The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 925 Engagement Ceremony

Chapter 925 Engagement Ceremony (Three in One)

"Su Huai, you are so naive." Su Jian laughed at him, "He is still an embryo, how much nutrition can he steal from me."

Ji Shizhou frowned even tighter, "You speak for him again, partiality."

Su Jian: "..."

"Su Jian." Ji Shizhou called her by name and surname, making Su Jian tremble all over.

Su Jian looked down at her belly, poked her belly with her hand, and said fiercely to the little thing in her belly: "Little thing, don't torment me, or your father will kill you."

Only then was Ji Shizhou satisfied, took the water in her hand, and screwed the lid on.

The engagement ceremony started, and Su Jian walked in holding Ji Shizhou's hand, "The ceremony has begun, let's go in."

Afraid that she would be tired, Ji Shizhou purposely found a chair for her to sit on, and stood by her side himself.

Liang Sheng's mother spoke: "Thank you all the relatives and friends for coming to participate in Shengsheng's engagement ceremony. It was supposed to be a wedding, but Shengsheng was under the age, so the engagement ceremony was held first, and the certificate can be registered when he is old."

"As a mother, I have never done anything for Shengsheng. I am very happy that he can find his own happiness." After finishing speaking, Liang Sheng's mother looked at Zeng Mengyi, and said to Zeng Mengyi: "Dear family, don't worry , with me around, Vivi won’t be wronged, and with me eating a bite of food, she won’t starve.”

Zeng Mengyi smiled and nodded towards Liang Sheng's mother. Her smile was very real. This engagement was not of any commercial nature, it was a real palace of happiness.

Liang Sheng led Su Weiwei to the center, took the microphone, and looked at Su Weiwei, "Weiwei, thank you for liking me."

Su Weiwei also said, "me too."

Laughter broke out below.

Liang Sheng wore a wedding dress, and Su Erwei wore a suit. This engagement was indeed special.

Liang Sheng's mother saw her son wearing a wedding dress and never expressed any opinion. As long as the young man liked it, she would support it and would not interfere in the young man's affairs.

Some people think that a man wearing a wedding dress loses face and hurts his self-esteem, but those who really understand love don't think it is an act that hurts their self-esteem.

A man is willing to take off his suit and put on a wedding dress for a woman, not because he is a womanizer, but because he loves too much.

The people present looked at the young men and women standing in the middle, and sincerely wished them with their expectations for love and love for their children.

Liang Sheng took out the ring box, opened the lid, and knelt down on one knee, "Weiwei, marry me, will you?"

Su Weiwei stretched out his beautiful white hand, "Okay."

Liang Sheng's mother breathed a sigh of relief and was very pleased. A big stone in her heart finally fell to the ground.

In this life, Liang Sheng has not given too much love to Liang Sheng. She hopes that there is someone who can love her son well.

Zeng Mengyi's eyes were a little red. She knew that this was not a simple engagement, but an early wedding. From this moment on, Su Weiwei left her.

Both daughters have their own belongings, which is her greatest happiness and a scar in her heart.

Su Weiwei pulled Liang Sheng up from the ground, smiled at him, and Liang Sheng asked in a low voice, "Weiwei, can I kiss you?"

Su Erwei didn't talk to him, and she took out a veil from nowhere, she laughed and put the veil on his head.

She lifted his chin through the wedding dress, looking like a rascal, but because of her well-behaved appearance, she didn't look like a rascal, but more like a child playing a prank.

She joked: "Bride, lift your hijab."

Liang Sheng moved her hand hooked to the chin to the edge of the veil, "Didn't you take it off?"

Su Erwei pinched a corner of the veil, lifted it up, and got her head in. Amidst the booing of the crowd, she kissed Liang Sheng.

Under the veil, the two gently kissed each other.

The kiss of the century, beautiful and pure.

Su Jian was moved by this, and sighed in a low voice: "Liang Sheng is able to wear a wedding dress for Su Erwei, because he must love her very much. Su Erwei has Liang Sheng, so I am very relieved."

Ji Shizhou held her hand tightly and made her look at him, "I can do it too, don't be envious of others."

"I can't." Su Jian was afraid that Zhou Zhen would come over wearing a floor-length wedding dress for her on the fifth day of July, so she hurriedly told him: "I want to wear a wedding dress, and every woman has a dream of a wedding dress, so don't grab it from me.

"I won't compete with you." Ji Shizhou just didn't want her to envy anyone, and he would let her have what others could have.

Su Jian patted him on the shoulder, it was interesting, she had a little princess in her heart, and she also yearned for a wedding dress.

"It's fine if you don't rob me." If you rob me, let it go to you, who made you a boss.

The kiss of the century between Liang Sheng and Su Weiwei is enviable and famous. Liang Sheng's classmates are spreading this picture.

Even the high school teachers watched it with gusto. While admiring it, they kept in mind not to let their students fall in love with each other, and resolutely killed the signs of puppy love.

Of course, if his students can persevere to the end like Liang Sheng and Su Weiwei, he would still bless them.

With thunderous applause, Su Weiwei withdrew from the veil, "Liang Sheng, please advise me for the rest of my life."

Liang Sheng held Su Erwei's hand and put it on his heart, "Weiwei, for the rest of my life, this place is yours, as long as you want it, I will give it to you."

"It's a word."

"It's a word."

Everyone was blessing them, and Su Weiwei believed that this was her happiness and her belonging.

Liang Sheng asked her in a low voice, "Are you tired?"

Waking up early in the morning, Su Weiwei was indeed a little tired after tossing and standing, and his eyes were a little stinging, which is a symptom that often occurs when he doesn't get enough sleep.

"My eyes are a bit uncomfortable. I didn't sleep well today."

Su Erwei wanted to rub her eyes with her hand, but Liang Sheng grabbed her hand, "Don't rub your eyes with that hand, I'll take you upstairs to rest."

Su Weiwei was a little worried, "I'm not here, will it be bad?"

"It's okay, I'm here." Liang Sheng couldn't hug her wearing a wedding dress, so he took her by the hand and took her to rest.

Liang Sheng talked to his mother and greeted Su Weiwei's family members before sending Su Weiwei upstairs.

There were big red happy characters posted in the hotel room, Liang Sheng asked her to sit on the bed, and knelt down to help her slip her slippers.

Let her lie down, he closed the curtains, kissed her forehead, "have a good rest."

"Liang Sheng." Su Weiwei stopped Liang Sheng who walked to the door.

Liang Sheng looked at her, "Huh?"

"Change your clothes, it's not convenient to walk around in a wedding dress."

"I'm not prepared, just dressed like this, it's okay, I can handle it."

Su Erwei got up from the bed, opened the drawer, took out a box from it and handed it to Liang Sheng, "I've prepared it in advance."

Liang Sheng opened it, wearing a black suit with a rose next to it.

Liang Sheng was a little surprised, and called her softly: "Weiwei."

Su Weiwei took out the suit from the box and asked him to try it on, "I ordered it according to your size, I don't know if it fits, please show me."

Liang Sheng was moved by her thoughtfulness, she has always been a girl who thinks of others, her heart is very gentle.

Su Weiwei urged him: "Go and try."

Holding his suit, Liang Sheng scratched his hair, his cheeks flushed, ""

Su Weiwei took it for granted, "Of course it's here, otherwise you still want to go out and change?"

"No." Liang Sheng held the clothes and looked at her, a little embarrassed.

"You don't know how to take off your wedding dress?" Su Erwei started directly, "I'll help you."

She reached out to pull the zipper on Liang Sheng's back, and with a "crash", she opened the zipper to the end, revealing his beautiful back.

The young man's back is beautiful and strong, not as thin as he looks. In the past, Su Erwei always said that he was thin and insecure.

see his...

Su Erwei felt that she had misunderstood Liang Sheng, and when he was in a daze, he touched his back with his hand, and Liang Sheng's back froze, "Weiwei, are you alright?"

His throat was a little tight, shy and nervous.

"Okay, okay." Su Erwei blushed, but couldn't bear to look away.

"I'll go to the bathroom to change." Liang Sheng hurried to the bathroom.

Su Erwei was shy and felt sorry at the same time. She lay on the door of the bathroom, trying not to see the sound of Liang when she was wearing a wedding dress.

Liang Sheng was changing clothes inside, while Su Weiwei lay on the door watching, but he couldn't see anything. When Liang Sheng opened the door, Su Weiwei staggered and threw himself on top of him.

She stepped back, her ears were red, "Then what, I'll give you a tie."

Liang Sheng hugged the man in his arms, "Where's the tie?"

"I forgot to take it, I'll get it now." Su Weiwei came out of his arms and went to get the tie in the box.

Su Weiwei came over with the tie and put it on for him, "You lower down, I'll tie the tie for you."

Liang Sheng's ears were also red, "You will?"

"I often see my sister calling my brother, so I learned it casually, thinking that I can help you in the future."

Su Huai likes to cling to Su Jian and help him tie his tie the most. Su Jian dotes on him very much. No matter what she is busy with, Su Jian will put down her work to help Su Huai tie his tie.

In Su Weiwei's eyes, wearing a tie for someone he likes is an expression of affection.

Su Erwei quickly tied a Windsor knot for Liang Sheng. It was the first time he was wearing a tie.

She looked at the Windsor knot she had tied, and smiled sheepishly, "It looks simple, but it is difficult to tie. It's the first time I wear a tie, and it doesn't look very good."

"It's beautiful." Liang Sheng touched the tied knot. "It's the first time someone helps me tie a tie. I'm very happy."

"It's also the first time for me to help others tie a tie." Su Weiwei pushed him out, "Go out and help, I'm going to rest."

"Okay, call me if you have anything to do." Liang Sheng said a few words by the door: "I'll come up to accompany you in a while."

"Go and do your work, don't worry about me."

Su Weiwei closed the door and lay down on the bed. He didn't have a good rest all day and felt sleepy.

The downstairs is lively, but the upstairs is another world, the room is very quiet, there is no sound at all.

She fell asleep quickly, in a daze, she seemed to see a figure, and seemed to be dreaming.

Su Erwei couldn't open his eyes, so he closed them slowly and completely, and fell into a sleep state.

A man sat by her bed, and that man was staring at her.

(End of this chapter)

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