Chapter 40 Gua Gua
The Gua (sound Kui) hexagram is composed of the lower part and the upper part.The word "Cui" in the hexagram name means "weird".The upper hexagram "Li" is fire, and the lower hexagram "Dui" is luster: the fire is on the top, and the luster is on the bottom. The two are contrary to each other, which means that things are opposite each other.The whole hexagram focuses on clarifying the principle of how to turn "皮" into "合".It emphasizes that although things are "different", they must also have "sameness" and "combination".As long as we make the best use of the situation, pay attention to methods, and seek common ground while reserving differences, conflicts will eventually be resolved.

Cree: Little things are auspicious.

The translated Gua Gua symbolizes divergence and dispersion: be careful, auspicious.

Interpretation of the upper hexagram of Kui is Li, Li is fire, the lower hexagram is Dui, and Dui is Ze. It can be seen that the hexagrams of the Kui hexagram are like flames rushing above and water flowing below.Li is a middle-aged woman, and Dui is a young girl. The two women live together and work together as a husband. They are bound to be jealous and disagree.Leaving as the sun and exchanging sexual joy, it symbolizes that the subordinates attach beauty to the light of the emperor with a harmonious attitude.The sixth and third yin lines of Yu are soft, and they are promoted to the fifth position. It can be seen that the basic structure of Yu's line is "soft and then ascending", like a subject keeping the righteous way, supporting the king, and being attached to the majestic and prosperous.Therefore, when encountering this hexagram, "doing small things is auspicious".

"彖" said: "The fire moves up, and the water moves down; two women live together, and their ambitions are different."It is said that it is beautiful and clear, soft and upward, and that it is medium and strong, so it is "small things are good".The world is open to the same thing, and men and women are open to the same aspirations.All things are in the clear and the matter is in the same category.When it is in full view, it will be of great use.

The translation "Zhuan Zhuan" said: The situation of deviation and dispersion is like the flame upward when the flame burns, and the water moistens downward when the lake flows.Another example is two women living together in the same room, each with different ambitions and unable to get together.It is auspicious to cling to the light happily, to move forward softly, to handle things in a moderate and masculine way, so it is auspicious to say that it is auspicious to act cautiously.The heaven and the earth are isolated from top to bottom, but they are doing the same thing of cultivating all things; men and women are different in yin and yang, but the minds of sympathy and union are the same;If you can use it according to the time when the strangeness is in the past, it will be very effective!

Interpretation of the Kui hexagram is composed of Dui Xia Li Shang, Dui is Ze, Ze Run is downward; Li is Fire, and the flame is upward.Zeben is already flowing downwards, and Huoben is already rising upwards, so it is said that the two are contradictory and separated.The upper line of the Dui hexagram is yin, and it is called a girl; the middle line of the Li hexagram is yin, and it is called a middle girl.Combined into one hexagram, it is like two women living in the same room.However, this will not last long. They all aspire to start their own families, and they always want to marry into different families, and they always have to be separated.Therefore, judging from the hexagrams, separation is a must.Although the Kui hexagram appears to be separated, it still contains the factor of reunion from the analysis of hexagram theory.Dui at the bottom of this hexagram means joy, and Li is the sun, which is a symbol of light.This means that it is undoubtedly a good sign that those in the lower position are full of joy to attach themselves to the Lord of Light in the upper position.The attitude of the superiors is the key to the problem.This is mainly analyzed from the sixth and fifth line of the Gua hexagram in the upper position. Liuwu has three characteristics: softness, moderateness, and rigidity, which is in line with the spirit of being cautious.When the upper and lower sides help each other, it is the day when the opposing sides return to unity in a harmonious atmosphere.The phenomenon of blindness is objective and indispensable.The opposition between heaven and earth can conceive all things; the opposition between men and women can reproduce human beings.It is the differences of all things that compose this harmonious universe and world.Only when there are gaps can there be unity, only when there are opposites can there be unity, and the unity of opposites can make all things live forever.

"Elephant" said: Go up to the fire and go down to the marsh.The gentleman is different with the same.

The translation "Xiang Zhuan" says: The upper hexagram of this hexagram is Li, and Li is fire; the lower hexagram is Dui, and Dui is Ze.Going up the fire and going down the marsh, the two phases deviate, are the hexagrams of the Gua.A gentleman observes this hexagram, thereby synthesizing the similarities of all things and analyzing the differences of all things.

Interpretation Mingzhe Gentleman observes that although Ze and Huo are both beneficial to others, they are scattered and deviated due to the different natures of Runxia and Yanshang.It is impossible and unacceptable to have similarities without differences.The same is the premise of difference.This enlightens us that in interpersonal cooperation, we should not only seek common ground in differences and work together, but also seek differences in common ground and maintain our own opinions.

Ninth day: Regret for death, lose a horse, do not follow, recover yourself.See the wicked, no blame.

"Xiang" says: When you see a wicked person, you can avoid blame.

Translation Ninth Day: Don't regret it. If you lose your horse, don't look for it. It will come back.If you meet bad people on the way, there will be no disaster.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: The reason why there is no disaster when meeting bad people is to eliminate the evil people's malice.

Interpretation of the Kui Gua talks about countermeasures when deviations occur in interpersonal relationships.The ninth day of the lunar new year is the beginning of the departure, and the contradiction has just occurred.At this time, there is still a lot of room for maneuver. As long as it is handled properly, conflicts can be resolved, relationships can be improved, and things that lead to regret can disappear.Here it points out the principles of "暌" in the ninth part of the first day, that is, "harmony" and "keep quiet".If you are in the ninth day of junior high school, you should learn from the shepherd's little cleverness. On the one hand, you must calmly wait for the development and changes of the situation. On the other hand, even if the villain who has broken with you asks to see you, you must meet him. Don't just because you hate this person And shut it out, so as not to intensify the conflict and cause endless troubles.It should be noted that the more wicked a person is, the less he can be provoked, how can he be turned away!This is the principle of "seeing the wicked is not to blame".

Ninety-two: If you meet the Lord in the alley, there is no blame.

"Xiang" said: "When you meet the master in the alley, you will not lose your way."

Translation [-]: There is no disaster when you meet a hospitable host.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Meeting a warm and hospitable host means that you have not lost your way.

Interpretation Nine-two is Yang Yao, which is in the Yin position of Er Yao, and Yang is in the Yin position, strong yet soft.Ninety-two is in the middle of the next hexagram and can keep the middle way.These are the advantages of [-].Corresponding to [-] is [-]. These two lines coincide with one yin and one yang, and they are both in the middle position. This situation is also very favorable.The honorable position in the upper hexagram of the Sixth Five-Year Plan is of course the "lord".In [-], the yang position is in the yin position. Although it has the advantage of being modest and obedient, it is "out of position" (improper position) after all, and it is a disadvantageous situation.In addition, the corresponding Sixth Five-Year is that the yin occupies the yang position, and they are not in the position, and they have positions but no rights.Although they form a corresponding relationship, they can only correspond secretly, and they are actually in a state of departing from and scattered.Under such circumstances, it was impossible for Jiu Er to ascend to the hall and enter the house. To meet the emperor openly in the court hall, he had to compromise and go through several twists and turns to meet his master privately in the alley.In the terminology of the ancient history book "Spring and Autumn", a meeting with complete etiquette is called "meeting", while a meeting with simple etiquette can only be called "meeting".

Sixty-three: When you see Yu Yu, the cow is pulling, and the person is heaven and earth.There is no beginning and no end.

"Xiang" said: Seeing public opinion, the position is not appropriate.There is no beginning and end, and there is just encounter.

Translation [-]: I saw a cart pulling goods. The cows pulling the cart were struggling to pull it up and down. The driver of the cart was a slave with a branded forehead and a cut nose.At first the car stuck and then finally pulled.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: I saw a slave who had his forehead and nose cut off pulling a cart, and the image of the line showed that the six-three yin line was in the yang position, and he was in an improper position, like a person falling into a miserable situation.It didn't go well at first, but the ending was good, because the sixth and third yin lines met the ninety-four yang lines when they moved forward, like a person getting help from the strong.

It is interpreted that Liusan and Shangjiu are yin and yang, but it cannot meet with Shangjiu. Because it is in an improper position, it is between two rigids. Control the bull's head in front so that it can't move.Under such circumstances, if Liusan insisted on moving forward, the car would be damaged and people would be injured.Although Liusan is in a masculine position and intends to move forward with strength, he is ultimately feminine in nature. His strength is weak, his heart is more than enough but his strength is insufficient. , battered, and embarrassed.In this difficult time, the most valuable thing is the spirit of perseverance.Liusan must see that he and Shangjiu are in a correct relationship (in a corresponding position, and they are yin and yang), but there is no correct relationship between September [-] and September [-]th. Nine encounters.Liusan must persevere, see the inevitable trend of convergence, and understand that this divergent situation is ultimately temporary.When it reaches the extreme, it must be a combination.Liu San will eventually meet with the corresponding masculine (upper nine).

Ninth Fourth: Keigu, meeting Yuanfu, making friends.Li, no blame.

"Xiang" said: There is no blame in making friends, and there is also aspirations.

Translation Ninety-Four: Meeting Yuanfu Chujiu at the time of departure and loneliness, and communicating with each other with sincerity, although there is danger, there is no disaster.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: friendship with sincerity can avoid disasters, which shows that the desire to get rid of loneliness can be realized.

Interpretation of Ninth Fourth is just the opposite of Sixth Three, with one Yang between two Yins, and each of the two Yins has its own master (Six Three corresponds to Upper Ninth, and Sixth Five corresponds to Ninth Two), which probably makes Nine Fourths feel more isolated reason.In addition, the ninth day corresponding to the September [-]th is also a yang line, and there is no corresponding relationship between yin and yang, and the [-]th seems to be in a desperate situation.According to Kong Yingda's explanation, Yuan Fu is the first ninth day of Yang Yao in this hexagram, and the ninth day is in the position corresponding to September Fourth.At this time, the ninth day of the ninth day and the fourth day of the ninth day were both lonely and helpless, and they were in a critical situation. The two lonely hexagrams finally met in the crisis.Both are masculine, and their natures are mutually incompatible and mutually exclusive; but because they are in similar situations and need to get out of the predicament, Jiusi resolutely cooperates with Chujiu and communicates with him sincerely, and finally they are in danger. disaster averted.

Sixty-five: regret death.Jue Zong devours the skin.Go, what's the blame?
"Xiang" said: Jue Zong devoured the skin, and there was celebration in the past.

Translation six five: Remorse is eliminated.People of the same clan expect to get along with each other, which is as easy as biting tender meat, so what's the harm in going there?

"Xiang Zhuan" said: People of the same clan expect to meet, it is as easy as biting tender meat, which means that there will be festive things when going there at this time.

Interpretation of the Sixth Five-Year is that the yin and yao are in the yang position. They are not in the right position, and they are at a time when they are far away. These are the unfavorable factors of the Sixth Five-Year.But Liuwu also has obvious advantages, which is what is said in "Zhuan Zhuan": "If you are soft, you will go up, and if you are in the middle, you will respond to rigidity." That is to say, Liuwu is feminine, so it is soft; Can master the middle way; corresponding to the Yin and Yang of ninety-two, you can get the help of the ministers who are just in the middle.As long as we give full play to the role of positive factors, we will certainly be able to eliminate adversity, turn evil into good fortune, and turn separation into harmony. "Repentance" is inevitable. "Skin-eating" is a commonly used metaphor in the "Book of Changes" era, describing a thing as easy to do, as easy as biting tender meat. "Juezong" refers to the [-]nd.The relative positions of the ninety-two and sixty-five places are exactly the relatives of the same clan, not only the yin and yang are in harmony, but also intersect with each other through the middle way.We have already learned from the lines of Jiuer that Jiuer twists and turns through the alleys in order to meet Liuwu, and Liuwu is respectful and submissive, responding to Jiuer. Isn't their meeting like biting tender meat? It's easy, you can close your teeth with one bite, and when you close them, you won't be separated again. There is no "regret" and "blame" to speak of!Not only is there no regrets and no blame, but if the Sixth Five-Year can condescend to cater to the September Second, there must be celebrations, so "Xiang Zhuan" says "There will be celebrations in the past."

Upper Nine: Kui Gu, see the hog bear Tu, a car carrying ghosts.The arc of opening first, the arc of talking later.Bandit crown, marriage.If it rains, it will be auspicious.

"Xiang" said: "It is auspicious to meet the rain, and the crowd will die if they are suspicious."

Translation No. [-]: In an extreme state of violating separation, I feel deeply alone.It's like seeing a pig with mud on its back; and a car full of ghost-like people.At first he stretched his bow to shoot, but then he put down the bow and arrow.It turned out that it was not robbers who robbed, but a welcoming team.You should go there, and you will get good luck in case of rain.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: When it rains, you will get auspicious, because all kinds of doubts are eliminated.

Interpreting that the upper nine are at the end of the Gua Gua means that they have been separated from the corresponding Yao Liusan for a long time, resulting in a deep sense of loneliness. People are prone to doubts in a lonely situation.Analyzing the personality characteristics of Shangjiu again, it takes the masculine line at the top position, and the rigid line is irritable, unable to think calmly; its position is also the top position of "li", which is clear and above it It means being overly bright and observing clearly. Such people are prone to nervousness and suspicion.A rude, irritable and neurotic personality type like the above nine, in a situation of long-term separation and self-feeling loneliness, will inevitably become "suspecting ghosts", and even develop suspicions about his own party members and cause many problems. Misunderstanding, almost chaos.This line reminds us to analyze the situation soberly, neither to be credulous nor to be suspicious.

(End of this chapter)

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