Chapter 12
The Lu hexagram is composed of the lower part and the upper part, and the shape of the hexagram is "", which symbolizes "walking carefully". The ancient meaning of the word "Lu" is "ritual", so the purpose of this hexagram is to warn people to walk carefully in accordance with etiquette.The upper part of the hexagram is the sky, the lower part is the marsh, and the upper and lower positions are correct, so it is used to show that people should also distinguish between superior and inferior.Only by being kind to one's body and not violating etiquette can one be safe from danger.

Footsteps: Footsteps on the tiger's tail, not sorrowful, prosperous.

"彖" said: Lu, soft Lu rigid also.Speaking should be done, so "walk on the tail of a tiger and don't hurt others". "Heng" means being upright, taking the throne without guilt, and being bright.

"Elephant": Go up to the sky, and walk on.The gentleman distinguishes the upper and lower and determines the will of the people.

Translation of Lu Gua: Be careful walking behind the tiger's tail, the tiger will not bite, and you will be prosperous.

"Zhuan Zhuan" says: Walking means that the feminine walks behind the masculine.It should be harmonious with the masculine, so that it can walk behind the tiger's tail, but the tiger does not bite, and it is successful to do things like this.Masculinity is in the middle and upright, and it can be called upright and upright if it can fulfill the throne and avoid disadvantages.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: The upper hexagram of this hexagram is Qian, Qian is the sky, the lower hexagram is Dui, and Dui is the lake, which symbolizes following the etiquette.Therefore, the gentleman distinguishes the upper and lower ranks and corrects the consciousness of the people.

Interpretation of Shangxiaze symbolizes the norms of "rituals" that distinguish the superiority and inferiority of upper and lower levels; and "shoes" are exactly the requirements to walk along the road of "rituals" and act cautiously according to "rituals". "Shoe" and "ritual" are thus linked.Therefore, when a gentleman observes the image of the upper and lower worlds, he must distinguish the status of the upper and lower, and correct the consciousness of the people.As long as we act according to the norms of "rituals", we can "walk on the tail of a tiger and not hurt others".This is the philosophy of political behavior of the ancients.

Ninth day: plain shoes go, no blame.

"Xiang" said: "Where you go with plain shoes, you can walk alone and wish."

Ninth day of the translation: Be simple and honest in dealing with the world, and there will be no mistakes.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: To live in the world with a simple and frank attitude means to be able to carry out one's own wishes.

Interpreting Lu Gua and Liu Yao, according to different subjective characteristics and objective situations, respectively state six different types of doing things.The ninth day of the ninth day belongs to the beginning of walking, which is equivalent to a person who is new to the world, starts to practice, and has just embarked on the journey of life.At this time, we should practice life with a simple attitude, which is "plain shoes". "Su" is the essence of things, without frills.When you first enter the society, you should do things naturally. Although you may not be lucky, at least you can be without fault. "Xiang Zhuan" further pointed out that in the ninth day of the ninth day, the nature is vigorous, and the yang line is in the yang position to be right, so to be able to practice the way of "plain shoes" as always, one must not be affected by the world's wind and water, and be independent. To achieve one's long-cherished wish and original intention by doing one's own way, this is the spirit of "doing one's own wish".

Ninety-two: Walking on the road frankly, Youren Zhenji.

"Xiang" said: Youren Zhenji is not in chaos.

Translation Ninety-two: Walking on a flat road, quiet and calm people will get auspicious by sticking to the right path.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Quiet and calm people can get auspicious by adhering to the right way, which shows that [-] did not disturb their inner world.

It is interpreted that the ninth day of junior high school is a traveler who has just embarked on the road of life;The subjective and objective conditions of [-] were very good.First of all, it is masculine and humble in the yin position, which shows that it is strong but flexible; second, it is in the lower hexagram, and it is in the middle without being biased.Therefore, the heart of Jiu Er is peaceful and quiet, and the future is easy and open.The most important thing is the internal self-cultivation. Only by not disturbing one's spiritual realm due to disputes in the world can one get auspiciousness.

Six Three: Can see with eyes, walk with a limp, walk with a tiger's tail, hurt people, fierce.The warrior is the maharaja.

"Xiang" said: "The small can be seen, but it is not enough to have clarity."A limp can walk, but not enough to walk.The murder of others is not in the right place.A warrior is a maharaja, and Zhigang is also.

Translation [-]: The one-eyed man thinks he can see; the lame man thinks he can walk.It is dangerous to walk with a tiger's tail and be bitten by a tiger.This is a warrior who can only serve adults and monarchs.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: One eye thinks it can see, and it can't be said to be able to distinguish things at all.It was impossible for the lame man to think he could walk with him.There is a danger of being bitten by a tiger, which shows that Liusan's position is not appropriate.A martial artist can serve an adult monarch because Liu San has a strong will.

It is very dangerous to interpret the position of Liusan. It is under the dry and above the dui, and it occupies the yang position with the yin line, which belongs to the "place of many fears". "Mouth", Liusan is sandwiched here, of course it is "inappropriate".This kind of situation is like a blind and lame man who thinks that his eyesight and leg strength are very good, but he is actually weak and acts blindly. If he acts like this, the result will definitely be "bad, evil".

Ninth Fourth: Walking on the tail of a tiger, sloppy, and finally auspicious.

"Xiang" said: "The end is good, and the will is also good."

Translation Ninety-Four: Walking behind the tiger's tail, keeping fearful and cautious, you will get auspiciousness in the end.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: "Be fearful and cautious, and finally end up in good luck, which shows that although you have gone through hardships, you can do what you want."

Interpretation From the whole hexagram, the upper body "gan" represents a masculine tiger, and Liusan closely follows the tiger, which has the image of "walking on the tiger's tail"; The masculine tiger followed closely behind the tiger during the September [-]th Movement, and it also has the image of "walking on the tiger's tail".Liusan and Ninety-four, both walking on the tail of a tiger, three are fierce and four are auspicious, this is because Liusan is in the yang position with the yin line (the third line is the yang position), it is weak on the inside, strong on the outside, with a lame body , acting recklessly is bound to be dangerous.September [-]th is just the opposite. With the yang line in the yin position (the fourth line is the yin position), it is hard on the inside and soft on the outside. It is hard but can be soft. It has a masculine quality inside, but it can act in a feminine way. Be careful, walk with fear and prudence, and realize its determination to forge ahead, so it walks behind the tiger's tail, walks cautiously, and naturally it will not go wrong, which should be auspicious.

Ninth Five: Lulu, Zhenli.

"Xiang" said: "If you act chastely and resolutely, you are in a proper position."

Translation Nine Five: Just act resolutely, and stick to the right path to avoid danger.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Act resolutely and decisively, and guard against danger, because the Nineth Five-Year Plan is on the throne.

Interpretation has absolute authority, and acts decisively and arbitrarily, which is "夬套".If the temperament is rigid and the way of dealing with things is also rigid, too rigid and cannot be relieved by softness, if there is more than enough wisdom and firmness, but not enough listening and tolerance, subjective and arbitrary, and can't listen to different opinions, if things go on like this, there must be danger.Therefore, those in power should also be like the one said in "Shangshu": "A worry in the heart is like a tiger's tail."

Upper Nine: Look at the shoes and test the auspiciousness, its spin.Yuan Ji.

"Xiang" said: Yuanji is on the top, and there is great celebration.

Translation No. [-]: Review the course of action, observe the signs of bad luck, reflect on yourself, and you will be lucky.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Only by practicing to the end can you get Yuanji, which is a matter of great blessing.

At the end of the interpretation of the meaning of this line, experience and lessons should be summed up.The upper nine is the last line of the Lu hexagram, at the end of Lu, which symbolizes reaching the end of the journey.At this time, we should look back at the process we have gone through, the successes and failures, reflect on ourselves, and sum up experience and lessons from it.What starts well must end well.Only when you have practiced to the end, you can still make a summary and review, do not blame the sky or others, and ask for yourself, can you finally complete the way of walking.So Daji is always obtained at the last moment, which is called "Yuanji is on top". "Half a hundred miles is half ninety", if you carry out the spirit of prudent walking all the time, and get the final "Yuanji", it is a matter of great blessing and a complete realization of the way of walking.The Lu hexagram uses walking as a metaphor for the journey of life, and uses the central image of "walking on the tiger's tail" to highlight the behavior philosophy of being cautious and preventing danger.

(End of this chapter)

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