Chapter 11

The small animal hexagram is composed of the lower stem and the upper sundae, and the shape of the hexagram is "", which symbolizes "small animals gather".The word "small" in the hexagram name means "tiny" and "soft and small", and the word "animal" means "animal gathering" and "animal stop", so the word "small animal" means a soft person There are small animal gatherings.The upper hexagram "Xun" is the wind, and the lower hexagram "Qian" is the sky: the gentle wind is floating in the sky, and the little animals have not yet grown, so it is a metaphor for the situation of "small animals gather".The whole hexagram reveals the principle of "small animal is big" and "yin animal yang" in the development process of things, reflecting a certain aspect of the law of restraint and restriction between the forces of yin and yang under specific conditions.

Xiao Hu: Heng.Miyun does not rain, I am in the western suburbs.

"Xuan" says: "Small animals, if they are soft and take their place, the upper and lower sides respond to them. It is said that small animals are healthy and tame, but firm and ambitious, they are prosperous."Miyun does not rain, and it is still going.Since I am in the western suburbs, I have not done anything.

"Xiang" said: Popular in the sky, small animals.The gentleman is yiwende.

Translation of small animal hexagram: Prosperity.Dense clouds covered the western suburbs, but the rain did not come down.

"Zhuan Zhuan" says: "Little Animal", the line of June [-]th occupies the yin position, and the other five yang lines correspond to it. This is the hexagram of "Little Animal".The lower hexagram is Qian, which means vigor, and the upper hexagram is Xun, which means humility.Ninety-two and Ninety-five are in the middle of the lower hexagram and the upper hexagram.Like a gentleman, he has the virtues of vigor, humility, and integrity, so he can achieve the state of mind and action, and have a prosperous future. "Clouds are densely covered and it will not rain at the end", indicating that the clouds are rising and accumulating, "densely covering the sky over the western suburbs", indicating that the rain has not yet stopped accumulating.

"Xiang Zhuan" says: The upper hexagram is Sunda, and Sunda is the wind; the lower hexagram is dry, and dry is the sky, the gentle wind blows the ground, the grass and trees are low, and they grow vigorously. This is the hexagram of small animals.A gentleman observes this hexagram, uses the method to urge the harmony of all things, encourages himself to be demeanor, and promotes moral education.

Interpretation of the small animal hexagram, the upper body is Sunda, which is the wind, and the lower body is the stem, which is the sky, so it is the image of Fengxing in the sky.Fengxing in the sky is still in the stage of gradually accumulating power, and it has not yet spread to the world, showing its talents, and blowing all things on the earth to grow.When a gentleman looks at this celestial phenomenon, he should think that he should imitate the image of Fengxing in the sky to accumulate strength, and constantly cultivate his own virtue, so that it will gradually be enriched and perfected.

Ninth day of the lunar month: What's the blame for recovering from the way?lucky.

"Xiang" said: "Recovering its way, its righteousness is auspicious."

Ninth day of the translation: Returning from the same road, what disasters?auspicious.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Returning from the original road means auspiciousness.

Interpretation When the power is insufficient or the timing is not good, if you act rashly, you will definitely lose your dominant position.In this case, it is not advisable to rush forward. It is wise to return to the original position, lurk below, and wait for the opportunity.If Chu Jiu can act so prudently, there will be no harm.It is auspicious to do so theoretically.

Ninety-two: pull back, Kat.

"Xiang" says: Pulling back, in the middle, you can't lose yourself.

Translation Ninety-two: Leading back, auspicious.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: It is auspicious to pull back, because the line of ninety-two is in the middle of the next hexagram, and it is like a person who behaves upright, so naturally there will be no mistakes.

The situation of interpreting [-] is similar to that of the [-]th day. It was affected by the [-]th day when it went up, and it also retreated to the center of the next hexagram, which also avoided being accumulated by the June [-]th and losing its dominance.In this way, due to the lower status of the ninth day and the second day of the ninth day, their rigidity is not yet strong, and they will be in danger if they are stored. They are intertwined with each other and retreat to their original positions, jointly boycotting the accumulation of June Fourth, in order to maintain their masculine essence.This is why the ninth day and the second day of the ninth day are both auspicious.

Ninety-three: Yu Shuo spoke.Husband and wife turn against each other.

"Xiang" said: Husband and wife have turned against each other, and they cannot be married.

例句书三:The car has a broken wheel.Husband and wife quarrel with each other.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: The husband and wife quarreled, indicating that they could not return to the family.

It is interpreted that men should use yang to control yin. If they are controlled by yin instead, they will lose their dominant position and destroy the balance of yin and yang.In this way, the conflict between yin and yang is inevitable, and it will inevitably lead to the divorce ending of "public opinion radiates, husband and wife turn against each other".Because Jiusan lived under him, he was simply unable to "regulate his wife's family".

June [-]: You Fu, the blood goes out, there is no blame.

"Xiang" said: "There is Fu, and Ti comes out, and Shanghe Zhi also."

Translation Six Fourth: With integrity in mind, avoid bloodshed and step out of fear, there will be no disaster.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: "Get out of fear with sincerity, which shows that the June [-]th and the [-]th Five-Year will of the higher authorities are consistent.

Interpreting June [-]th is in a place of fear and fear for the emperor, and the practice of using yin to store yang, if it is not done well, will not only be suspected, but may even be in danger of being hurt.If June [-]th wants to bring into play the subjective initiative of storing yang with yin, and promote the harmony and coordination of yin and yang, without endangering the balance of yin and yang, and without destroying the master-slave relationship, the most important thing is to have integrity and be sincere, so as to gain the trust and understanding of the [-]th Five-Year Plan. And support, this is the primary principle of storing yang with yin, storing big with small, storing upper with lower, and storing the master with obedience.Only in this way can the "combination" of the upper and lower levels be achieved, and the subordinates and the leaders cooperate sincerely, and the way of "little animals" can be implemented smoothly.

Ninth Five-Year: If you have a rich family, you will be rich with your neighbors.

"Xiang" said: "If you have a rich man, you are not alone in being rich."

Translation Nine Five: Integrity in heart, close cooperation, full of sincerity, and spread to influence its neighbors.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: with integrity and close cooperation, it shows that the Ninth Five-Year Plan is not only full of sincerity alone.

Interpreting the Ninth Five-Year Speech, adding the word "squeeze like" after "Youfu", especially emphasizing that when it is a "little animal", the Ninth Five-Year should especially strengthen the close cooperation with the June Fourth Movement with sincerity. Tight as a clenched fist ("twist like").Otherwise, the June Fourth Movement's doubts about alienation from villains could not be eliminated. Only in this way can the Sixth Movement Movement be promoted to show its talents and give full play to its auxiliary role as a subordinate.It can also be said that at this point, the leading role of the Ninth Five-Year as the leader is reflected, because when it is a "little animal", the integrity of the Ninth Five-Year is especially important.

Upper Nine: Both the rain and the place, Shang Dezai.The woman is chaste and strict.Monthly look, gentleman sign, fierce.

"Xiang" said: "Where it rains and where it is, virtue is accumulated."The sign of a gentleman is fierce and suspicious.

Translation Upper Nine: Miyun has rained, Yang Qi has been suppressed, and noble merits have been completed.Women should stick to the right way to avoid danger, like the moon will be full but not full.At this time, if the gentleman continues to advance, there will be disasters.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Miyun has rained, and Yang Qi has been stopped by animals, indicating that the accumulation of merit and virtue has been completed. At this time, if the gentleman continues to move forward, there will be disasters, because the development and changes of the situation are suspicious.

Interpretation of "Miyun does not rain" in the hexagrams refers to the beginning of the small animal.The accumulation of yin qi is insufficient, and yang qi cannot be fully accumulated, so it is difficult to complete the work of harmonizing yang and transforming rain.When it reaches the line of Shangjiu, it is the end of a hexagram, and the way of small animals has developed to its peak stage. "When it rains and when it is at the same place", it means that the yin energy has been fully accumulated, and the yang energy has also been fully accumulated. Rainfall is a symbol of the consummation of yin and yang.At this time, the storage of yin and yang has reached the maximum, and the contrast between yin and yang has reached the optimal state of neutralization and balance. Only by maintaining this balance can stability be achieved. Do not overdo it.

(End of this chapter)

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