Chapter 45
The Kuai hexagram is composed of the lower stem and the upper part, and the shape of the hexagram is "", which symbolizes "decision".The word "夬" in the hexagram name means "decision".The upper hexagram "Dui" is Ze, and the lower hexagram "Qian" is the sky: just like the water vapor in the marsh rises to the sky, and it will rain decisively.However, it should publicize its crimes above the royal court openly, and it should sincerely announce orders to the masses, so that they will be on guard when they know that there is danger.It is a metaphor for the situation of "decision".From the perspective of the intensification of the contradiction between yin and yang, the whole hexagram reveals the principle that masculinity should rule over yin and softness, that is, "gentlemen" should eliminate "little people" and "righteousness" should overwhelm "evil".

Kui: Promoted in the royal court, fu title: "You are fierce." Tell Ziyi: "If you are unfavorable, you will be defeated."

The translated hexagram symbolizes decisiveness: to announce the crimes of treacherous officials in the court, to order people to guard against danger with sincerity, to issue decrees in cities, is not conducive to imposing sanctions by force, and it is beneficial to go after you are ready.

Interpreting 夬 means making a decision.Gua Gua is strong and weak, and the strong can win the victory over the soft.The upper hexagram is Dui, and Dui means joy; the lower hexagram is dry, and dryness means health.Vigorous yet friendly, courageous to make decisions but able to live in harmony, these are the virtues of Sui Gua.The line said, "Praise the king's court", punishing villains must be upright, and the crimes of treacherous people must be announced in the court.Of course, treacherous ministers will not automatically withdraw from the stage of history, they will inevitably frame loyal ministers and put them to death quickly. Therefore, Yao Ci said that "Fu Hao is strict", that is, he calls everyone to be on guard against danger with sincerity, and must not be taken lightly.But proceeding with caution does not mean leaving things alone.As long as you seize the opportunity and make full preparations, you can "be profitable" and get rid of the traitors.The hexagram reveals a valuable experience in political struggle: Although a gentleman is bright, open and powerful, but a villain is scheming and hides his murderous intentions, so when eliminating a villain, one must be vigilant and act carefully. before attacking.

"彖" said: "夬, decisive."Hard and soft.Healthy and talk, decisive and peace. "Praise in the king's court", softness takes advantage of the five strengths. "The name of Fu is fierce", and its danger is light. "Tell yourself that if you are unfavorable, you will be in trouble." What you still want is poverty. "There is profit to be made", and the long-term is the end.

The translation "Zhuan Zhuan" says: "夬, which means decisive, is a masculine gentleman decisively punishing a feminine villain; vigorous and convincing, decisive and leading to harmony."Announcing the crimes of treacherous officials in the court, it is said that one soft line willfully rides on top of five strong lines; sincerely ordering everyone to be on guard against danger, because only with a long-term fear and alert heart can the way of resolutely eradicating rape be carried forward; Appealing government orders to cities is not conducive to imposing sanctions by force. It shows that if you follow the army and generals, you will be in trouble with the way of resolutely eliminating rape. After you are ready, it will be good for you to go forward, which shows that masculinity will eventually overcome femininity.

Interpretation of "Zhuan Zhuan" first pointed out that "夬" is decisive, which is determined by the hexagram shape of "hard, decisive and soft".The Gua hexagram uses the image of five tough and one soft to show that the masculine gentleman decisively punishes the feminine villain. "Speaking with health, making peace with determination" is related to the upper and lower hexagrams.Jia Gua lower body dryness means health, upper body balance means speaking (pleasure), health means decisiveness, joy means coordination.The two sentences seem to be intertextual, meaning that because of their vigor, they can deal with treacherous officials decisively, so that Zhongliang can be convinced and all people can be united. "Zhuan Zhuan" first tells us that the crime of the villain announced by "Yang Yu Wang Ting" is "soft riding on the five strengths", that is, the villain lives on the side of the king and frames the loyal and good.Exposing this crime is necessary for the emperor to recognize the face of the villain and to unify everyone's thoughts of resolutely eradicating adultery.Then explain why the strategy of "Fu Hao is strong" is adopted, because only with a heart of fear and vigilance can we avoid the plot of the villain and achieve the goal of resolutely eradicating adultery. "Zhuan Zhuan" especially emphasizes this point, "what is still poor is poor".It is pointed out that if sanctions by force are advocated, the matter of eradicating rape will be in a difficult situation.It should be noted that "all things are poor" does not mean that force is completely rejected, but that force should not be advocated for settlement. The key is to sanction with morality, and force is only an auxiliary means.At the end of the hexagrams, it pointed out that "profits are bound to come", requiring people to take actions to get rid of villains.So why can the righteous gentleman win the final victory? "Zhuan Zhuan" explained that "just growing is the end".Judging from the hexagram style of the Gua, the prosperity of masculinity and virtue must end with the victory of masculinity over femininity, which symbolizes the inevitable victory of justice over evil.

"Xiang" said: Ze is above the sky, 夬.A gentleman respects his subordinates with alms, but avoids virtue.

The translation "Xiang Zhuan" says: The upper hexagram of this hexagram is Dui, and Dui is Ze; the lower hexagram is Qian, and Qian is the sky. It can be seen that the water in the water rises and waters the earth, which is the hexagram image of the Kui hexagram.A gentleman observes this hexagram, so that he can benefit from it, and dare not take credit for his pride, and take it as a taboo.

Interpretation of the "moisture above the sky" in "Xiang Zhuan" is based on the hexagram style.But why can "Ze Shang Yu Tian" symbolize decisiveness?This is because the water vapor in the lake rises to the sky, which will inevitably lead to cloud formation and rain, which means decisiveness.

Ninth day: Stronger than the front toe, go, it is too much to blame.

"Xiang" said: If you are defeated, you will be blamed.

Ninth day of the translation: The strength is at the front of the toes, if you go to it rashly, you will not be able to win, but will lead to disaster.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: If you can't win and go rashly, you will inevitably incur harm.

Interpretation of Gua hexagram The ninth day of the first day puts masculinity at the bottom of the dry body, uses the strength at the beginning, is eager to move forward, and eliminates the treacherous officials on the side of the king, but if he goes rashly and has no response, he will undoubtedly fail.The hexagram is based on the image of "stronger than the front toe", which shows that the ninth day of the ninth day is more than decisive, but not cautious. "Xiang Zhuan" said that "if you are defeated, you will be blamed", which points out this point.The ninth line of the first day reminds us that we must be "cautious at the beginning" when doing things, especially in political struggles such as fighting against rape, there is no room for reconciliation, so we must think carefully in advance when we act, and we must not be forceful and restless.Otherwise, not only will the goal of the struggle not be achieved, but even the capital will have to be taken into account.Strength must be combined with resourcefulness, and a wise man would never do stupid things like violent tiger Feng He.

Ninety-two: Vigorous number, Mo Ye has soldiers, don't sympathize.

"Xiang" said: If you have soldiers, don't show mercy, and you can get the middle way.

Translation Ninety-two: Screaming in fear, there are enemies coming at night, but it is not enough.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: If there is an enemy coming, it is not enough to cause trouble, because the ninety-two line is in the middle of the next hexagram, and it is like a person who has the right way.

Interpreting Nine-Two not only keeps one's own vigilance at all times, but also sends out calls to alert everyone, which puts everyone in a state of high vigilance in daily life. Therefore, even though treacherous villains have tricks, even if they attack at night, there is nothing to worry about. "Xiang Zhuan" said "get the middle way" is the answer.Judging from the image of the line, Jiu Er uses rigidity and softness to find the middle, and the combination of rigidity and softness, so he has the determination to eradicate adultery decisively, but also acts cautiously, so as to be prepared and avoid danger.

Nine three: strong, fierce.A gentleman walks alone, if he is wet in the rain, he is stunned, and he is not to blame.

"Xiang" said: "A gentleman is too good, and there is no blame in the end."

Translation Nine Three: Strong is between the cheekbones of the face, there is danger; a gentleman is resolute and determined to eliminate adultery, walking alone in the rain seems to be wet on the body, and he is sullen, but in the end there is no blame.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: A gentleman is resolute and determined to eliminate adultery, and he will not be blamed after all.

Interpretation of Jiusan is based on rigidity, above the dry body, with a character of exposing rigidity and jealousy.And Jiusan happened to correspond to Shangliu, a soft villain. With Jiusan's character, Shangliu would be furious when he met Shangliu. He showed his heroic feeling of eradicating evil for the country on his face, as if he was about to go to war. Want to get rid of it.But doing so is not in line with the spirit of the hexagram "Unfavorable is Rong", and it must be dangerous.Therefore, the speech of the line uses "stronger than" as an image, which shows that Jiusan shows the righteous indignation of the treacherous officials on his face, and alerts the other party, which will lead to the disaster of killing him, "there is fierceness".A gentleman has a decisive heart to eliminate adultery, and it doesn't have to be profuse in words.But if Jiu San's expression softened, it would also cause trouble.The position of Jiusan is unique, and only Jiusan corresponds to the upper sixth in the hexagram, so Jiusan has to deal with it alone, waiting for the time to decide.But outsiders don't know the inside story, and think that Jiu San has something to do with it, just like a person walking alone in the rain and getting wet.In this way, Jiusan was misunderstood by the gentlemen and was sullen, so Yao said that a gentleman "walks alone and encounters rain as if wet, and feels frustrated." "Rain" refers to the upper six, and the upper sixth is the main line of the Fu Shang Ti Dui hexagram. The upper water will inevitably form rain in the sky, so it is called "Yu Yu".However, even though it was "in the rain", Jiusan did not get along with it, so the line said "Ruo Ruo", which means that it is not really getting wet.In order to eradicate traitors and traitors, Jiusan endured humiliation and endured severe tests, but in the end he will be innocent.Jiusan has the ambition of "beautiful" in his chest, and sooner or later he will get rid of the treacherous ministers.Getting rid of treacherous ministers first eliminates hidden dangers, and second, eliminates misunderstandings between friends, so Jiusan was ultimately innocent.

Ninth Four: The buttocks have no skin, and their behavior is inferior.Leading the sheep regrets death, but does not believe what is said.

"Xiang" said: Its behavior is inferior, and its position is not appropriate.If you don't believe what you hear, you don't know how smart you are.

Translation Ninety-Four: There is no skin in the buttocks, and he hesitates in action; if you can lead a strong sheep, your regret will disappear, but unfortunately you did not listen to this statement.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Hesitation in action shows that the position of the September [-]th is not appropriate; after hearing this statement, he did not believe it, which shows that the ear heard the [-]th but did not understand it in his heart.

Interpreting the September [-]th, the rigidity is in the yin, and it breaks away from the dry body of the lower hexagram and enters the dui body of the upper hexagram. It is not strong enough but more than pleasant, so the character is timid and has no courage to resolutely eliminate adultery.This kind of indecision is like a person's buttocks being injured and losing the skin, making it difficult for him to sit down and walk. Therefore, Yao Ci used analogies to say that "his hips have no skin, and their behavior is inferior."The "leading the sheep and regretting death" mentioned in Yaoci is a way out for the [-]th.Sheep are strong and vigorous animals, which are referred to here as the ninety-five. "Leading a sheep to repent for death" means that if the September [-]th can bear the yang of the [-]th, it is like holding a strong sheep, and it can make up for its lack of determination.But it is a pity that the [-] Fourth Movement insisted on going its own way because of its lack of righteousness, so it did not listen to such advice.Confucius wrote "Xiang Zhuan", and it is a pity to write here. He said that in September [-]th, "you don't believe what you hear, and you don't understand it." "Smart but not clear" means that the ears are very sensitive and can hear everything, but the heart is not clear.It is not the most terrible thing to have your own shortcomings, but the most terrible thing is not to listen to other people's opinions, and go all the way to the dark.

Ninth Five-Year: Amaranth, Lu, and Lu, go in the middle, no blame.

"Xiang" said: "There is no fault in the middle of the line, and there is no light in the middle."

Translation Nine Five: We must eradicate treacherous villains as resolutely and resolutely as we eradicate amaranth.Doing so is in the middle way, and there is no harm.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Doing so is in line with the middle way and there is no harm, which shows that the way of neutrality in the [-]th Five-Year Plan has not yet been developed.

Interpretation of the Ninth Five-Year and Nine-Fourth have similarities. Both lines are in the Dui style, and both are not strong enough but more than harmonious.Fortunately, being in the middle of the [-]th Office can avoid the tragedy of [-]'s "behavior and disbelief".But in any case, the Ninth Five-Year Plan is in the midst of a change, so Yao Ci issued a warning that "the amaranth is in trouble, and the Bank of China is not to blame".Yao Ci is not a description of what the Ninth Five-Years did, but a warning against the problems existing in the Ninth Five-Years.I hope that the Ninth Five-Year Plan will have the spirit of cutting grass and roots, resolutely and decisively get rid of villains, and not favor harmony, so as not to be knocked down by treacherous officials' sugar-coated shells.Therefore, the "Xiang Zhuan" written by Confucius believed that Yao Ci issued a warning that "there is no fault in the middle line".It just shows that although the Ninth Five-Year Plan is in the middle, the middle way has not yet been achieved.This is the alarm bell ringing, and I hope that people will not fall short in the just cause of resolutely eradicating rape.

Upper Six: No number, there will be evil in the end.

"Xiang" said: "The evil without a name will never grow."

Translation No. [-]: No need to wail and suffer, danger is inevitable after all.

"Xiang Zhuan" said that there is no need to cry and suffer, and the danger is inevitable, which shows that the situation that the upper six ranks above the five suns cannot last for a long time.

Interpretation of the first six shows that yin is at the extreme of the Kuang hexagram, and it is a sign of treacherous ministers occupying high positions and doing evil, but the extreme presumptuousness will be punished.Therefore, Yao Ci is a slap in the face to Shang Liu: "If there is no number, there will be evil in the end." He has done a lot of evil, and he is to blame. No matter how much Shang Liu cries, he will not be able to save the defeat.It can be seen from the hexagrams that with the vigor and prosperity of the five yangs and the sanction of the isolation and poverty of the one yin, it shows the inevitable outcome of the victory of loyalty and defeat, the survival of righteousness and the death of evil.

(End of this chapter)

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