Chapter 55 Jian Gua
The gradual hexagram is composed of the lower gen and the upper sundae, and the shape of the hexagram is "", which symbolizes "gradual progress".The upper hexagram "Xun" is a tree, and the lower hexagram "Gen" is a mountain: there are trees on the mountain, which gradually grow taller, implying the meaning of "gradual progress".Quan Gua clarifies the principle of "step by step" in the development of things.

Jian: Female Guiji.Li Zhen.

The hexagram Jian in the translation symbolizes gradual progress: women get married step by step according to etiquette, and can obtain auspiciousness, which is conducive to keeping the right way.

Interpretation of gradual progress is slow progress, which is an orderly progress without going beyond the order, so it is slow.The purpose of the entire Jian Gua is to clarify the gradual and orderly law of the development of things.Here is just borrowing the matter of a woman getting married to illustrate the philosophical truth.Women regard their husbands as their home, and they are called daughters when they get married.We know that it is not a simple matter for a woman to get married in ancient times. She has to perform six rituals, that is, to go through six steps: accepting a lottery, asking for a name, accepting auspiciousness, accepting a levy, asking for a date, and welcoming in person. This procedure must be strictly followed ,Indispensable.If a woman follows these six rituals when she gets married, the marriage is normal and reasonable. If the woman does not follow this procedure to complete the marriage, it is abnormal, that is, elopement, and elopement will not be auspicious.There is no family that does not seek auspiciousness when marrying a daughter, so most women follow this procedure when they get married.The marriage of a woman is the most common thing in life, and the reason why it proceeds slowly according to the procedure is easy for people to understand.The hexagram Jian takes the image of "Nvgui", which itself is chaste and proper, and because "Nvgui" has the characteristics of chastity and integrity, it is bound to be auspicious for a woman to marry.

"彖" said: "Gradual progress." "Women return to auspiciousness" also, if you get in the position, you will have meritorious service.If you advance with righteousness, you can be a righteous nation.Its position has just won.Stop and sundae, move without being poor.

The translation "Zhuan Zhuan" says: Progressing forward gradually, just like a woman getting married in accordance with the etiquette, you can get auspicious.Gradually get the right position, which means that you can build meritorious deeds by going there.Gradually and then being able to keep the right way, this can straighten the country.It is due to the virtue of masculinity and neutrality that it moves gradually and occupies the position of honor.As long as you keep quiet and docile, you will not get into poverty when you act.

Interpretation of "gradual progress, women's return to auspiciousness", taking the image of women getting married and following the six rituals to obtain auspiciousness, to show the principle of gradual progress in the development of things.The [-]nd, [-]rd, [-]th, and [-]th lines of the Jian hexagram are different from the Guimei hexagram. "Said, "If you advance to the position, you will have meritorious service; if you advance with righteousness, you will be able to lead the country."The conditions are ready, and the Ninth Five-Year Plan is well-deserved.Because "Zhuan Zhuan" talks about the Ninth Five-Year Plan, in order to avoid being misunderstood as the Six Second Period, the last few sentences of the "Zuan Zhuan" are specially explained, emphasizing that "hardness is in the middle" rather than "softness is in the middle".The gradual hexagram Gen is down, Sunda is up, and down Gen is a mountain, and when it stops, it is stagnant and restless; the upper Sunda is wind, and Sunda is a tree, and Sunda is eager to move and not in a hurry.Immobility below, slow movement above, this is the phenomenon of gradual progress.As long as one can possess such virtues of being quiet, unflappable, humble and docile, one is naturally "moving without being poor", and one will never get into a predicament when acting.

"Xiang" said: There are trees on the mountain, gradually.A gentleman is a virtuous person who is good at customs.

The translation "Xiang Zhuan" says: The lower hexagram of this hexagram is Gen, and Gen is the mountain; the upper hexagram is Sunda, and Sunda is the tree.The gentleman observes this hexagram and takes the law from the cultivation of forests in the mountains, so that he can regard himself as a virtuous person and shoulder the social responsibility of improving customs.

Interpretation of Jian Gua's lower body is gen, which is the mountain, and the upper body is sunda, which is the wood. Therefore, "Xiang Zhuan" says "there are trees on the mountain". "Growing wood in the ground" is the first-born tree. The seedlings break out of the ground. According to the natural law, they must grow and increase, and change with each passing day. Everyone can see the growth and changes, so it symbolizes ascension. "There is a tree on the mountain" is a tall tree that has grown into a towering tree. Although it is actually still growing every day, people can hardly notice it and feel that the growth is slow, so it symbolizes gradual progress.From the point of view of personnel affairs, although the ascending hexagram has to be small and even tall, it is in an unimpeded time after all, emphasizing "following the trend to rise", while the gradual hexagram is to wait and advance, such as a woman getting married. Follow the rules gradually, emphasizing "step by step".

Sixth day: Hung Chien Yu Qian.The boy is fierce, has words, and is innocent.

"Xiang" said: "The boy is fierce, and there is no blame for righteousness."

Translation: The sixth day of the lunar month: The geese gradually flew to the water's edge.Rebuked by the young and ignorant, but though the words are slanderous, there is no blame.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: young and ignorant people have resentment, but from the meaning of the sixth day of the sixth day, they will not cause harm.

Interpretation of Jian Gua The hexagrams are based on the image of a woman getting married, and the lines are all based on the image of swan geese flying gradually.Hong is a wild goose, and wild geese always fly in order, which fits the meaning of gradual progress. The "dry" in "Hongjian Yuqian" means shore.The sixth day of the lunar new year is a soft and weak talent, who does not have the conditions to soar into the sky and spread its wings for thousands of miles. It is also at the beginning of the Jian hexagram, and its position is low. Do", which is quite reasonable.Special attention should be paid to the understanding of "boy". Boy is not a derogatory term, but a young and ignorant person who is out of place.This kind of person is characterized by short-sightedness, seeing the present but not being able to infer the future.They think that swan geese can fly very far, but now they only gradually reach the river, so they complained a lot.The sixth day of junior high school doesn't need to care about people's slanderous words. The key is to carefully assess the situation, be gradual and not impetuous, as long as you enter the body with integrity and do not violate etiquette, you will naturally achieve final success. Temporary verbal hurt is nothing ?Just as Dante said: "Go your own way, let others say it!" The actions of the sixth day of the junior high school are absolutely correct. If you are under it, you must advance, and if you are feminine, you don't need to be restless.If according to the kid's opinion, the sixth day of junior high school is used to rush forward, I'm afraid it will be too haste, and it may even cause harm.

Sixty-two: Hongjian Yupan, eating and drinking.lucky.

"Xiang" says: Eating and eating is not enough.

Translation [-]: Wild geese gradually fly to the top of the rock, stable and safe, with food and drink, happy and happy, and good luck.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: There is food and drink, joy and peace, which shows that June [-] is not free to eat and do nothing.

Interpretation of the sixth day of the first day is just "Hong Jian Yu Qian", and the second day of the Lunar New Year goes further, it is already "Hong Jian Yu Pan", gradually progressing on the rock, and obtaining a stable place.The consolidation of the status is as safe as a rock, and the prosperity of life is also reasonable. There is food and drink, joy and harmony, and it is naturally auspicious.However, June [-] was not rewarded for nothing. "Xiang Zhuan" said that "eating is not enough to be full", and "not being full" means not eating for nothing, which shows that Liu Er obtained such honors and salaries by virtue of his own promotion.Liu Er is a minister who is feminine and soft in the middle, far away from the masculine monarch of Ninth Five-Year.Confucius was worried that people would misunderstand the meaning of Yao, so he made it clear in "Xiang Zhuan".

Ninth Three: Hung Chien Yu Lu.Husband's symptoms are gone, women are infertile, fierce.Li Yukou.

"Xiang" said: If the husband's signs are gone, he will be out of the group and ugly, and the woman will be infertile, and he will lose his way.Li Yukou, Shun Xiangbao also.

Translation Nine Three: Wild geese gradually fly to the high plains. At this time, the husband goes out and never returns, and the wife loses her virginity and becomes pregnant but cannot bear children. It is dangerous.But it is good for defending against strong bandits

"Xiang Zhuan" said: the husband went out and never returned, which shows that Jiusan betrayed his own kind.The wife loses her virginity and gets pregnant but can't bear children, which shows that Jiusan's behavior has lost the way of a couple's blind date.It is conducive to defending against strong bandits, indicating that Jiusan should be self-defense and righteous, so as to make it peaceful and harmonious.

Interpretation of Jiusan is that the quality of rigid yang is in the yang position. If it is too rigid, and it is at a time of gradual progress, it is aggressive and impetuous, and loses the correctness of gradual progress. Once it is lost to the end, it does not know where to turn.That’s not to mention, September [-]rd and June [-]th are not yin and yang, but just a relationship, but they are so inseparably compared, they agree with each other, and they linger and forget to return. This is a mistake.Jiu San betrayed his own kind and became an independent husband. If he continues to develop, he can only end up being accused by thousands of people!The way for couples to date on a blind date is to conceive children only in accordance with propriety and righteousness, but Jiu San had an affair with June Fourth, and they had a private relationship, so that even though they were pregnant, they were infertile, which must be fierce.Therefore, "Xiang Zhuan" said that "the husband's sign is no longer" is "outlier and ugly", and that "female infertility" is "out of the right way".Those who keep integrity and self-restraint should take ninety-three as a precept.But then again, Jiusan is the line of masculinity and righteousness. If you can use it carefully to make it strong and progressive, not to be aggressive, and not to be moved by obscenity, it will be beneficial to use its strength to defend against strong bandits (note that everything is irrational and To the behavior are Kou).In this way, the evil of "the husband's symptoms will not return, the woman will be infertile" can be avoided, so the Yao Ci specially encourages it from the front to "benefit the imperial bandits".If Nine Three can be cautious and guarded in vain, it will make the strong bandits have nothing to take advantage of. Not only will they prevent their evil and defend themselves with justice, but it will also prevent the other party from falling into injustice. That's why it is said that peace and harmony are guaranteed.

June [-]th: Hung Chien grows from a tree, or gets his jue, no fault.

"Xiang" said: "If you get the jue, you can follow it with the sundae."

Translation [-]: Wild geese gradually fly to tall trees, maybe they can get a horizontal branch, so as not to cause harm.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: The wild goose may be able to get a horizontal branch, which shows that June Fourth is gentle and peaceful.

It is interpreted that wild geese are birds that live in water, their toes are connected, they cannot hold branches, and they cannot live in trees. Now that June [-]th is "becoming a tree", the situation is of course dangerous when they go to places they shouldn't be.June [-]th lived in the shade and got his position, but there was no support, and he took advantage of the rigidity of Jiusan and lived in an uninhabitable place. Therefore, the metaphor of the geese living on the tall trees shows that he is in danger. territory.However, the June [-]th position is soft and upright, and it inherits the yang of the Ninth Five-Year Plan. Obtaining a horizontal branch will naturally secure the position and be safe and sound.June [-]th was able to turn the crisis into safety because he lived in the yin and was in the upper body of the Xun hexagram. blame.

Ninth Five-Year: Hung-chien Yuling.If a woman is infertile at the age of three, Mo will win in the end, auspicious.

"Xiang" said: In the end, nothing will win, auspicious, and you will get what you want.

Translation Ninth Five-Year: Wild geese gradually flew to the top of the hills, and the wife was not pregnant for a long time, but the invasion of foreign objects could not win in the end. The couple achieved the goal of union and obtained auspiciousness.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: the invasion of foreign objects cannot win in the end, and the couple has achieved the goal of union and obtained auspiciousness, which shows that the ninth five will surely meet the wish of the sixth second.

The interpretation of the Ninth Five-Year Plan is based on "Hongjian Yuling". The mausoleum is a high hill, which is the highest place where wild geese can inhabit.So this is also the highest state of gradualism.In the [-]th five-year period, the sun is in the sun, and the center is right, and there is the virtue of being upright. This is also the best condition for gradual progress.Of course, any gradual progress requires a process. When it is gradual, it is impossible to tell the difference immediately, whether it is good or bad.The relationship between [-] and [-] is yin and yang, and it seems that [-] has not achieved the harmony of [-] for a while, so Liu[-] has not been able to conceive for many years.The combination of yin and yang is a law of heaven, and it can be auspicious. However, there are still nine three and six four between nine five and six two. Progressive.At the beginning, we must establish the confidence to win and cultivate the virtue of integrity, then the light will definitely belong to us, and whoever laughs last will laugh the best.

Upper Nine: Hung Chien Yu Lu, his feathers can be used as instruments and auspicious.

"Xiang" said: "Its feathers can be used as rituals, auspicious, and not disorderly."

Translation Shangjiu: The wild goose gradually flies to the high flat ground, its feathers can be used as appearance decorations, and finally auspiciousness will be obtained.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: The feathers of wild geese can be used as appearance decorations to obtain auspiciousness, which shows that the mind of Shangjiu is noble and should not be disturbed.

The process of interpreting the gradual progress has reached the pinnacle so far. Shangjiu is above the Xun hexagram and is humble. What's more, Yang is in the yin and loses its proper position. , That's why Yao Ci said "Hong Jian Yu Lu".The line "its feathers can be used as a ceremonial instrument" reveals the spiritual state of Shangjiu.Feather is a metaphor for virtue, and instrument refers to demeanor.Mencius said: "Those who hear the wind of the benefits of Boyi Liuxia are stubborn and incorruptible, and cowards with determination." Shangjiu's superb virtues that are not proud of themselves, this kind of noble integrity that is not burdened by status, can be set as an example and admiration for the world. A role model, worthy of admiration and learning from future generations. "Xiang Zhuan" says "Auspicious, not chaotic", which is just to praise Shangjiu's ambition of being clear-headed, noble-minded, and not greedy for salary.Looking at Jian Gua Gua Yao Ci, its core idea is to clarify the principle of "step by step" in the development of things.The hexagrams use the marriage of a woman as a metaphor, explaining that auspiciousness can be obtained by following the etiquette gradually, and the six lines use the metaphor of swan geese flying gradually, from near to far away, from low to high, echoing the hexagrams at a distance.

(End of this chapter)

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