Chapter 56

The Guimei hexagram is composed of the lower part and the upper part, and the shape of the hexagram is "", which symbolizes "marrying a girl".The word "gui" in the hexagram name is the ancient name for a woman to get married; the word "mei" is like "girl".The upper hexagram "Zhen" means thunder, and its meaning is "moving"; the lower hexagram "Dui" means Ze, its meaning is "yue": the sound of thunder on Daze is moving with joy, which means "married a girl" state of joy.The whole hexagram uses "married daughter" as an example to reveal the principle that "yin" should take "yang" as its destination, so that the heaven and earth can harmonize and all things can reproduce.

Guimei: sign, fierce.No profit.

The translation Guimei hexagram symbolizes marrying a girl: as long as you take action, there will be danger, and there will be no beneficial things.

Interpretation of the "Nvgui" in the Jian hexagram refers to the kind of regular marriage of the Ming media that follows the six rituals when a woman married and became a regular wife in ancient times, while the "Gui Mei" in this hexagram mainly reflects the ancient women who did not wait for the official marriage of the Ming media, but married themselves and became a concubine. Marital status.In fact, among all the 64 hexagrams in "Book of Changes", the hexagrams are not beneficial at all, and only the two hexagrams are Guimei or not.From the perspective of the hexagram image, Guimei's hexagram changes from the bottom to the top, and the change is joy, and the vibration is movement. It is a happy event to move with joy, so there is an image of Guimei.But once you move improperly and deviate from the right path, good things will turn into bad things.The second to fifth lines in the hexagram are not correct. Although the ninth day and the sixth day are correct, the yang is below the yin, and the position is not good. Of course, such actions will not have any good results.Looking at it from another angle, the hexagram Dui is the bottom, Zhen is the top, Dui is a girl, Zhen is the eldest man, and the girl is below the eldest man, which is an image of an old man with a young wife.For this kind of marriage, the love between men and women is better than the righteousness of husband and wife. According to the ancients' point of view, this is also a violation of the right way. A woman would take the initiative to marry a man without going through a man's marriage. will not be beneficial.The hexagrams say "Guimei: There is no profit for the evil", and the "fierce" is not to deny "Guimi" fundamentally, but to warn that if Guimei deviates from the right path, the result will inevitably be dangerous.

"彖" said: Returning to my sister is the righteousness of heaven and earth.Heaven and earth are not handed over, and everything is out of order.Guimei is the beginning and end of a person.If you talk about it, you will belong to your sister. "Signing evil" is inappropriate. "There is no profit", softness takes advantage of rigidity.

The translation "Zhuan Zhuan" said: Marrying a young girl is the righteousness of heaven and earth.If the yin and yang of heaven and earth do not intersect, everything in the universe cannot reproduce and prosper.Marry a girl, and human beings can go back and forth and live forever.Moved with joy, it means that it is possible to marry a girl.Any action must be dangerous, indicating that the position is improper.There will be no favorable things, which means that the femininity is superior to the masculinity.

Interpretation of "Zhuan Zhuan" said: Guimei, that is, marriage between men and women, is the righteousness between heaven and earth.If heaven and earth do not intersect, everything will not reproduce.The marriage of men and women is the starting point of human reproduction. "Guimei" is as reasonable as the yin and yang of heaven and earth to produce all things, so "Zhuan Zhuan" says that Guimei is "the righteousness of heaven and earth".He also pointed out that "guimei is the beginning and end of human beings", and believed that Guimei is a big issue related to the beginning and end of human beings.And this hexagram has the lower part and the upper part shakes, which is exactly the image of the lower part being happy and the upper part moving, and the intercourse of men and women. Therefore, the "Zhu Zhuan" says, "Speaking to move, it belongs to the younger sister."The words in the hexagrams are words of warning to the "sister" who is "returning", emphasizing that the behavior of a woman's marriage must be "correct", otherwise it will be "violent" and "no profit".As far as this hexagram is concerned, it is mainly caused by two reasons. The "Zhuan Zhuan" "Zhou Zhuan, improper position, no profit, softness and rigidity" is to explain these two problems.First of all, the ninety-two, sixty-three, ninety-fourth, and sixty-five four lines are all inappropriately placed and lost their proper positions; secondly, the six-three and six-five lines are not only out of alignment, but also use femininity to dominate masculinity, and softness is not strong enough. Shun.Such yin and yang are abnormal, rigidity and softness are not smooth, of course it is not appropriate to take any action, otherwise there will be fierceness.

"Elephant" said: "There is thunder on the lake, and I will return to my sister."A gentleman will know you forever.

The translation "Xiang Zhuan" says: The hexagram of Guimei, the lower hexagram is Dui, and the upper hexagram is earthquake, and the upper hexagram is earthquake, and earthquake is thunder.It can be seen that the thunder on the Ze, the thunder and the water move, are used to describe the love between men and women and their marriage.This is the hexagram image of Guimei hexagram.A gentleman observes this hexagram, so that in the long-term married life, he can experience the success and failure of marriage.

Interpretation of Guimei hexagram: the lower dui is the lake, and the upper earthquake is the thunder, which means that there is thunder on the lake.When thunder moves, the luster follows, when the yang moves above, when the yin sense follows, it is like a woman following a man, so it symbolizes marrying a girl.When a gentleman sees this phenomenon of returning to his sister, he should realize that the way of couples is to "eternally die", that is, once they become a couple, they should grow old together, so that the life and succession will continue, and the future generations will pass it on forever.This kind of marriage, in which a young girl marries an eldest son, and a young wife marries an old husband, is very easy to be destroyed due to a divorce, because this kind of marriage of different ages is often just a momentary pleasure of a girl and lacks a solid moral foundation.It is precisely because we know that it should be "eternal" that we know that it is easy to suffer, so we take precautions in advance and think about the eternal end.This sense of vigilance and prudence can be generalized, because not only when couples are against each other, everything in the world has its end, as long as you guard against the bad, you can hope to achieve a good result.

Ninth day: return to sister Yidi.Can walk with a limp.sign, Ji.

"Xiang" said: Returning to my sister Yidi, Yiheng also.Lame and able to walk, auspicious, also inherited.

Translation: The ninth day of the lunar month: Marrying a young girl to be a concubine is like having a leg problem but still being able to walk. If you do something, you will get auspicious.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Marrying a girl as a side room shows that the ninth day of the ninth day has not lost the common way of marriage.There is a problem with the leg but you can still walk, and you will get auspiciousness.

It is interpreted that after she got married, Di was a concubine, also called a concubine, so she was naturally not a perfect match.But marrying a young girl in this way is not an act of lewdness. It has not lost the way of marriage between a man and a woman. Although it is not correct, it can be implemented after all. This situation is like a lame man. walk.The polygamy system in the Yin and Zhou dynasties was a relic of the group marriage system in the primitive society, which was recognized by the society at that time.It is disrespectful for the general wife system to fail to prepare the six rituals, but being a married woman is not subject to such restrictions. Although the age is not the same, it is not in accordance with the six rituals, but sisters marry with elder sisters, and men and women marry, it seems to be the natural law at that time Therefore, it is auspicious for Yidi to get married, so the line says "sign, auspicious".Because of this, the ancients believed that it was a normal phenomenon in marriage for younger sisters to marry with older sisters, so it was said in "Xiang Zhuan" that "returning younger sisters to younger sisters means to persevere".Heng means constant.This remark expresses the conditions for obtaining auspiciousness on the ninth day of the ninth day. The ninth day of the ninth day is at the bottom of the Guimei hexagram, and there is no right response from the top. She is a concubine instead of a regular wife, but she lives at the bottom with a masculine quality and a body, and she is virtuous and humble. Shun, knowing that she is not a perfect match, but able to take care of herself, humble herself, assist her regular wife, obey her will, never compete with her to be jealous, and keep her duty as a concubine.Of course, from today's point of view, this kind of marriage system is the destruction of women, which is undeniable.

Ninety-two: Able to see the small, benefit the chastity of people.

"Xiang" says: The chastity of Liyou people has not changed.

Translation [-]: There is only one eye, and you can barely see things, which is helpful for those in confinement to keep the right way.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: It is beneficial for those in confinement to keep the right way, which shows that [-] has not changed their common sense of strictly adhering to women's festival and unswerving determination.

Interpretation of Jiuer and Chujiu both refer to Di, who is only used as an assistant and does not do much, but Jiuer puts Gang in the middle, which shows that she is a strong-willed and wise woman, which is better than Chujiu.It is really not good for Chujiu to have no response, which also determines Chujiu's status as a humble servant, but Chujiu can treat others with humility, keep his duty, and get auspicious.If the [-] masculinity is in the middle, it means that she is a concubine with good morals, but she should be virtuous and not upright in Liuwu, just like marrying a bad husband, a virtuous woman with a bad husband, and cannot make great achievements as a domestic helper.It's like two eyes, only one eye can barely see things, and it can only play a certain role.Such a husband will also treat Di's kindness as a donkey's liver and lungs, and will abandon her at any time if he does not see the virtue of his concubine.Fortunately, Jiu Er Yi Gang is in the middle, has the virtue of neutrality, and has a strong personality. He can be self-contained like a person who is imprisoned and lives in seclusion, sticks to his righteousness, and always uses his own virtue to deal with the unworthy husband.In the eyes of the ancients, this is a normal behavior within the rank of concubine. If you strictly observe the women's day of being a concubine, things will naturally become favorable and there will be no marriage change.

Sixty-three: return to my younger sister with beards, return to my younger sister.

"Xiang" said: "It's not appropriate to return to my sister with a beard."

Translation [-]: A young girl gets married and expects to become the main wife, but in the end she still marry her sister as a concubine.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Girls get married and look forward to becoming a married couple, which shows that Liu San was not a righteous person and acted improperly.

Interpretation From the point of view of Yao Xiang, Liu San is based on yin and yang, which is out of place, but uses femininity to take advantage of Jiu Er's masculinity, which shows that Liu San is not a righteous person and restless in his duties.In the eyes of the ancients, it was a kind of contemptuous and contemptuous behavior that should have been married as a concubine, but delusional to pretend to be the main wife.I urge people in the world to take June [-] as a lesson, and don't have unreasonable thoughts, otherwise you will suffer the consequences yourself.

Ninety-Four: When returning to my sister, it is time to return late.

"Xiang" said: The ambition of the wrong period can be done after waiting.

Translation Ninety-Four: A married girl postpones her wedding, waits for her time without getting married.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: The postponing of the wedding day on September [-]th was entirely out of her own volition, and she was waiting for the opportunity.

Interpretation Liu San was eager to ask for marriage, while September [-] waited for the opportunity and did not marry casually, which was just in contrast.In September [-]th, masculinity took the place of femininity, modesty and prudence, and there was no response to injustice, just like a virtuous woman who is out of date and unmarried.However, she delayed getting married in September [-] and postponed her marriage date because she had been waiting, and a good husband-in-law hadn't appeared in her sight yet.Therefore, the "late return" in September [-]th was voluntary. It is not that no one wants to marry. They will marry naturally when it is time to marry, and they will not postpone the wedding date indefinitely.Don't act in a hurry to seek success, but wait for the time calmly like the [-]th. When the time comes, good things will happen.

Sixth Five-Year: Emperor Yi returns to his younger sister, and his king's coat is not as good as his younger sister's.How many months to look, Kat.

"Xiang" said: Emperor Yi's return to his sister is not as good as his younger sister's sleeves.Its position is in the middle, and it is also expensive.

Translation Six and Five: Emperor Yi of the Shang Dynasty married a girl, and the clothes of the main wife of the married person are not as good as the clothes of the partial house. It is like the moon is about to be full, but not full, and it will be auspicious.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Emperor Yi of the Shang Dynasty married a young girl, and his clothes as the main wife were not as good as those of the partial house, which shows that the six or five people are noble and not biased, so they married with a noble status.

Interpretation Sixth Five-Year is feminine and soft in the middle, the position is respectful, and the lower part is ninety-two masculine. She is the most honorable status among all married girls, so it is called "Emperor Yi Guimei".Di Yi was the father of Emperor Xin of Shang Zhou.Since ancient times, women in the royal family have always been favored by arrogance, but this is not the case in Liuwu.The status is noble and married as the main wife, but the clothes are not as gorgeous as the concubine. This shows that Liuwu has the virtue of humility and harmony, just like the moon is about to be full but never overwhelmed, and the actions are appropriate.It would be a strange thing if such a virtuous person could not be blessed.Being able to marry a sister of Emperor Yi like Liuwu, who is honorable but humble, prosperous but not rich, is indeed a lifetime blessing.

Upper Six: Women carrying baskets, without substance; scholars tearing sheep, without blood.No profit.

"Xiang" said: "The upper six are not real, and they are empty baskets."

Translation [-]: The woman holds a bamboo basket in her hand, but there is nothing to put it in. The man kills the sheep, but there is no blood of the sheep. There is nothing beneficial.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: There is nothing to hold in the upper six, which means that what you hold in your hand is an empty basket.

Interpretation of the saying in the above Liuyao Ci that women bear baskets and men kill sheep. This is the custom of offering sacrifices to ancestral temples in ancient weddings. Bamboo baskets and sheep blood are necessary for sacrifices. Baskets for offerings.It shows that the sacrifice cannot be carried out at all.Shangliu is holding a bamboo basket, which is nothing but fiction, and exists in name only.As a woman, it seems that she is qualified to perform sacrificial activities with her husband, but as a concubine of a side room, she is not qualified.Guimei hexagram takes "guimei", that is, marrying a girl as a clue, and expounds that the marriage of men and women is the fundamental factor of human reproduction. It emphasizes that women must strictly abide by the "right" way when they get married.Hexagrams are metaphors from the negative side, pointing out that improper behavior must be dangerous and useless.

(End of this chapter)

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