The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 924 The Wife-Guarding Mad Demon

Chapter 924 The Wife-Guarding Mad Demon
Ji Shizhou is different from others, his world is full of intrigues, Su Jian can understand his cautiousness, and his treading on thin ice.

Among the members of Ji's family, except for Ji Yunshen and Ji Yunsong who have calmed down so far, others are still ready to move, and they can't tell the depth, so it's always right to be careful.

Su Jian herself has lifted her spirits, and she will pay more attention on weekdays. She is no longer alone.

Someone came to toast Su Jian, but Su Jian politely refused: "Sorry, I am allergic to alcohol."

A glass of orange juice was handed to her, "You are also allergic to juice?"

Su Jian looked at the orange juice in front of her without blushing, and said nonsense seriously: "Orange juice is allergic."

The man put the juice on the table and sat beside her, "I didn't expect you to be so obedient."

The voice sounded familiar. Su Jian looked over and saw that it was Ji Yunzhan. He changed into a dark black suit today, and he didn't look rigid, but deep.

"Good?" Su Jian thought this statement was more interesting.

"Ashi told you not to touch the juice, you really don't." Ji Yunzhan picked up the glass of juice handed to her and drank half of it.

"I'm not a rebellious child." Su Jian never had a rebellious period, "It's you."

Ji Yunzhan asked lightly: "What?"

"Knowing that Su Huai won't let me drink juice and still handing it to me, you are a belated rebellious period." Su Jian has always been polite to everyone, neither enthusiastic nor cold, so that others can't pick it out A glitch.

Of course, she usually treats uninterested people simply and rudely.

"Rebellious period, I haven't tried it yet, maybe." Ji Yunzhan looked at Su Weiwei who was wearing a small suit, "Your sister is not like you."

Su Jian belongs to the type who looks deserted, but actually has her own tenderness and delicateness in her heart, which not many people can feel.

Su Jian's younger sister is lively and lively, with a more lively temper.

The temperament and appearance of the two are not quite alike. Su Jian looks cold and cold, similar to her personality, and her younger sister is petite and cute.

Su Jian was slightly alarmed, "There is no same leaf in the world."

Ji Yunzhan ignited Su Jian's philosophical soul.

"Aren't you wondering why I'm here?"

When Su Jian heard Ji Yunzhan's joking question, she said flatly, "I'm not curious."

Ji Yunzhan is a person who hides deeply, he can be found everywhere, he may also have business contacts with the Liang family, and Liang Sheng is engaged, so it is not surprising that he appears here.

It was Su Jian's answer, and Ji Yunzhan's answer to her was not surprising. He changed the subject, "I haven't thanked you enough for sending me to the hospital that day."

"It's easy, saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda." Su Jian kept staring at the door, waiting for Ji Shizhou to come back.

"Su Jian..."

When Ji Yunzhan wanted to say something, Su Jian got up and nodded towards him, "I don't need to say thank you, I still have something to do."

She got up and walked towards the door, Ji Yunzhan's gaze fell on her waist, and drank the remaining half of the juice in one gulp.

Ji Shizhou also saw Su Jian. He walked faster and took a bottle of water in his hand. When he saw Su Jian, he frowned, "I told you not to run around, why are you disobedient?"

"I'm thirsty." Su Jian took the water in his hand, unscrewed the cap and drank a third of it. "After pregnancy, I feel like I have become a water bottle, especially for drinking water."

Ji Shizhou stared at her abdomen, frowning, "Don't steal Jianjian's nutrition, don't make trouble with Jianjian, otherwise I will hate you."

(End of this chapter)

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