Chapter 910 Fame and Fortune (Part [-])
Except for these two letters, "SH" is the same as the tattoo on his heart.

She ended up getting a tattoo like his and putting his name on her body.

He went to kiss her, "Does it hurt?"

Su Jian said, "It's okay."

Ji Shizhou's fingers stroked the tattoo below her collarbone, and he said softly: "SH."

"Oh, this letter is more meaningful." Su Jian explained without blushing. She would not admit that she chose the two letters "SH" with fewer strokes because she was afraid of pain.

Ji Shizhou couldn't help but kiss her again, "Jane Jane."



Early the next morning, when Su Jian woke up, Ji Shizhou hadn't gotten up yet. Normally, Ji Shizhou would have already woken up at this time, but today there was no movement.

Su Jian got up and was about to go to the company, but Ji Shizhou hugged her from behind, "accompany me."

"Come back to accompany you." Su Jian broke his hand away, "You also get up and go to work for me."

Ji Shizhou hugged him even tighter, "Not loose."

I just want to rely on her to raise the dog, forget it, my boss can raise it by himself, "You don't have to go to work, cook for Su Weiwei at home, or call her to look around, I'm going to the company to solve the problem of the script question."

Ji Shizhou let go of her reluctantly, and he held back those dark thoughts of wanting to hide her.

Give her freedom, let her do what she wants to do, can't be restrained, can't be restrained.

The fact that Su Jian was taken away by Ji Yunshen gradually amplified the fear in his heart and magnified the dark side deep in his heart.

When Su Jianjian went to the company, Ji Shizhou drove her there. When he entered the company, he sent someone to follow him from a distance. As long as Su Jian's safety was not in danger, Ji Shizhou would not ask or say anything. .

Where she went, who she met, he didn't care about these things, but he had to send someone to protect her from a distance, this was his biggest bottom line.

The employees who hadn't seen Su Jian for several days saw Su Jian's sudden appearance, and couldn't help but be concerned about her movements in the past few days.

Su Jian wore short sleeves with a round neck today, and the tattoo below her collarbone was faintly visible, and there were some shallow marks on her neck. Everyone smiled bewilderedly.

The faint king is drunk and lies on the lap of a beautiful woman, and going to work from then on is just a cloud.

Newlyweds, everyone can understand.

When Su Jian returned home, Su Weiwei and Liang Sheng had already left City B and returned to City C.

After Su Weiwei and Liang Sheng went back, Liang Sheng asked someone to go to the Su family to propose marriage. Ms. Zeng was quite satisfied with Liang Sheng, and she didn't ask for Su Weiwei. She just hoped that she would have a better life.

Liang Sheng's mother and his stepfather came back from abroad. That was the first time Su Weiwei saw Liang Sheng's stepfather. He treated him kindly and treated Liang Sheng very well.

The Su family agreed to the marriage, and the two families set the engagement time at the end of June.Let the two get engaged first, and then get married when the age is up. Liang Sheng is eleven months older than Su Weiwei, almost one year old, but still under the marriageable age.

It was also Su Erwei who called Su Jian about their engagement. Su Jian could tell that Su Erwei was very happy. She was not as heartless as before. She had the most beautiful love, so she would have a lot of love for the future. expect.

On the phone, Su Weiwei also mentioned about the marriage between Su Jian and Ji Shizhou. Su Weiwei originally hoped that Su Jian's wedding would coincide with his own engagement ceremony, but Zeng Mengyi didn't think it was appropriate, so this matter was left alone up.

But the fact that Su Jianjian and Ji Shizhou took the initiative to ask for a wedding made the two families very happy, and they were waiting for a special event for them on July [-]th.

Su Jian originally planned to take some time to go back to City C, but the company was busy, so she never had time.

"Night Walk" has been broadcast recently. This drama has aroused great popularity since its inception. Whether it is the acting skills of the actors or the quality of the script, they are all very good.

Many people went for Jiang Xi at first, but later they became fans, and even Su Jian had a certain amount of searches. After searching, they found that the dumb person in the play was the chief editor himself.

Su Jian's popularity increased, and the script that Su Jian cooperated with Ji Yunzhan's company gradually attracted a lot of attention from the outside world.

Su Jian's reputation gradually increased, she was young and capable, and her acting skills were simply omnipotent.

When watching the drama, everyone was reading the editor-in-chief of Su 666, but it also aroused the dissatisfaction of Jiang Xi's fans. They wanted to black Su Jian, but found that there was nowhere to black.

Moreover, Jiang Xi's pretentious rumors have already greatly ruined the popularity of many passers-by. If the fans make troubles, Jiang Xi may not be happy, so he endured the anger. Some of Jiang Xi's fans turned black fans, climbed the wall, and fell in love with Su. simple.

Slowly, the fact that Su Jian used to be a reporter came out again, and those who wanted to black Su Jian were helpless.

There are also rumors that the rich fans who spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on Jiang Xi every month have completely withered recently, some have gone bankrupt, and some have quietly left Jiang Xi's support club. As for what happened, no one knows.

Jiang Xi saved face because of Ji Shizhou's appearance, but he also lost some fans.With the launch of "Night Walk", Jiang Xi has gained another wave of fans because of his solid acting skills. Jiang Xi doesn't care about fans' repetitions, and continues filming and chasing his dreams.

"Night Walk" also brought money and fame to Su Jian, and wave after wave of cooperation came to her door. She already had the qualifications to choose scripts, and she didn't borrow all scripts.

Su Jian's team became more and more famous, and more and more people wanted to interview her.

The writer of the celebrity column of "Fei Tian" magazine invited Su Jian to do an exclusive interview. Su Jian was not very interested in these things at first, but because she used to be a writer of "Fei Tian" and knew that other people's work was not easy, she agreed to the interview. .

The writer of "Fei Tian" magazine asked her to talk in the coffee shop. Su Jian was invited to meet the person who interviewed her.

She is a cute and shy little girl who just walked out of the university campus.

The little girl first expressed her respect and admiration for Su Jian, and then started the interview, asking how she went from an unknown reporter to a well-known screenwriter today.

Su Jian answered one by one, mentioning her former boss and thanking him for his appreciation.

At the end of the interview, Su Jian and the little girl left the coffee shop together, and Su Jian saw the little girl getting into a man's car.

Su Jian is not a gossip person, when she was about to leave, the man in the car got off.

The man was wearing a decent suit, he was still as gentle and gentle as a gentleman, he hadn't changed a bit, he was still the same as before.

There was a faint smile in his eyes, "Su Jian, long time no see."

Counting the time, it was indeed a long time no see, Su Jian smiled professionally, "Long time no see."

"After leaving the company, your life is better than before, which is very good." Sheng Xun sincerely wished her the way she is now, "How are you and Ji Shizhou?"

Su Jian smiled, "It's always been that way."

 I'm really manic!The title clearly writes two updates, that is, two updates in one chapter, and sometimes four updates, that is, the usual four chapters are combined into one update, and some readers said why there are only two updates recently, one update or something, the title!title!Look at the title! ! ! ! ! !The content inside the title brackets! ! ! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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