Chapter 27

The Wuwang hexagram is composed of the lower shock and the upper stem. The hexagram is shaped like "", which symbolizes "not acting rashly".The upper hexagram "Qian" is the sky, and the lower hexagram "Zhen" is thunder: the sound of thunder in the sky means that all things are in awe and "do not act rashly".The whole hexagram points out the principle of not acting rashly in everything, as well as certain laws of being in the "no falsehood".

Wu Wang: Yuan Heng, Li Zhen.Its bandits are upright, there are evils, and there are unfavorable ones.

"Yuan" said: "There is no falsehood."Just come from the outside and become the master from the inside.Move and be strong, just respond.To be big, to prosper with righteousness, is the destiny of heaven. "The gangsters are upright, there are evils, and there are bad ones." What's the point of going without arrogance?Destiny is not blessed, so what?

"Xiang" said: "Thunderstorms in the world, things and nothing wrong."The former king Yimao nurtured all things with time.

The translation Wuwang hexagram symbolizes not acting rashly: it is most prosperous and beneficial to stick to the right way.If you don't follow the righteous way, it will be a disaster, and it will not be conducive to going forward.

"Tuan Zhuan" said: "There is no falsehood, the outer hexagram is stem and yang, and the masculine image comes from the outside and gradually invades the inside; the inner hexagram is earthquake, and the first line is yang, and the first line is the main one to determine the nature of the Zhen hexagram.The lower hexagram is earthquake, righteousness is movement, the upper hexagram is dryness, righteousness is health, so it is said that the hexagram of Wuwang has the character of "moving and strengthening".The ninety-five yang line is in the middle of the upper hexagram, and it has the image of rigidity, and the sixty-two yin line is in the middle of the lower hexagram, and it is in a place of harmony.Yuanda, Hengtong, and Zhenzheng are exactly where the destiny lies. "If you behave improperly, there will be disasters, and if you do something wrong, you will be disadvantaged."Can it work without God's blessing?

"Xiang Zhuan" said: The sound of thunder spreads in the world, and all things respond, which symbolizes not acting rashly.Therefore, the ancient kings encouraged themselves to adapt to the weather and nurture all things.

Interpreting the Wuwang hexagram is dry and heaven on the top, earthquake and thunder on the bottom, which is exactly the image of "thunder in the world".All things that are in a hibernating state in winter will be awakened by thunderstorms in spring, and startled in response to the sound, so spring has the solar term of "Awakening of Insects".It can be seen that there is no error in the law of the way of heaven, so it symbolizes "no falsehood".The ruler should understand the essence of the non-vain hexagrams and apply it to the governance of the country, so as to encourage himself, and all actions must act in accordance with the sky as if everything rises after hearing the thunder, and never violate the objective laws.Only in this way can we achieve "no arrogance" and benefit the country and support the people.

Ninth day of the lunar month: Don't go in vain, auspicious.

"Xiang" said: "Going without ignorance, you can achieve ambition."

Translation Ninth Day: Do not act rashly, it is auspicious to go there.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: If you go there without acting rashly, you will definitely be able to satisfy your wishes.

Interpretation of the ninth day of the lunar month symbolizes the first step in the beginning of things. If you start well, you will have a good start, which heralds an auspicious future.Whether in the business world or the workplace, starting is very important. You must correct your attitude, take the first step, and act in accordance with the laws of heaven.

Sixty-two: not plowing, harvesting; not mulberry, she.Is there any benefit?

"Elephant" said: If you don't cultivate, you will harvest, and you will not be rich.

Translation [-]: If you don't plow, you want to reap; if you don't open up wasteland, you want to plant cultivated land.How can such absurd practices be beneficial?

"Xiang Zhuan" said: "If you don't cultivate but want to harvest, this kind of vain idea cannot bring wealth."

Interpreting that getting something for nothing is a vain pursuit. If you don’t want to pay but strive for rewards, this ignores the objective law of the growth of things, and in the end you can only get vain, and it will inevitably not bring real benefits.

Six three: no disaster.Or the cattle of the tie, the pedestrian's gain, the city's disaster.

"Xiang" said: Pedestrians get cattle, and people in the town suffer disaster.

Translation Six Three: There will be disasters even if you do not act rashly.Someone tied a cow and was led away by passers-by, but the local residents suffered.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Passers-by took the cattle, which made the local residents suffer.

It is interpreted that Liusan is in a place of right and wrong where the upper and lower bodies meet. This is a place where it is easy to get into trouble, so he was unreasonably suspected of implicating him and causing disaster.Although Liusan himself is "no delusion", he is in the midst of illusory people and things. Neighbors' carelessness and false accusations of innocence, and passers-by's "cows" are all "delusion".If you are involved with other people's "falseness", it is difficult for you to be completely "non-false".Liusan is based on yin and yang but is not upright, and it is at the end of the next hexagram but not in the middle.Since I originally acted improperly, how can I avoid being involved in accidental incidents where time and place accidentally intersect?If Liu Sanzhi had always been a man of high morals, would he suddenly be suspected of being a cattle thief?Since there is "falseness" subjectively, and there is "falseness" objectively, how can we achieve true "no falseness"?

Ninth Four: You can be chaste, there is no blame.

"Xiang" said: "It can be chaste without blame, and it is an inherent place."

Translation Ninety-Four: Being able to stick to the righteous way, without fault.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: If you can keep upright, you will have no faults. This is determined by the inherent character of the [-]th Movement.

Interpreting the ninety-fourth line has no response, and is in a dangerous situation of being "close to the emperor", so it is easy to be blamed at every turn.But it occupies the yin position with the yang line, which symbolizes the character of rigidity and softness, which helps it correctly cope with the complicated environment, stick to the right way and not act rashly, and finally avoid it.

Ninth Five: There is no disease of delusion, and there is no medicine for joy.

"Xiang" said: "There is no false medicine, you can't try it."

Translation Nine Five: Suffering from an unexpected disease, don't rush to take medicine, it will be cured.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Drugs that are unexpected should not be taken casually.

Interpreting Wuwang's disease and June [-] Wuwang's disaster have similar but different meanings.The ninety-five line said "don't be happy with medicine", because the position of the ninety-five is better than that of the sixty-three.In the Ninth Five-Year Plan, masculinity is in the middle, and it is in the right position. It can be said that there is no falsehood to the extent that it cannot be added. It is true and false. It has no reason to cause illness, but it does.This disease comes from outside rather than from inside, and it is a disease without presumption.For the Ninth Five-Year Plan, there is nothing to be afraid of diseases without absurdity. "Don't medicine" should be used as medicine, and death should be treated as cure, and the result will be "happy". "Youxi" means that the disease will not cure itself. There are three places in "Book of Changes" that say "disease" and "you are happy". Outside of this line, the six and four hexagrams of loss and the ninety four of hexagram Dui are both in the outer hexagrams, and their meanings are similar.The best way to get a disease without presumption is to keep upright and calm, deal with it calmly, and the disease will be eliminated naturally.If you try it with medicine, it will be tantamount to denying your correct way of keeping upright and normal, thus destroying your normal life mechanism. Not only will you not be able to get rid of the disease, but it will lead to more diseases. The same is true for the application of the principle of "there is no medicine that cannot be tested" when it is applied to social and personnel affairs.If the people who govern the country prove that a certain policy of theirs is correct, they should implement it to the end. Even if someone opposes or even attacks and slanders, they should not change the plan.Otherwise, it is tantamount to trying a medicine with the country, and the consequences will inevitably be tragic.

Upper Nine: No presumption, no deeds, no profit.

"Xiang" says: If you don't act recklessly, you will suffer from poverty.

Translation No. [-]: Do not act recklessly, but if you do it when the time is poor, you will suffer disasters and gain nothing.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Actions that do not act rashly will also suffer disasters when they are exhausted.

Interpretation of Shangjiu is at the end of the whole hexagram. This is the ultimate place, the time of exhaustion, and there is nowhere to go.At this time, it is better to stop than to walk, to be still and not to move.In the upper nine, the yang line occupies the yin position, which is impatient and easy to move. When the times are poor and difficult to move, and when you move, you will suffer disaster, but you still want to move forward. No stake". "Act without arrogance" is of course good in the first place, but it is still not good to act at the wrong time, and you will still encounter disasters.

(End of this chapter)

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