behind that sentence.

At twelve o'clock in the evening, Su Jian had already fallen asleep, and she was in a drowsy sleep. She heard voices coming from the living room, and the sound of footsteps getting closer.

The door of the room opened, and she woke up immediately, her back was wet with sweat, and the black shadow slowly approached.

 There will be two more in a while.

(End of this chapter)

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