Chapter 22
The Guan Gua is composed of Xia Kun and Shang Sun, and the shape of the Gua is "", which symbolizes "Guan Yang".The upper hexagram "Xun" is the wind, and the lower hexagram "Kun" is the ground, just like the wind on the ground, which means that all things are influenced by "looking up at" the beautiful and good things.The meaning of the whole hexagram focuses on explaining the truth that observing and admiring beautiful and good things is enough to promote "teaching".

View: Washing is not recommended, there is Fu Yongruo.

"Yuan" says: "The great view is above, and the obedience is obedient, and the Zhongzheng is the view of the world." "Consider, wash without recommending, if there is Fu Yongruo", it is also transformed by contemplating.The divine way of watching the sky, but the four seasons are not intuited.The sage taught with the divine way, and the world obeyed.

"Elephant" said: "Fashion on the ground, watch."The former kings used provincial methods to observe the people and set up teachings.

The translation Guan Gua symbolizes observation: wash your hands and cleanse yourself before offering sacrifices, instead of offering wine and food for sacrifices. (Heart) Integrity and reverence are admirable.

"Tuan Zhuan" said: Guan Gua is Kun Shun at the bottom and Sun Sun at the top, and the two yangs are in the upper position, which is logical and conforms to the people's sentiments.In particular, the Nine and Five Lines occupy a high position, and the virtue of masculinity and integrity is admired by people all over the world. "Wash your hands and cleanse yourself before offering sacrifices, instead of offering wine and food for sacrifices. (Integrity and reverence) is admirable." Those who watch the ceremony below will be influenced.Looking at the miraculous laws of nature, there is no error in the alternation of the four seasons; the sage uses this miraculous law to educate and make the world obey.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: The upper hexagram of this hexagram is Sunda, the wind, and the lower hexagram is Kun, the earth. The wind blows the earth and blows all things. This is the hexagram image of Guan.The ancient kings observed this hexagram and took the method from the wind flowing in all directions, so as to inspect the state, observe the people's sentiments, and promote enlightenment.

Interpretation of the Guan Gua goes down to Kundi and up to Xunfeng, so there is an image of Fengxing on the ground.The wind travels everywhere on the ground, and everything rises against the wind, and each has its own transformation, so there is the meaning of looking up from the top to look down, and it also means looking up from the bottom to look up to the top.The ancient sage kings observed and observed the hexagrams that were popular on the ground, and they were omnipresent, and all things got their own images. Obey education.

Sixth day: Tong Guan, villains are not to blame, gentlemen are stingy.

"Xiang" said: "The sixth child's view is the way of a small person."

Translation Lunar Sixth: Observing like a child, there is no harm to the small people who do not bear the heavy responsibility, but it is inevitable to have regrets for those in high positions.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: The sixth day observes like a child, which is the way of a villain.

Interpreting a gentleman shoulders a greater responsibility than a villain, so facing the same situation, the same reaction of the two will result in different evaluations and consequences.A villain, with a low status, can't understand the way of a gentleman, so he shouldn't have too high demands on him, but a gentleman is different. They shoulder heavy responsibilities and want to make a difference. , is of course regrettable.Therefore, it is also a "children's concept". For villains, there is no blame, but gentlemen can be stingy.

Sixty-two: peeping, benefiting privet.

"Elephant" said: Peeping at the privet can also be ugly.

Translation Sixty-two: Peeping through the crack of the door, it is advisable for a woman to keep upright.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Observing secretly is only good for women to stick to the right way, but it is embarrassing for men.

Interpretation Liuer lives in the lower body, and the yin position is corrected by the yin line, which is a symbol of living in the boudoir and keeping chastity.Although it corresponds to the above Ninth Five-Year Plan, but it is soft and weak, with limited knowledge, and cannot see the state of grand view.Like a person who stays at home, peeping out through the crack of the door, he can only see a little bit.This is quite normal for a woman who does not leave the boudoir and keeps herself chaste; as for a man who wants to go out to do important things, this is embarrassing. "Tongguan" refers to the childishness of observation, like a child; "Guide" refers to the narrowness of observation, like a woman.The so-called "children's views" and "women's views" were considered inadvisable by the ancients.

Six three: watch my life, advance and retreat.

"Xiang" said: Watching my life advance and retreat, I have not lost the way.

Translation Six Three: Observe your own behavior to decide whether to advance or retreat.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Observe one's own behavior to decide whether to advance or retreat, which shows that Liu San has not lost the correct way of observation.

Interpretation Liusan is between the upper and lower, where you can advance and retreat, so it is easy to observe your own situation; when you encounter an opportunity, you can seize the opportunity, and if the opportunity is not good, you can retreat and wait, so it is called "watching my life advance and retreat".When you are only observing, you should be able to examine your own behavior at the same time. You can not only seek outside, but also reflect on yourself, consider inside, and carefully choose your own way of advancing and retreating.

June [-]th: Observe the light of the country and use the guest to the king.

"Elephant" says: To see the light of a country is to honor guests.

Translation Sixty-Four: Observe the world's wise men and talents, select and recommend them to the king, and the king also receives them with the courtesy of guests.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: "June [-] saw the sages and talents in the world because of their respect for sages and corporals, advocating sages, and hoping that the king can make use of them."

Interpretation of what is the most expensive thing in the 21st century?It is talent.There is such a kind of people who respect the corporals, recruit virtuous talents, and take it as their duty to recommend sages, they are veritable bole.The human resources department in the modern workplace is responsible for selecting talents and scholars, but whether they can discover the most precious "glory of the country" may have to learn from the enlightenment of Guangua.

Ninth Five: Watching my life, a gentleman is not to blame.

"Xiang" said: Watching my life, watching the people.

Translation Nine Five: Observing one's own behavior, a gentleman must not be at fault for doing so.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: To observe one's own behavior, one must first observe the customs and customs of the people.

Interpreting the Ninth Five-Year Masculinity and Zhongzheng is the master of hexagrams, just like a virtuous king who is admired by the world for his virtues, but also can often reflect on his own actions and constantly improve his virtues.Such a virtuous gentleman will be harmless.The observation of my life in the sixth and third is to look up to the outside and cultivate and reflect on the inside; the observation of my life in the ninth and fifth is to be admired by others and to examine one's own way.Ninety-five people occupy the throne, as a king, he can reflect on his actions, observe the people's sentiments from social customs, and then reflect on his own actions.If the folk customs are honest and kind, it means that the politics and enlightenment can be regarded as perfect.

Upper Nine: Watching his life, a gentleman is not to blame.

"Xiang" said: Watching his life, his ambition is not peaceful.

Translation No. [-]: People all admire his actions, and a gentleman will never be blamed.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: People all admire his behavior, which shows that the aspiration to improve morality in Shangjiu cannot be relaxed.

Even if the interpretation is inappropriate, it cannot relax its requirements on itself, because there are still many followers who must constantly strengthen their "gentleman" virtues in order not to make mistakes. The warnings are the same as those of the Ninth Five-Year Plan.It can be seen that Shangjiu still wants to influence all his followers to become gentlemen, so although he has retreated to a vacant position, he has never slackened in his ambition to transform the people and the heart of the people.

(End of this chapter)

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