The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 911 The Distressed Ji Yunzhan

Chapter 911 The Embarrassed Ji Yunzhan (Third Watch)
Sheng Xun wanted to say something, but his gaze fell on the tattoo below her collarbone, and he fell silent.

Su Jian looked at the girl sitting in Sheng Xun's car, "Your new employee is quite cute."

Sheng Xun was willing to bring a newcomer here, either because he liked her or because he wanted to cultivate her.

"She's quite capable. Help if you can. It's not a big deal." Sheng Xun's eyes fell on her tattoo, fascinated.

But he himself didn't realize that this gaze was a bit impolite.

Su Jian noticed his gaze, didn't care, touched his collar deliberately, and fanned himself a little warmly, "Whoever meets you is a blessing, you are a very good boss, you know how to treat yourself It will be a pleasure working with you."

Sheng Xun knew everything, he was always sober, "You still left the company."

"Leaving the company has nothing to do with others, it's my own reason." Su Jian paused, "I want to give myself a chance."

A chance for her to live.

Sheng Xun didn't understand what was going on in her heart, and only thought that she was looking for a bigger platform, "You are also very successful now, congratulations."

"If you say congratulations, you're just dawdling." In terms of love, Su Jian may love journalists more, but compared with life, she loves life more, and only when she has life is she qualified to talk about ideals.

"If you want to come back in the future, welcome at any time." Sheng Xun handed out the invitation letter to her.

"Okay." Su Jian has always had a clear love and hate, and after explaining it to Sheng Xun, there is no hatred between the two and they can get along peacefully.

Su Jian thought for a while, "On the fifth day of next month, Ji Shizhou and I will have a wedding, so remember to come over and have a wedding wine."

It is already June, and there are not many days until the fifth day of July.

Sheng Xun was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "I will go when I have time, so let me say congratulations in advance."

"Yes." Su Jian nodded to him, "See you later."

"See you later." Sheng Xun turned around and got into the car. He stuck his head out of the car window and called to Su Jian who was about to leave, "Su Jian."

Su Jian looked back at Sheng Xun, "Is there anything else?"

Sheng Xun swallowed what he wanted to say, and smiled at Su Jian, "It's okay, see you later."

Su Jian said goodbye to him with a smile. It was already June and only a few months away from October. She felt a little uneasy in her heart.

Recorder, Sheng Xun, Ji Shizhou, who else?

The studio was very successful, but Su Jian always felt uneasy.

Sheng Xun, the reporter, the recording pen, it seemed that everything could be contacted, but Su Jian couldn't find a reason why she would kill herself.

As a reporter, it is impossible for him to know the law and break the law. After spending so many years with Ji Shizhou, she is very clear about his feelings, and it is even more impossible for him to do anything to hurt her.

Could it be because of her relationship with Ji Shizhou in this life that many changes have taken place?

Su Jian didn't know very well. After her aunt got pregnant, she had a miscarriage and never got pregnant again. The ending was not much different from the previous life. When she died in the previous life, Su Weiwei didn't even have a heart operation. In the end, it was life or death. She also didn't know that Su Erwei had undergone heart surgery in this life, and she didn't know what kind of changes would happen in the future.

She only prayed that Su Weiwei was alive in her last life, she might have had an operation after her death, and the time in this life was just brought forward.

Su Jian drove in the direction of going home, the sky gradually darkened, her expression was suddenly in a daze, a car drove up from the front, she was so frightened that she immediately turned around.

The approaching car lost control, passed by Su Jian's car, turned around immediately, and hit the concrete pier next to it.

The collision was not very serious, and the body was still in good condition, probably because the quality of the car was relatively good.

Su Jian immediately got out of the car to check. She knocked on the car door, the window was rolled down, and the man in the car was pale and sweaty.

Seeing the people in the car, Su Jian was slightly surprised, "What's going on?"

The man's face lost all color, his lips trembled, "Stomach cramps."

Ji Yunzhan saved Su Jian's life, she couldn't just walk away, she was a little heartless, "Can you move?"

"Hmm." Ji Yunzhan struggled to make a sound from his throat.

"Is there any medicine in the car?" Su Jian asked again: "If you can move, you can take the medicine yourself."

Every time Ji Yunzhan said a word, his expression became more painful, "I didn't bring it."

Su Jian reached in from the car window to open the car door, and was about to reach out to touch him, when Su Jian suddenly retracted, "Let's talk first, don't touch Ci, I won't pay for the medical expenses, I will pay for it myself."

Hearing her words, Ji Yunzhan's lips trembled even more, the hair on his forehead was wet with sweat, but he still made a difficult "hmm".

Su Jian looked around, there was surveillance, so it would be safer to be more careful. Being a good person is one thing, but you can't harm yourself because of being a good person.

Su Jian asked, "Can you walk?"

Ji Yunzhan said "Yes", "I can go."

Su Jian felt relieved, "Then you get out of the car." I won't carry you.

Ji Yunzhan barely supported himself to unbuckle his seat belt, his face was bloodless, Su Jian couldn't stand it anymore, reached out to help him unbuckle his seat belt, and took him out of the car with his hand.

Su Jian helped him get out of the car and took him into her own car. Su Jian threw him in the car, fastened his seat belt, and took him directly to the hospital.

Su Jian was afraid that Ji Shizhou would be worried, so she called Ji Shizhou as soon as she arrived at the hospital and told her that she was in the hospital and would go back in a while.

When Ji Shizhou heard that she was in the hospital, he became manic. Su Jian was afraid that he would think too much, so he immediately explained: "No, it's Ji Yunzhan. I just repaid someone else's life-saving grace. Su Huai, I'm fine."

"Jane is waiting for me in the hospital, don't leave."

Ji Shizhou hung up the phone, and Su Jian thought that he would come over. After what happened last time, Ji Shizhou began to be cautious, walking on thin ice, and he would become agitated if there was any disturbance.

Su Jian paid the hospitalization fee, took the bill and entered the ward.

Ji Yunzhan has calmed down a lot, but his complexion is still not very good, and he looks a little more sickly. Compared with the usual unpredictable, he looks much more pleasing to the eye now.

Ji Yunzhan looked at Su Jian thoughtfully.

Su Jian asked, "Is it much better?"

"Well, much better." Ji Yunzhan nodded, "Thank you."

Su Jian looked at him up and down, there should be no problem with his actions, and nothing serious will happen to his body, "Then transfer the money for the hospitalization to me, I will go back later."

Ji Yunzhan looked at her and suddenly laughed.

It's useless to laugh, the money for hospitalization should be paid back, Su Jian did some calculations on her mobile phone, and opened the QR code for payment, "The total is 232.5, please scan it."

Looking at the QR code she displayed, Ji Yunzhan was stunned for a moment.

Su Jian looked at him with a vigilant expression, "You don't want to pay it back?"

"No." Ji Yunzhan pointed to her payment code, "I haven't used this before."

There are still people who don't use this these days, Su Jian doesn't know if he is lying, "It's fine to pay back in cash."

Ji Yunzhan reached out to touch the clothes on the side, and took out the wallet, which was full of one hundred and no change.

Ji Yunzhan drew three hundred and handed it to her, "Here."

Su Jian took the money and turned around to leave. Ji Yunzhan wanted to say something, but she had already turned around and left, closing the door behind her.

The man looked at the door of the ward with an unpredictable expression.

A few minutes later, the closed door opened again, and Su Jian returned.

Seeing Su Jian coming back, Ji Yunzhan was a little surprised, "I thought you had already left."

"Su Huai is afraid that some bad guy will plot against me, so let me wait for him to come." Su Jian counted the change, drew 32 yuan, and handed the remaining 68 to Ji Yunzhan to find your change.

Ji Yunzhan took the change and put it on the bed, Su Jian turned and left, and the door of the ward closed again.

The man withdrew his gaze, and the door of the ward was pushed open from the outside. Ji Yunzhan raised his eyes and looked towards the door. The person who came in was Ah Cheng.

Ji Yunzhan looked away, picked up the change that had just been placed on the bed, and counted it, it was exactly 68, no more, no less.

"Sir, how are you feeling now?" Ah Cheng blamed himself, "It's all my fault, I forgot to remind you to bring your medicine when you go out today."

"It has nothing to do with you." Ji Yunzhan pointed to the water glass next to him, "Pour me a glass of water."

Ah Cheng poured water for Ji Yunzhan, "I just met Su Jian at the entrance of the hospital."

"Really." Ji Yunzhan said lightly, "I haven't left yet."

Ah Cheng guessed: "It looks like he should be waiting for someone."

"Ji Shizhou." Ji Yunzhan took a sip of water, and Ah Cheng habitually took the water glass and put it down.

"How do you know?" When he asked this, Ah Cheng felt that he had talked too much, but he was relieved to see that Ji Yunzhan didn't reject it.

Ji Yunzhan put the change back into his wallet, thought for a while, and asked Ah Cheng, "Do you have five cents?"

Ah Cheng touched his trouser pocket and took out several fifty cent coins.

"Send it to Su Jian."

Ah Cheng looked at the fifty cents coin in his hand and was a little confused, so he went out and gave Su Jian a fifty cents coin.

Ah Cheng walked to the entrance of the hospital and handed the coin to Su Jian, "My husband asked me to give it to you."

"Oh." Su Jian accepted it.

Oh, it's gone?Ah Cheng thought that the fifty cents had some special meaning.

When Ji Shizhou's car appeared, Su Jian waved at him from afar.

Su Jian trotted towards Ji Shizhou, the sound of high heels rubbing against the ground was a bit loud, Ah Cheng observed Su Jian, and felt that she was really a woman suitable for wearing high heels.

Whether it's walking posture or body shape, they are all very standard, and I don't know what Ji Yunzhan thinks of her.

Ji Shizhou got out of the car, saw Su Jian, and hugged her first, "Jian Jian."

"Yeah." Su Jian broke free from his arms, "I saw something happened to Ji Yunzhan on the way and sent him here."

Ji Shizhou held her hand tightly, "An insignificant person, what does he do?"

"I know that Leng Feibai is protecting me from a distance, and besides repaying his life-saving grace, I also want to see what kind of tricks he is holding back." Ji Yunzhan, Su Jian didn't know him well in his previous life, and didn't even know him. She has heard that they meet frequently in this life, and she doesn't know what it means.

Ji Shizhou straightened her wind-torn hair, "Go home."

Su Jian was silent for a while, "Su Huai, I want to have an examination."

(End of this chapter)

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