Chapter 24
The hexagram Ben is composed of the lower part and the upper part, and the shape of the hexagram is "", which symbolizes "literary decoration". The word "Ben" means "modification", so the name of the hexagram is taken as the meaning of "wen decoration".The upper hexagram "Gen" is a mountain, and the lower hexagram "Li" is a fire: like a flame burning under the mountain, the shape of the mountain is more radiant and beautiful, implying the situation of "artistic decoration".Quan Gua expounds the law of mutual decoration between things, advocates appropriate decoration, and advocates the beauty of simplicity and nature.

Ben: Heng.Small profits go hand in hand.

"彖" said: Ben, Heng.Soft comes and Wen Gang, so Heng.Points, just up and soft.Therefore, it is said that "a small profit has a big future", the rigidity and softness are intertwined, and it is also astronomical.As far as civilization is concerned, humanities are also.Observing astronomy to observe time changes, observing humanities to transform into the world.

"Xiang" said: "There is fire under the mountain, Ben."A gentleman who governs the common people with clarity does not dare to break the prison.

The translation of the Ben hexagram symbolizes ornamentation: Prosperity, small profits for career development.

"Biography" says: Ben, mastery.The lower hexagram of this hexagram is Li, and its meaning is feminine, and the upper hexagram is Gen, and its meaning is masculine, so it is said that the feminine and soft text embellishes masculinity, so it is "accessible".The distribution of softness and rigidity, rigidity dominates and softness serves as a foil, so it is said that "if there is a desire, there will be small benefits".Hardness and softness are intertwined, which is a celestial phenomenon.Social system and customs are the basis of people's life and a phenomenon of social humanity.By observing the celestial phenomena, you can perceive the changes in time series.By observing social and humanistic phenomena, one can use enlightenment to transform and transform the people of the world.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: The upper hexagram of this hexagram is Gen as the mountain, and the lower hexagram is Li as the fire. There is fire at the foot of the mountain, and the fire burns the mountains. This is the hexagram image of the Ben hexagram.A gentleman looks at this hexagram and thinks of the raging fire that burns the mountains, all the jade and stones are burned, and the grass and trees are all gone. Take this as a warning, so that you can clearly observe all political affairs, and dare not break the prison with might.

Interpretation of the Ben hexagram is Gen and the mountain at the top, Li and the fire at the bottom, which is the image of fire at the bottom of the mountain.There is a fire under the mountain, and the vegetation in the mountain is illuminated by the fire, which is a symbol of decoration. "Xiang Zhuan" warns "gentlemen" that decorations can be used in general political affairs, etiquette systems, etc. are all decorations of social and political society; but decorations cannot be used in law enforcement and prison sentence.Law enforcement must be based on the law.If a case is judged on the basis of rhetoric, it will only lead to unjust, false and wrongly decided cases.It can be seen that the use of decoration has a certain range.

Ninth day: Ben Qi toes, leaving the car and walking.

"Xiang" said: "Leave the cart and go alone, and the righteousness will ride."

Translation: Ninth day of the ninth day: Decorate his toes, abandon the car and walk on foot.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Abandoning the car and walking on foot shows that the ninth day of the ninth day should not take a car in the sense of its status.

Interpretation: In the ninth day of the lunar new year, the masculinity just got the throne, and the two should be four, but as common people, they dare not be greedy for wealth, dare not ride the doctor's carriage and horses and overstep their duties, so they only walk on foot, as a car, to show their will.

Sixty-two: beard.

"Xiang" said: Ben Qi's beard, and Shang Xing also.

Translation [-]: Grooming one's beard.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: The decoration of the beard shows that the six-two moves with the nine-three above.

Interpreting the six-two and nine-three two lines, each has its own position, the six-two line is soft and the nine-three line is rigid, and there is no corresponding line. The two are closely related, just like the relationship between a beard and a face. .Sixty-two is pure softness and beard, which is a symbol of decoration; ninety-three is pure rigidity, which is face, and is a symbol of substance.Just as a beard is attached to the face and moves with the face, the text is also attached to the quality and functions because of the existence of the quality.Therefore, "Xiang Zhuan" said that June [-] "is also related to Shangxing".

Nine three: Ben Ru Ru Ru.Yong Zhenji.

"Xiang" said: The auspiciousness of Yongzhen is also the mausoleum of Mo.

Translation Nine Three: Decorate and embellish, and keep the right path forever to get auspiciousness.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Always stick to the right way to get auspiciousness, which shows that the text should not be allowed to override the quality after all.

Interpreting the ninety-three line is between two Yin lines, the lower line is compared to the sixth line, and the upper line is compared to the sixth line. A rigid line is decorated with two soft lines at the same time. like".Proper embellishment is necessary, if it is too much, it will be counterproductive.In such a situation, the Jiusan Office must be clear-headed and stick to the right path forever in order to obtain good luck. This is called "Yong Zhen Ji".The decorations are naturally pleasing to the eye, and excessive decorations may be a trap covered up by flowers.Therefore, it is necessary to restrict the ornamentation, and the "literature" must not be allowed to override the "quality". "The Mausoleum of Final Mo" is "the auspiciousness of Yongzhen".

June Fourth: Ben Ru Bo Ru.White horse Hanru.Bandits, marriage.

"Xiang" said: "June [-]th, the position is doubtful."Bandits and bandits, marriage and marriage, there is nothing special in the end.

Translation Six Fourth: The decorations are all white, and the white horse is like flying feathers.Not a robber, but a suitor.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: June Fourth was in power, but he still had doubts and fears in his heart. "The front is not a robber, but a suitor."

Interpretation of the Ben hexagram developed to the ninth three, which is the last line of the "li" body that symbolizes civilization.There has been a tendency that text is better than quality.Developed to June [-]th, it has entered the style of "Gen" that symbolizes cessation, and the decoration should stop here. When it is time for Benji to return to plainness, it will change from decoration to simplicity, focusing on quality rather than writing.Therefore, during the June [-]th Movement, the white horses were plainly dressed up, without literary talent, and plainness was used as the basis. "Bandits, Marriage" refers to another line corresponding to the yin and yang of this line, that is, the ninth day of the ninth day corresponding to the yin and yang of June Fourth.Although in the ninth day of the ninth day, he is in the Yang position with a rigid nature, with a strong temperament, and he walks without a car, and is full of dust, but he is not a coward who robs his house, but a man of lofty ideals who does not admire glitz.It corresponds to the yin and yang of June Fourth, which is pure and simple and beautiful, and seeks each other in the same spirit. It is really an ideal spouse.Since June Fourth is above the lower body and under the upper body, it is a place of doubt and fear where the upper and lower intersect. They are not tyrants, but lovers who can marry, and June Fourth finally resolutely married with them, "there will be no specials in the end."The marriage between June [-]th and the ninth day of the ninth day is also a symbol of "softness comes softness and firmness".With the "softness" of June [-]th, the "rigidness" of the ninth day of the first day, and the "simple and clean" beauty of June [-]th, the "rigidness" of the ninth day of the first day.One is the "white horse" Shangsu, and the other is the "carriage" who abandons China. They share similar interests and are a perfect match.

Sixth Five-Year: Ben Yuqiu Garden, tied with silk.Miserly, finally lucky.

"Xiang" said: "The sixth five is auspicious, and there is joy."

Translation Six Five: Six Five, to decorate the garden in the hills, only a meager bunch of silk is spent, although it seems stingy, it will be auspicious in the end.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: The auspiciousness of the Sixth Five-Year Plan means that there must be celebrations.

Interpretation of the Sixth Five-Year Plan is based on softness, which symbolizes the benevolent king.He didn't build a magnificent palace, but only spent a bunch of silk and a mere number to decorate the garden on the hill.It seems to be very stingy, without the ostentation and style of a monarch, but this kind of simple and unpretentious act of integrity has a huge impact on the political style.For a country, this is undoubtedly an auspicious and festive sign.

Upper Nine: Bai Ben, no blame.

"Xiang" said: "Bai Ben, without blame, has achieved his ambitions."

Translation Upper Nine: There is no fault in using pure white as the decoration.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: There is nothing wrong with using pure white as a decoration, because it is completely in line with Shangjiu's aspiration of advocating the essence and quality.

Interpretation of the upper nine is at the extreme of the hexagram, and the ornament is at the extreme, and it returns to the plain, from the pursuit of ornamentation to the advocacy of reality and quality. "Bai Ben" is decorated with white, colorless as literary talent, and quality as Ben. "Ben" is as extreme as it is, the decoration is extremely anti-subtle, and no decoration is the best decoration. "Bai Ben" returns from splendor to pure white, with white as decoration and colorless as beauty, and enters the highest state of returning to simplicity.From the point of view of enlightenment, advocating "Bai Ben" is to be practical and practical, and the habit of extravagance cannot prevail, so what is wrong?That's why Yao Ci said "Bai Ben has no fault".

(End of this chapter)

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