Chapter 44
The Yi hexagram is composed of lower shock and upper sundae. The hexagram is shaped like "", which symbolizes "gain".The upper hexagram "Xun" is wind, and the lower hexagram "Zhen" is thunder: the thunder and thunder are loud, and the sound of the wind helps, without hindrance.Therefore, the way of losing the upper and benefiting the lower will always be beneficial, and there is no danger and cannot be avoided. It is a metaphor for the situation of "gain".The whole hexagram reveals the truth that things must gain gains sometimes, and the hexagram's purpose focuses on the meaning of "benefits, losses, losses".

Benefits: There are benefits.Li involved Dachuan.

Translation Yi Gua: When a divination meets this line, it is good for going, and it is good for wading and crossing the river.

Interpretation of benefits refers to the reduction of taxes and labor, and the relief of people's poverty.Yi hexagrams say "beneficial to the future", because the ninety-five and sixty-two respectively occupy the middle positions of the upper hexagram and the lower hexagram, like monarchs, ministers and common people, each keeping his own way, so it is auspicious and peaceful.The hexagram also says "beneficial for wading and crossing the river", because the upper hexagram of Yi is Sunda, Sunda is wood, the lower seal is earthquake, and the meaning of earthquake is movement.Xunyi is humble, daring to act with humility, and his career will surely advance day by day, without limit.The heaven nourishes all things, the earth gives birth to all things, and the heaven and earth treat all things equally, and the benefits are boundless.The heaven and the earth are to all things, and the king is to the common people. The main principle of graciousness and generosity is: "Time is the most important thing, and emergency is the most important thing."

"Yuan" said: benefit, damage the upper and benefit the lower, the people say that there is no border, from up to down, its way is great. "Benefits come and go", Zhongzheng celebrates. "Benefiting across the great river", the wooden way is the way.If you move more and more, you will advance day by day without bounds.There is no way to benefit from heaven and earth.The way of all benefits goes with the times.

The translation "Zhuan Zhuan" says: Gaining means depleting the upper body and gaining the lower. The people benefit from it, and the joy is endless; the ruler benefits the people below from above, and his kingly way is bright.It is beneficial to go somewhere, because the venerable is right in the middle, and there will be joy in the world; it is beneficial to cross the big river, because there is a wooden boat to cross the water and the journey is smooth.At the time of gaining, the lower ones shake the upper ones, and the merits can be developed without limit; the heavens send benefits, the earth benefits from metamorphosis, and the effect of gaining is omnipresent.The principle of general observation gain is carried out naturally according to the timing.

Interpretation of "Zhuan Zhuan" points out that the Yi hexagram is the softness that damages the upper part and benefits the lower part.From a social and political point of view, it means that the ruler harms himself to benefit the common people below. When the people get benefits, they naturally have unlimited joy. Therefore, "Tuan Zhuan" says that "the loss of the upper and the lower, the people's talk has no boundaries."The people benefit, and the rulers themselves benefit as well.Therefore, a wise ruler is good at using the way of harming the upper and benefiting the lower, and benefiting the lower from above, so that his rule can be bright and prosperous. "Zhuan Zhuan" says that "from top to bottom, the way is great light", which is exactly the meaning. "Zhongzheng Youqing" refers to the images of the six-two and nine-five lines.The six-two and nine-five hexagrams of Yi hexagrams are both honorable and upright in the middle. With the virtue of Zhongzheng, the world will benefit, and the world will enjoy its benefits, and there will be blessings and celebrations.At this time, it is bound to be beneficial to go somewhere, even if it is dangerous and difficult to cross the big rivers and rivers, there is no disadvantage. "Wooden road" is the boat road, and you can cross the river by boat, so the "Zhuan Zhuan" says "Wooden road is the way to benefit from crossing the big river". "Zhuan Zhuan" uses the upper body of the Yi hexagram as a metaphor to explain that the journey is smooth when the benefit is involved in difficulties.The essence of the so-called "Tao" of "Wood Tao" is the "Tao" of "from top to bottom, its way is great light", that is, the way of benefit.The yang lines of the upper body increase to the initial position of the lower body, which symbolizes the yang energy of the sky on the earth;Such interaction between yin and yang, and the heaven's giving and the earth's birth, show that the effect of gain is ubiquitous in nature, so "Zhuan Zhuan" says "the heaven's gift and the earth's birth, its benefits are endless." The last two sentences of "Zhuan Zhuan" illustrate the point of view of gaining time.

"Xiang" says: wind and thunder, benefit.A gentleman will move if he sees good, and change if there is a fault.

The translation "Xiang Zhuan" says: The upper hexagram of this hexagram is Xun, and Xun is wind; the lower hexagram is earthquake, and earthquake is thunder.A gentleman looks at this hexagram and is frightened by the power of wind and thunder, so if he sees good things, he will follow them, and if there are mistakes, he will correct them.

Interpretation If "Zhuan Zhuan" talks about the issue of enrichment from the perspective of nature and human society, then "Xiang Zhuan" talks about the issue of enrichment from the perspective of personal cultivation.In the Yi hexagram, sunda in the upper body is the image of wind, and vibration in the lower body is the image of thunder.The strong wind makes thunder fast, and the violent thunder makes wind angry. The two enhance each other's strength, so it is said that wind and thunder help each other to symbolize gain.A gentleman realizes that the individual should also gain in moral cultivation from the phenomenon of mutual benefit between wind and thunder.The specific way is what "Xiang Zhuan" said, "if you see something good, you will move, and if you have something wrong, you will correct it."When you see good words and deeds from others, you yearn for and learn from them, and when you know that you have made mistakes, you quickly correct them. This will of course increase your moral cultivation.

Ninth day of the lunar month: Use it as a masterpiece, Yuanji, no blame.

"Xiang" said: "Yuanji, there is no blame, and the next is not a good thing."

Ninth day of the translation: It is beneficial to achieve great things, very auspicious, without harm.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: It is very auspicious and has no harm, which shows that the ninth day of the ninth day is not suitable for great things (but at this time because of the benefits of masculinity, it can do a lot).

Interpreting the formation of the benefit hexagram lies in the loss of the four benefits, so the ninth day of the first day is the master of the formation of the hexagram, and it is the image of benefiting from the bottom. Development is unlimited, so Yao Ci said that it is beneficial to accomplish a lot.On the ninth day of the ninth day of the lunar new year, I was in a lowly position, and it was difficult for me to do great things. Because I benefited from the masculinity of the upper body, I know how to repay my kindness, and I want to do something big. Cicai said "Using it as a masterpiece".But due to the low status of the ninth day.If you fail to achieve great success in doing great things, you will be criticized. Only by doing things perfectly and getting Yuanji can you be free from blame.Therefore, Wang Bi's "Book of Changes" said: "The husband lives in a place where there is no serious work, where he is humble and not a heavy responsibility, and his great achievements are not helped by small merits, so 'Yuanji' is 'no blame'." "Also" means that those who were originally in a lower position in the ninth day of the ninth day were not competent for major events, but now they have benefited from masculinity, and they will repay the benefits, and they must "work for a masterpiece".

Sixty-two: The tortoise of ten friends may benefit, and Foke violates it.Yong Zhenji.The king's use is enjoyed by the emperor, auspicious.

"Xiang" said: "It may be beneficial, and it comes from outside."

Translation [-]: Someone gave a precious tortoise worth ten friends, and he could not thank him. If he kept upright forever, he would get auspicious; the king got this precious tortoise to sacrifice to the emperor of heaven, auspicious.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Someone gave it (a big treasure turtle worth ten friends), which is an uninvited gain from the outside.

Interpreting the six-two of the Yi hexagram corresponds to the nine-fifth, which is more than just the nine-fifth, so the "Xiang Zhuan" of the six-five hexagram says it is "self-sufficiency", and the "Xiang Zhuan" of the six-two of the Yi hexagram says it is "self-defense". "Foreigners too", emphasizing that this kind of gain is uninvited.The Liuwu softness of the loss hexagram is in the Yang position, and the hardness and softness are in the middle; while the Liuer of the Yi hexagram, the line and position are all yin, and the rigidity is insufficient.Therefore, the day of the line of the six fifth of the loss hexagram is "Yuanji", while the day of the line of the six second of the benefit hexagram is "Yongzhenji", that is to say, if you benefit from it, you must always follow the right path to get auspicious.Although Liu Er was right and wrong, he got help from people all over the world, and someone even gave him a big treasure tortoise, but Liu Er did not keep the gains for himself, but used them for the king's sacrificial enjoyment, which is similar to the benefit of the ninth day of the ninth day. Illustrated newspapers, wanting to "make a masterpiece" have something in common.

Six three: Yizhi uses a murderous event, there is no blame, there is Fu Zhongxing, and the public is used to use Gui.

"Xiang" said: It is inherent to benefit and use evil.

Translation [-]: Gain helps the people in times of famine, there is no harm; with integrity in heart, act cautiously, hold jade kui, and report to the prince.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Gain in the famine year to help the people, the corn used is originally the people's own things.

Interpretation of June [-]rd is the year of famine and adversity. From the point of view of the position, it is above the lower body, which is equivalent to an official such as the county magistrate, so he does not have to do other things. As long as he can open a warehouse to relieve the victims, it reflects the loss. There is no harm in the way of the upper benefit and the lower.Of course, you must be honest when opening a warehouse to help the people, you must have faith in both the superior and the inferior, stick to the middle way, and act cautiously. Fill your pockets.Opening warehouses to help the people cannot be done exclusively, and must be reported to the superior.Therefore, Liu San has to report to the prince with Yugui in his hand, and only after obtaining approval can he open a position.Food is originally cultivated by the common people, but now in a year of severe famine and poor harvest, the government opens warehouses to relieve the disaster and benefit the common people.Therefore, "Xiang Zhuan" says that "it is inherent to benefit and use evil things." However, although food is "inherent to the people", it can be regarded as a follow-up official if it can benefit from Liu San.From the perspective of the upper and lower body of a hexagram, the second and fifth are the middle positions, but from the overall perspective of the hexagram, the third and the fourth are in the middle, so this line and the next line six and four are both in the "middle line".

June [-]th: Bank of China, inform the public, use it as a means to move to the country.

"Xiang" said: Tell the public to obey, and to benefit the will.

Translation Sixty-Four: Act cautiously, report to the prince that he wants to move the capital, and the prince allows it; it is beneficial to rely on the emperor and move the capital to benefit the people.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Reporting that the prince wanted to move the capital was allowed because June Fourth was beneficial to the people's aspirations.

Interpretation of the things said in the Sixth and Fourth Yao Ci is followed by the Sixth and Third Yao Ci.From the speeches of the sixth and third lines, we know that the local people suffered from a famine, so there is the move of relocating the capital of the country as mentioned in the speeches of the sixth and fourth lines, avoiding harm and gaining benefits.The June [-]th juxtaposition of the benefit hexagram is at a time when the upper body is harmed and the lower is benefited, and in a famine year, the biggest benefit is to move the country and lead the people to a rich land to cultivate and reap the harvest and rebuild their homes.Although June [-]th is in the hands of Yixia, he is not on the throne, and the relocation of the country must be consulted with the emperor, so the day of resignation is "announcement".Because June Fourth had the virtue of "going in the middle" and, as "Xiang Zhuan" said, it benefited the people's aspirations, the public "obeyed".Yao Ci "Use it as a means to move the country".It is the meaning of attaching to the emperor, implementing relocation, and no disadvantages.

Ninth Five-Year: If you have Fu Huixin, don't ask Yuanji.You Fu, Wheeler.

"Xiang" said: If you have a heart of blessing, don't ask about it.Wheeler is a great success.

Translation Nine Five: It is undoubtedly very auspicious to have the wish to benefit the world sincerely and faithfully.All peoples in the world will also repay my kindness sincerely and faithfully.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: With a sincere and faithful wish to benefit the world, it means that it is very auspicious and needless to ask.All the people in the world repay my kindness, which shows that (Ninth Five-Year) great gains hurt the ambition of the upper and the lower.

Interpreting the Ninth Five-Year Plan takes the virtue of masculinity and uprightness to occupy the honorable position, and responds to the Six-Two, as if having the heart of sincerity and benefiting the next, which is what Yao Ci said, "there is a heart of blessing".The people of the world receive its favor, of course, there must be auspiciousness without asking, so the line says "don't ask Yuanji".Since the Ninth Five-Year Plan, sincerity will benefit the world, and of course people in the world will also love and love him sincerely, and repay his kindness sincerely.This is the meaning of the line "You Fu benefit me".Heart and virtue are the same thing here.From the perspective of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, benefiting the people is my wish; from the perspective of the common people, this is the kindness bestowed upon them.The Ninth Five-Year has the sincerity to benefit the people. As feedback, the people will sincerely repay the virtue of the Ninth Five-Year Plan. The "hui" in "Huiwode" is different from the "hui" in "youfuhuixin". The latter means to give benefits, while the former means to be grateful, meaning to return.

Upper Nine: Don't benefit from it, or hit it, don't be persistent in your determination, fierce.

"Xiang" said: Don't benefit from it, it's a partial speech, or hit it, it comes from outside.

Translation No. [-]: No one benefits him, someone attacks him; there is no perseverance in determination, and there is danger.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: No one benefits him, which means that people all over the world don't help him; someone attacks him, which is a danger that comes from outside.

Interpreting the situation of the ninth five-year plan is quite different from that of the ninth five-year plan. No one in the world is benefiting from it, but they are attacking it. It seems that the key is to "be determined not to persevere."The benefit hexagram pays attention to the loss of the upper and the lower, and the benefit of the lower can be self-benefit.The upper body of the upper nine benefit hexagrams should have insisted on benefiting the lower body like June [-]th and [-]th Five-Year, but he has no perseverance, that is, the desire to benefit the lower body cannot last forever. , or hit it", falling into a dangerous situation.

(End of this chapter)

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