I Ching vernacular full translation

Chapter 39 Family Hexagram

Chapter 39 Family Hexagram

The family hexagram is composed of the lower part and the upper sundae. The hexagram is shaped like "", which symbolizes "a family".The upper hexagram "Xun" is wind, and the lower hexagram "Li" is fire: just like the wind is born from the burning of fire, it extends from the inside to the outside, implying that "family" affairs can also spread and affect social weathering.The whole hexagram shows the way of "managing a family" under different backgrounds and conditions.

Family: Li privet.

The translation family hexagram symbolizes the family: it is beneficial for women to maintain integrity.

Interpreting the family's Yaoxiang shows that the six-two yin line is in the middle of the inner hexagram, which symbolizes that women are inside and guard their positions with the right way, and the nine-five yang line is in the middle of the outer hexagram, which symbolizes that men are outside and keep their positions with the right way.It is the righteousness between heaven and earth that both men and women can keep their positions in the right way.The ancients believed that women are the main factor in family affairs.If the housewife is upright, the whole family will be upright; if the housewife is not upright, the whole family will be upright.Therefore, the words of the hexagram are good for women to keep upright.

"彖" said: In the family, women are in the right place, and men are in the outside.Men and women are upright, the righteousness of heaven and earth is also.There is a strict ruler in the family, which is also called parents.Father, son, brother, younger brother, husband and wife, husband and wife, and the family is right.Righteous home, and the world is settled.

The translation "Zhuan Zhuan" says: In the family, women occupy the proper position inside the home, and men occupy the proper position outside the home.Both men and women occupy the right positions, which is the principle of yin and yang in the world.The dignified ruler in the family refers to the parents.The father should do the way of the father, the son should do the way of the son, the brother should do the way of the brother, the brother should do the way of the brother, the husband should do the way of the husband, and the wife should do the way of the wife.

The purpose of interpreting men's family harmony is to govern the country and the world, so the requirement for men is to live in a proper position outside the family. out of place".The main content of men's Qi family is "benefiting privet", that is, women occupy a proper position in the family, so "Zhuan Zhuan" says that "female is in the right position". "Zhuan Zhuan" says that "men and women are upright, and the righteousness of heaven and earth is also." Women and men and outsiders have their own uprightness, which shows that the family is upright, and the upright family way is the so-called Qi family. It can be seen from this that the righteousness of the family is the foundation of the righteousness of the world, so "Zhuan Zhuan" says that "men and women are right, the righteousness of the world is also". "Family righteousness" starts from the righteousness of each family member, that is to say, the self-cultivation of family members is closely related to the righteousness of the family.

"Elephant" says: The wind comes out of the fire, family members.A gentleman is persevering in his words and in his deeds.

The translation "Xiang Zhuan" says: The outer hexagram of this hexagram is Xun, and Xun is wind; the inner hexagram is Li, Li is fire, the inner fire is outer wind, the wind helps the fire, and the fire helps the wind power. They complement each other and are the hexagrams of family members.A gentleman observes this hexagram, and thus realizes that words must have content before they are empty, and virtue must be persevering to be abundant.

The interpretation of "Xiang Zhuan" is mainly discussed from the upper and lower hexagrams.The lower body of the family hexagram is Li, the upper body is Sunda, Li is fire, Sunda is wind, and the wind is on the fire, so it is said that "the wind comes out of the fire".A family, especially the nuclear family mentioned in the family hexagram, generally lives in the same room and eats from the same pot.Cooking with fire produces wind, and its sign is smoke from the chimney.When people see the smoke coming from the chimney, they know that this is a family, so the saying goes "the wind comes out of the fire, family".From this, the gentleman not only sees a family, but also associates the generation of wind with the principle of society's weathering of his own family, which further urges the gentleman to consciously cultivate his body, because self-cultivation is the key to whether the family is upright or not.To do such a big thing as governing the country and the world, we must first start with the small things at home, starting with every word and deed.

Ninth day: Having a home at leisure, regretting death.

"Xiang" said: "If you are free and have a home, your aspirations have not changed."

Translation: Ninth day of the ninth day: Beware of accidents in the family and have no regrets.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: To prevent accidents in the family is to be alert to unexpected events.

Interpretation of the original meaning of "leisure" is a fence, a pen for raising cattle and horses, which is extended to prevent, and here it means to prevent evil (it was later extended to mean quietness and leisure).At the beginning of the "family" in the ninth place, the family has just been established.It is necessary to prevent evil when you have just established a family. This is to prevent evil before it is born.If the restraint is not strict at the beginning, let it go, and then discipline it after bad thoughts and family traditions arise, I am afraid it will be difficult to deal with it, and it will be too late to regret.Therefore, "Xiang Zhuan" specifically pointed out that "having a home at leisure" should be when "the ambition has not changed".

Sixty-two: Wuyousui, giving in the middle, Zhenji.

"Xiang" said: "The auspiciousness of June [-] is followed by Sunda."

Translation [-]: It is auspicious for a woman to do housework and arrange meals at home without making any mistakes.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: The reason why the six-two line is called auspicious is because the six-two yin line is below the nine-three yang line, like a woman who is submissive and humble to a man.

Interpretation Liu Er is based on softness and yin, and it is in the lower hexagram. It is soft and upright, and it corresponds to the nine-five masculinity. It has the image of a woman obeying her husband, so she has no specialization, that is, she obeys her husband in everything, and is not bossy or self-made. Advocate, don't do things well, only think about your own responsibilities in your heart-go all out to take care of the food and drink at home, so that you can keep upright and get auspicious.Therefore, Liu Er was praised at the beginning of "Zhuan Zhuan": "A woman is upright inside." It is said that "Shun Yi Xun Ye" means to be gentle and gentle towards the Ninth Five-Year Plan.

Nine three: family members 嗃嗃, regret, severe, auspicious.The woman is hee hee, always stingy.

"Xiang" said: "Family is squatting, and it is not lost."The woman is hee hee, it's the festival of losing home.

Translation [-]: If the family is managed very strictly, even though there are regrets and dangers, it will be auspicious; if the wife and children are laughing and joking, it will be a pity in the end.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: make the family very strict, but not lose the way of governing the family; wives and children are laughing, but they have lost family etiquette.

Interpretation of Jiusan is based on yang and masculinity, and masculinity can govern the family. However, although Jiusan is upright, it is not in the middle.Jiu Sanzhi's family is very strict, even too strict, which inevitably hurts feelings and makes the family feel very harsh.Moderation is of course appropriate in governing a family, but if moderation is not possible, it is better to be too strict than too lenient.Although being too strict will produce some remorse and dangerous side effects, it is still auspicious in the end because it does not lose the way of governing the family.Yaoci said "Family 嗃嗃, regret, severe, auspicious", which is what "Xiang Zhuan" said "not lost".On the contrary, if it is too lenient, women and children will smile and be fearless, which will lead to the abolition of family rules, incest, and evil. After all, it is stinginess, and the result of stinginess is naturally evil.Therefore, the line said, "Women are hee hee, but they will always be stingy".The reason for the stinginess is the "lost family festival" mentioned in "Xiang Zhuan", that is, the family education has lost its restraint and is too lenient.

June Fourth: Rich family, good luck.

"Xiang" said: The rich family is in good luck, and Shun is in power.

Translation Six Fourth: It is auspicious to enrich one's family.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: It is very auspicious to enrich one's family, and it is because of the Tiananmen Square incident that he won the throne due to his compliance.

Interpretation of ancient times believes that in a family, the father is in charge of education and is responsible for certain etiquette; duty.Under the upper hexagram, yin deficiency is not rich at all, but June [-] is based on yin and softness, and it is in the Sunda body, and its nature is smooth, so it can behave well, so that the family understands its difficulties and does not cause resentment; The ninth day of the ninth day, inherited from the ninth five-year period, is a masculine wealth, so it can be "rich" and "good luck".

Ninth Five-Year: Wang Jia has a family, so don't sympathize, auspicious.

"Elephant" says: Kings pretend to have a family, and they love each other.

Translation Ninth Five: The king uses virtue to impress his family members, and he can get auspiciousness without worrying about hard work.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: The king uses virtue to thank his family members, which shows that the family is friendly and harmonious.

The interpretation of Nine Five is that masculinity and righteousness occupy the honorable position and are the head of the family, but according to the lines, Nine Five is not an ordinary parent, but like a king. "The king pretends to have a family", that is, the king manages the family with respect to his family. Why should he touch his family?Of course, to impress family members with their virtues and exemplary behavior.The family members were moved by it, and they all got along with each other in harmony, and competed to show off their virtues, so that they could get good luck without worrying about hard work, so the line said, "Don't be sympathetic, it's good luck." "Xiang Zhuan" further pointed out that because "the king has a family", thus forming a beautiful scene of "loving each other".

Upper Nine: Fuweiru, end auspicious.

"Xiang" said: "The prestige is as good as the auspiciousness, and it is also called reflexiveness."

Translation No. [-]: Housekeeping is honest and dignified, and auspiciousness will be obtained in the end.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: the majesty and auspiciousness of governing the family is due to self-cultivation in the upper nine.

Interpretation of the upper nine is the end of the hexagram of the masculine family, ranking above the family. As such a parent, how can he maintain the undefeated family for a long time?In a word, it is the words "prestige and trust".Auspiciousness comes from prestige, with integrity in the heart, and the whole family is sincerely convinced, only then will there be real majesty and auspiciousness in the end.Where does prestige come from? "Xiang Zhuan" tells us that the prestige of parents is not to do their best to convince the family, but to get it from self-reflection, that is to say, to set an example by their own words and deeds to make others awe-inspiring. "Zhuan Zhuan" said: "There is a strict ruler in the family, and the parents are also called." It is consistent with the above nine lines.As the head of the family, parents have the highest authority, and their words and deeds are also examples for the family to learn from.

(End of this chapter)

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