Chapter 26 Fu Gua
Fu hexagram is composed of lower shock and upper kun. The hexagram is shaped as "", which symbolizes "recovery".The upper hexagram "Kun" is the earth, and the lower hexagram "Zhen" is thunder: the thunder moves slightly underground, which means that the yang energy "recovers".The whole hexagram shows that things are turned upright and more vigorous, indicating the irresistible natural law of the revival of the "righteous way".

Re: Heng.In and out without illness.Friends are not to blame.Repeat the same way, come back in seven days.Pros and cons.

"彖" said: Fu, Heng, just reversed.Move and move forward, so "go in and out without illness, and friends come without blame". "Repeat the way, and come back in seven days", Tian Xing also. "There are benefits to come", just long.Come on, he can see the heart of heaven and earth!

"Xiang" said: "Thunder is in the ground, come back."The first kings retreated until the day, and business travel was not enough, and later they did not know how to do it.

The translated hexagram symbolizes reply: prosperity.There is no harm in the growth of Yang Qi, and there is nothing wrong with coming together.There is a certain pattern of turning and replying, and there will be a reply after seven days.Good for going there.

"Zuan Zhuan" said: Fu, Tongtai.Because the inner hexagram is Zhen and Yang, the outer hexagram is Kun and Yin, and the yang is returned to the inside, so the name of the hexagram is Fu.All actions are in line with the right way, and everything goes smoothly, so "going out and living without disease, and having friends to help, there can be no disasters." "Repeated cycle, until seven is a cycle", this is the principle of Tian. "Where there is progress, there will be benefit", because the first line is a yang line, which shows that the masculinity has gradually grown.The hexagram image of Fu Gua reflects the substantive law of the operation of heaven and earth.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: The inner hexagram of this hexagram is earthquake and thunder, and the outer hexagram is Kun and earth. The sky is cold and the ground is freezing, and thunder returns to the ground.The ancient kings observed this hexagram and took the law from thunder. On the day of the winter solstice, the gates of the city were closed, business travelers were not accepted, and the king did not inspect the state.

Interpretation of the fu hexagram: the bottom is earthquake and thunder, the top is kun and earth, which is the image of thunder in the ground.The thunder submerging in the ground symbolizes that the yang energy has just recovered, and the yang qi is born from the ground, which is still very weak and unable to force itself out of the ground.In terms of solar terms, this is the time of the "winter solstice" when the yin qi is at its peak, the cathode produces yang, and the yang qi is born.Since Yang Qi is born at the beginning, it cannot be consumed at will, and it should be rested until it grows.At this time, people should also take care of themselves quietly, close the barriers, and the king and the people must stop their activities, so as to benefit from recharging their energy.The hexagrams emphasize progress, focusing on the trend of development; "Xiangci" emphasizes rest, focusing on the temporary status quo.Although the intentions of the two are opposite, their spiritual essence is not contradictory.Before rushing forward, you have to take a few steps back. This is called "gathering momentum".Resting is to accumulate strength for progress.

Ninth day: Not far away, no regrets, Yuanji.

"Xiang" said: "The recovery that is not far away is for self-cultivation."

Ninth day of the translation: If you go not far, you will return to the right way, without regret, good luck.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: If you go not far, you will return to the right way, which is a metaphor for being able to reflect on time and be strict in self-cultivation.

Interpretation of the ninth day is at the beginning of the complex hexagram, and Yu Yang is first returned.It's like a person who left the right path not far away and returned soon without reaching the level of remorse.It is always inevitable to deviate from the right path and go astray for a while; the important thing is to be good at examining and correcting one's mistakes, so Yao Ci said that the ninth day of the ninth day is not far away and it is "good luck".

Sixty-two: Hugh, Kat.

"Xiang" said: "The auspiciousness of rest and recovery is the following benevolence."

Translation [-]: Reply with joy, auspicious.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Respond with joy, auspicious, because June [-] is humble and close to benevolent people.

Interpretation: When the yang qi recovers in June [-], the sexual softness is in the middle and the uprightness is achieved. It is the closest to the ninth day of the ninth day and is the first to be affected by the masculine qi. It is a festive thing to return to the yang.Therefore, although Liu Er is above the ninth day of the ninth day, he can regard the ninth day as a "benevolent person", personally follow him, and return to it humbly. This is the "lower benevolence" mentioned in "Xiang Zhuan".In this way, Liu Er will return to the masculinity sincerely and sincerely, and get the "good luck of rest and recovery".

Six three: frequent repetition, severe, no blame.

"Xiang" said: "Frequent repetition is severe, and there is no blame for righteousness."

Translation Six Three: Reluctantly replying with a sad face, although it is dangerous, it is not at fault.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Although it is dangerous to return to sorrow, in the sense of returning to the right way, there is no fault.

Interpreting Liusan's yin and yao in the yang position is out of alignment, and it has nothing to do with the ninth day, and there is no inner need for returning to yang.It's just that when the yang energy is recovering, under the coercion of the objective situation, it has to reluctantly return to the right way.Therefore, "frequent recovery" can only be "no blame", and it cannot be compared with the "auspiciousness" of "xiufu".

June [-]th: Bank of China alone.

"Xiang" said: "The middle line is independent and complex, so as to follow the Tao."

Translation Six-Fourth: Stay in the center and do the right thing, concentrate on replying.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Staying in the center, doing the right thing, and focusing on replying, it shows that June Fourth followed the right way.

Interpretation of June Fourth is under the upper hexagram, there are two yin lines on the upper and lower sides, and I live in the yin, so it is called "Zhongxing".June [-]th is corrected by occupying the yin position in the yin line, and it corresponds to the ninth day of the lunar month, so it is called "dufu".The fact that June [-]th was in the midst of the crowd and was able to recover alone shows that its subjective wish is good.However, from the perspective of objective conditions, it lives in yin after all, and the corresponding ninth day is when the yang energy is very weak, so it is not enough to give it strong assistance, and it actually cannot make a difference.Follow the way, from the good way and the right way of masculinity in the ninth day of the first day.Emphasizing the June [-]th "BOC's independent recovery" is following the Tao, which shows that it is not for profit.This line is a metaphor for people who have the heart to be good and to the Tao, but are restricted by the objective environment and cannot show their strengths for the time being.

Sixth Five-Year: Dunfu, no regrets.

"Xiang" said: Dunfu has no regrets, and it is also a self-examination.

Translation Six Five: Reply honestly, without regret.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Reply honestly, without regret, which shows that the June [-]th can reflect on oneself with the middle way.

Interpretation of the Sixth Five-Year Period is based on the soft line, which is in the middle and not biased; it is also in the Kun body, and the Kun land is a symbol of thickness.Therefore, the Sixth Five-Year Plan can be sincere and wholeheartedly dedicated to goodness and return to Yu Yang.Originally, due to the incomparable relationship between the sixth five and the ninth day of the ninth day, when the yang energy is recovering, there should be regrets; but because the sixth five is in the middle and can be recovered, the middle way is used as self-examination and adjustment of one's behavior. "With regrets" has become "without regrets".

Upper Six: Misfortune, inauspicious, and calamity.With the teacher, there will be a big defeat in the end, and the king will be fierce.As for the ten-year ban.

"Xiang" said: "The evil of confusion is against the way of the monarch."

Translation [-]: Lost the way of recovery, there are dangers and disasters.If it is used for marching and fighting, it will only be defeated in the end, and his monarch will also be in danger, so that he cannot go out to fight for ten years.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Lost the way of recovery, there is danger, and it is from the upper six to return to the masculine way.Lost, hard to return, dangerous, and disaster.When encountering this line, you send troops to fight, and you will be defeated in the end. The monarch will be in danger, and your vitality will be severely damaged. After ten years, you will not be able to launch another conquest.

Interpretation puts yin and softness at the end of the Fu hexagram, and there is a sign of being lost and not knowing where to turn, just like a person who has made a mistake and does not know how to repent, but goes all the way to the end on a wrong road, the evil is inevitable.The disaster is a disaster from outside, and it is a disaster of self-inflicted.When there are disasters, both external disasters and self-inflicted disasters will come to your door.External disasters are also caused by self-inflicted disasters.Lost but never recovered, no matter what you do, you will be blamed at every turn.Under such circumstances, if a teacher fights a war, he will end in a big defeat.To govern a country, the monarch must be fierce.Ten is the ultimate number.Ten years of invincibility means that as long as the situation of being lost and never restored does not change, there will never be a day of victory, there will always be "disasters", there will always be "final defeats", and "the king will be fierce".The ruler governs the people and governs the country, which is supposed to restore the goodness of the world, but now he has lost his way. Isn't it against the way of the king!Anti-monarchism is the biggest obsession in the world, and when Xiaoxiang talks about "anti-monarchism", it actually includes all obsessions.Ordinary people's obsessions are all due to the opposite way and lead to fierce results.

(End of this chapter)

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