Chapter 43
The loss hexagram is composed of lower and upper gen, and the shape of the hexagram is "", which symbolizes "loss".The upper hexagram "Gen" is the mountain, and the lower hexagram "Dui" is the marsh: there is a deep marsh at the foot of the mountain, just like the marsh damages itself to increase the height of the mountain, which means "decrease".The hexagram of loss symbolizes saving and saving, and its meaning is mainly to lose the lower and gain the upper, to lose rigidity and gain softness, and to gain more than enough to benefit not enough.The hexagram of loss emphasizes that taking honesty as the premise and practicing the way of reducing losses will lead to four good results: "great auspiciousness, no harm, being in line with the right way, and conducive to making a difference in the future".The way to harm the bottom and benefit the top lies in sincerity, and there is no need to damage it too much. As long as you have integrity and respect in your heart, even a meager thing is enough to dedicate to the top.It is not required to benefit from abundance.The whole hexagram reveals that sometimes things must be reduced in a certain aspect in order to benefit; and it focuses on pointing out the principle of "loss and benefit".

Loss: Youfu, Yuanji, Wugui, Kezhen.Pros and cons.What's the use?Two Gui can be enjoyed.

The translation of the hexagram of damage symbolizes loss: it is very auspicious to have integrity in one's heart, without blame, and one can keep upright and solid, which is good for going forward.What is the way to express the reduction?Two gui sacrifices are enough to show the sincerity and respect of enjoying the sacrifice.

Interpretation of the loss hexagram mainly talks about the principles of loss, benefit, and various specific situations.According to the law of hexagram change, the loss hexagram is changed from the Tai hexagram, the lower body can be regarded as the original dry, the upper body can be regarded as the original kun, and the third line of the lower body Qian hexagram is increased to the third line of the upper body Kun hexagram. The position of the line, the position of the third line of the Kun hexagram retreats to the position of the third line of the Qian hexagram. After this movement of losing the lower and benefiting the upper, the positions of yin and yang are exchanged, and the universe and the earth are intertwined, forming a new hexagram body of Dui Xia Gen Shang.Because it is formed by losing the lower and gaining the upper, it is called the Loss Gua.If your loss is based on integrity, timely, neither too late nor too late, in short, the damage should be done, then your loss can be in line with people's hearts and win people's trust. But chastity and profit are boundless. "The use of 曷?" means that such a way of reducing losses with sincerity is expressed by what?The answer is: "You can enjoy the two gui." That is to say, the two gui sacrifices can express the sincerity and respect of enjoying the sacrifice.The ancients used eight gui at most, usually four gui, and at least two gui for sacrificial rituals.The hexagrams say that if you have faith in your heart, you don't need red tape, and you don't care about the number of offerings. You only need the Ergui sacrifice to express your heart.

"Yuan" says: Loss, damage to the bottom and benefit to the top, the way goes up.If there is damage, there is Fu, Yuan Ji, no blame, but chastity.Pros and cons.What's the use?Two gui can be used.There is a time for Er Gui to be appropriate, and a time for loss of rigidity and softness.Profit and loss go hand in hand with the times.

The translation "Zhuan Zhuan" says: Derogation means detracting from those below and gaining from those above.If you can have integrity in your heart when reducing losses, it will be very auspicious, there will be no harm, and you can keep upright and solid, which will help you go forward.What is the way to express the reduction?Two Gui sacrifices are enough to show the sincerity and respect of enjoying sacrifices.Offering Ergui sacrifices must be timely.Losing the strong and replenishing the weak must also be timely. The loss and gain of things, and the filling and deficiencies are all carried out naturally according to the timing.

Interpretation of the loss hexagram means that the lower will reduce its own losses to contribute to the higher, so "Zhuan Zhuan" says "the loss of the lower will benefit the upper, and the way will go up."Adding the word "he" between "loss" and "youfu" implies a hypothesis, emphasizing that if one can have integrity in one's heart, the reduction will be successful without fault. "Ergui should have a time", in terms of sacrificial offerings, generally speaking, of course, the richer the sacrifices and the more solemn the ceremony, the more devotion to gods and ghosts can be shown. Sincerely, it will become empty words.As long as you have integrity in your heart, even a meager sacrifice with only Er Gui can still be used for sacrificial offerings.There is a question of "time" here, when it is damaged at the right time, it will be damaged, and if it is not at the right time, it will not be damaged.When grand rituals and virtual sacrifices are popular, in order to express one's sincerity, one can do the opposite, and only use two gui to express one's heart.But it doesn't mean that only two gui are used for sacrifices at any time.The Ergui is only used when it is time to use it, so the "Zhuan Zhuan" says that "the Ergui should be used at the right time".Just became the chief of virtue.Since one has just become a virtue, it cannot be reduced endlessly, but can only occur under certain specific conditions. Therefore, "Zhuan Zhuan" says that "there is a time to lose rigidity and gain softness."Rigidity and softness are the opposites of a contradiction. If there is loss, there is benefit, and if there is profit, there is emptiness. Both profit and loss are inseparable from specific conditions, that is to say, they must be determined according to the time.Therefore, "Zhuan Zhuan" says that "profit and loss, surplus and deficiency, go with the times".Of course, in terms of profit and loss, we are no longer simply talking about loss and hexagrams, nor are we just talking about personnel issues, but extended to the natural world. "Profit and loss, profit and loss, keep pace with the times" is not only the principle that people should follow when they act, but also the inherent law of the objective world itself.

"Elephant" said: There is luster under the mountain, but it is damaged.A gentleman uses punishment to suffocate desire.

The translation "Xiang Zhuan" says: The upper hexagram of this hexagram is Gen, and Gen is the mountain;The gentleman observes this hexagram, and takes the water eroding the foot of the mountain as a warning, so as to restrain his anger and stop his greed.

Interpretation of Kong Yingda's "Zhouyi Zhengyi" in the Tang Dynasty said: "'Ze is at the foot of the mountain', Ze is inferior to the mountain, and it seems that the self-injury of the Ze is the image of the mountain." It means that the water will lose its own soil and rocks to increase the height of the mountain. , so it symbolizes loss.A gentleman observes this hexagram and realizes that there should be some reduction in self-cultivation and morality.Detract from what?How to reduce the loss?That is "punishing anger and suffocating desire".Humans have the seven emotions and six desires, which is justified.But as a gentleman, you should realize that people often make a mistake that will cause eternal hatred because of a momentary emotional impulse, so you should strengthen self-cultivation and stop the anger of everyone.As for "suffocation", there is also a question of degree. "Book of Changes" does not advocate abstinence, but it must stop excessive desires-greed and evil desires.

Ninth day of the lunar month: There is nothing to blame.Discretionary loss.

"Xiang" said: "Since things are going, Shanghezhi also."

Ninth day of the translation: Complete your own work and quickly go to assist the venerable, there is no harm; you should moderately reduce yourself as appropriate.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Finish your own work and quickly go to assist the venerable, which shows that the ninth day of the ninth day is in harmony with the venerable above.

Interpretation of "Zhuan Zhuan" emphasizes that "there is a time to lose rigidity and gain softness", that is, when it is damaged, it will be damaged, and if it is not properly damaged, it will not be damaged.The ninth day of the ninth day corresponds to the fourth day of June, and the ninth day of the ninth day is in the Yang position, which means there is a surplus of strength, and the sixth day is in the yin position of softness, which is the time when the strength is insufficient.Therefore, after completing his work on the ninth day of the ninth day, he quickly went up to respond to the June [-]th as an aid.Because this action is in line with the principle of loss and benefit in the hexagram of loss, the line says "no blame". "Discretionary damage" means that the ninth day of the ninth day should consider the actual situation and reduce one's rigidity to benefit June Fourth, neither excessive nor insufficient.Only with integrity can the loss reduction be handled properly.Yaoci here uses the metaphor of the minister's self-inflicted sacrifice.The ministers each have their own work at hand, if they put aside their own work and leave things behind, it is a lack of professionalism; if the work has been completed and the matter is not done, it is a neglect of the superior.However, the ninth day of the ninth day is now "the past", and "discretionary damage", it is the right time to seize the opportunity and do it just right.On the ninth day of the ninth day, it has indeed achieved "the loss of strength and the benefit of softness".In this way, "Legend of Elephant" is easy to understand.June Fourth, who was at the top, needed the help of Chu Jiu, and Chu Jiu quickly went to help after completing his own work.

Ninety-two: Li Zhen.sign, fierce.If you lose, you benefit.

"Xiang" said: Ninety-two Lizhen, the middle thinks it is ambition.

Translation Ninety-two: It is good for keeping upright, but traveling is dangerous; it can be beneficial to the above without detracting from oneself.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Ninety-two is conducive to maintaining integrity, which shows that he should take sticking to the middle way as his ambition.

Interpretation: Ninety-two yang lines are in the yin position, with moderate hardness and softness, unlike those in the ninth day of the ninth day who have more than enough rigidity; six-five-year yin lines are in the yang position, and they are also moderately rigid and soft, unlike those who are not strong enough in the sixth and fourth days.Therefore, although the two are in harmony, [-] cannot "go to".Under the condition that both lines are moderate, if Jiu Er dizzily reduces oneself to gain Liu Wu, it will cause one's own deficiency and Liu Wu's surplus, which destroys the original balance of yin and yang, and both lines miss the mark. up.Therefore, it is said in the line of ninety-two that "benefits chastity, levy, and fierce", that is, it is beneficial to maintain integrity, but it is dangerous to travel.Nine-two, as a lower yang line, is supposed to harm itself in order to benefit the above, but because of the special time between Nine-two and Six-five in a moderately rigid and flexible position, if Nine-two damages itself, it will not be able to benefit; if it does not harm itself, it will instead It can maintain the moderateness of the sixth five, that is to say, it is beneficial if it does not harm itself, so the line says "If you lose, you benefit".And "Xiang Zhuan" said "Jiuer: Lizhen, the middle is the ambition", it is the correct way to affirm the middle position of Jiuer and to keep the rigidity, softness and moderateness as one's ambition, which cannot be derogated.The ninety-two line reveals the truth that if there is no damage, there is no damage.It enlightens us to be self-reliant and not to advance rashly when we are incapable, and not to try to help others when they don't need it.

Six Three: Three people will lose one person, and one person will gain their friends.

"Xiang" says: One person walks, three people doubt it.

Translation [-]: When three people walk together, one person will be lost; if one person walks alone, he will gain his friend.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: one person can get his friends when walking alone, but three people walking together will cause doubts.

Interpretation of Liusan's Yao Ci must be understood in connection with the formation of the Sui Gua and Gua style discussed above.The so-called "three-person line" means that the original lower body of the Qian Gua has three Yang lines, and the third line is lost to benefit the upper body, that is, "loss of one person".Doing so just embodies the hexagram meaning of loss of hexagram, loss of bottom, benefit of top, loss of rigidity and softness. "Walking alone will make friends" means that if Liu San is "one person" walking alone, then he and Shang Jiuzheng should have strong friends.The so-called "three people walking together" in the six and three line speeches are just using people as metaphors, and their essence is to talk about the way of reducing the relationship between yin and yang.The subtraction between yin and yang has a universal meaning.As far as this hexagram is concerned, if the "three-person walk" does not "damage one person", then the lower body is Qian, and the upper body is Kun. Although the upper and lower bodies can form a unity of opposites, the upper and lower bodies are both pure Yang or pure Yin. It cannot constitute the unity of opposites of the combination of yin and yang, and at this time it still belongs to the Tai hexagram rather than the loss hexagram, so there is no way to talk about profit and loss.However, after "one person walks", that is, Jiusan and Shangliu exchange positions, the relationship between the entire hexagrams and lines changes.From the perspective of Liuyao, the ninth day of the first day is against sixty-four (yang against yin), ninety-two against sixty-five (yang against yin), and sixty-three against upper nine (yin against yang), forming a unity of opposites; It is said that Gen is a boy and Dui is a girl, and the two constitute the unity of opposites; from the perspective of the internal relationship between the upper and lower bodies, both are yin and yang, forming the unity of opposites.If one person walks together, he will gain friends and become two, achieving a corresponding balance of yin and yang.A three-person walk cannot achieve the harmony of the unity of opposites mentioned above.what to do?This creates doubts, so "Xiang Zhuan" says: "If one person walks, three people will doubt it." The solution is of course to "damage one person".

June [-]: Damage the disease, make Trent happy, no blame.

"Xiang" said: "It hurts its disease", which is also gratifying.

Translation Sixty-Four: To reduce one's own illness, so that the ninth day of the ninth day will come to benefit oneself quickly, there must be joy, and there will be no blame.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: reducing one's own illnesses shows that June [-]th can damage softness and strengthen rigidity, which is of course very gratifying.

Interpreting the June [-]th movement as yin and yin, the masculinity is seriously lacking, because "disease" is used as a metaphor to refer to the disadvantage of having no masculinity. "Destroying one's disease" means reducing one's weakness and benefiting one's masculinity.But June Fourth is a weak body, and he needs to rely on the ninth day to increase his masculinity. The subject of "Trent" is Chujiu.The self-harming behavior of June Fourth prompted Chu Jiu to quickly come to help him, which is of course a gratifying thing.That's why Yao Ci said "There is joy, there is no blame".Learning the line of June Fourth, we should realize the truth: if you are willing to overcome your own weaknesses, others will feel easy to get along with you and help you quickly and sincerely, even if you make a serious mistake, so The environment where I live is very bad, as long as I sincerely express my desire to improve my past, it will still attract people's attention and help.Some people always complain that God is unfair, and no one has ever helped them. After learning the line of June [-]th, they should realize that they should first check themselves and "damage their illnesses" in order to "make Trent happy and blameless."

Sixth Five-Year: The tortoise of the ten friends may benefit, Fuke violates, Yuanji.

"Xiang" said: Sixty-five yuan is auspicious, and you will be blessed by yourself.

Translation Sixth Five-Year: It is very auspicious for someone to present a precious tortoise worth ten friends and cannot be thanked.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Sixth Five-Year is very auspicious, this is the help given by Shangjiu.

Interpretation of the Sixth Five-Year Plan is based on the softness and the honor of the fifth. There are others to enhance it.That's why Yao Ci said "or (that is, someone) benefits the turtle of ten friends".Since others came to benefit them sincerely, and Liuwu is in a respectful position, it is inconvenient to say no, so I had to accept it, so the line of speech also said "Fu Kevi".In fact, there is a problem of popular support here, but the position of the Sixth Five-Year Office can be self-defeating instead of benefiting itself. As a result, the world has benefited one after another, and some people have even presented generous gifts worth ten friends, which shows that the Sixth Five-Year is very popular. of. "Yuanji" doesn't just mean that Liu Wu won the big treasure tortoise, but that he saw the prestige of Liu Wu from the matter of winning the tortoise.According to "Xiang Zhuan", it seems to be Shangjiu.Shangjiu attributed what he benefited from Liusan to Liusan, so "Xiang Zhuan" said that "six to five yuan is auspicious, and self-sufficiency is also blessed."

Upper Nine: For profit and loss, there is no blame, Zhenji.Pros and cons.The minister is homeless.

"Xiang" said: If you don't gain or lose, you can achieve great ambitions.

Translation No. [-]: Do not detract from others but benefit others. There is no harm. If you keep upright and solid, you will get auspiciousness. If you go forward, you will surely win the support of the subjects of the world.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: "Benefiting others without detracting from them shows the ambition of the Nine Greats to benefit the world."

Interpreting the above nine and ninety-two lines both have the sentence "Fu profit and loss", but because the two occupy different positions, their meanings are different.Nine two means to benefit others at the expense of oneself, and upper nine means to benefit others at the expense of others.Judging from the Yao Ci, Shangjiu is indeed a noble man, no wonder he can give such a precious gift as the "Ten Friends of the Turtle" to others.The upper nine is originally formed by the self-injury of Qianyang in the lower hexagram and the enhancement of Kunyin.Now Shangjiu itself is masculine, while Liusan, which corresponds to him, is feminine. Although the hexagram of loss is "damage the lower body and benefit the upper body", there is still a restriction of "damage the rigidity and benefit the softness".Since Liusan is already a yin line, it cannot be damaged any more.Because "the people are the foundation of the country, and the foundation is solid and the state is peaceful", so if you want to hurt the subordinates and benefit the superiors when the subordinates can no longer lose, it is tantamount to damaging the foundation of your own rule.In view of this, Shangjiu does the opposite, does not detract from others but enhances others.Doing so seems to benefit others, but it is actually strengthening yourself.Therefore, rather than saying that Shangjiu is a noble man, it is better to say that Shangjiu is a wise ruler.Therefore, the Yao speech said that the upper nine is "no blame, chaste and auspicious. There is profit, and the minister has no home."Moreover, this approach is indeed in line with the righteous way of the ruler, and it is in line with the aspiration of the emperor to benefit his subordinates, so "Xiang Zhuan" also praised it: "If you don't gain or lose, you will achieve great ambition."

(End of this chapter)

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