Chapter 8 Litigation
Litigation hexagram is composed of lower ridge and upper stem, and the shape of the hexagram is "", which symbolizes "litigation".The upper hexagram "Qian" is the sky, and the lower hexagram "Kan" is water.The sky turns to the west, and the water flows to the east: the two go against the road, which means that things are not in harmony and there is a "litigation".The whole hexagram shows the rules or principles that must be understood in various aspects when involved in litigation and trial litigation, and the emphasis is on admonishing people to stop litigation and avoid disputes.

Litigation: Youfu, suffocation, moderate auspiciousness, final evil.Good for adults, not good for Dachuan.

"Yuan" says: Litigation, up and down danger, danger but health, litigation. "Litigation: You Fu, Su Ti, Zhong Ji", just came and got it. "Finally fierce", lawsuits are impossible. "Beneficial to see adults", Shang Zhongzheng also. "Unfavorable for Dachuan", entering Yuyuan.

"Xiang" said: Heaven and water violate the law, litigation.A gentleman starts by doing things.

Translation Hexagram Litigation: Inner honesty, restraint, vigilance.It is auspicious to stop halfway, but there is danger in litigation.Good for adults.It is not conducive to fording large rivers.

"Zhuan Zhuan" said: Litigation hexagram: the upper hexagram is dry, dry is rigid, the lower hexagram is hurdle, and hurdle is danger.Being strong on the outside and sinister on the inside, this is the nature of fighting and fighting, and it is also the hexagram of litigation.Litigation hexagrams say: "Although people have the virtue of integrity, they must be vigilant and fearful. The reason is that the middle is auspicious." "It was dangerous later," because the lawsuit was ultimately unsuccessful. "It is beneficial to meet with nobles and princes", because the lines of Nine Five and Nine Two indicate that a person who has attained the right way will surely get the help of nobles. "It is not conducive to wading across the river", I am afraid of falling into the abyss.

"Xiang Zhuan" says: The upper hexagram is dry, and the dry is the sky; the lower hexagram is the ridge, and the ridge is water.A gentleman observes this hexagram with the intention of eliminating litigation, so he must be cautious at the beginning of planning.

Interpretation of Litigation Hexagram The upper stem and the lower ridge, the upper part is the sky, and the lower part is water.Celestial bodies such as the sun, moon, and stars rotate from east to west, while rivers and rivers on the earth flow from west to east, and the two run in opposite directions.The ancients were intuitive and natural, and when they saw this phenomenon, they thought that there was a contradiction in the reverse, which indicated the possibility of litigation.Therefore, a gentleman who is good at planning things carefully thinks from the very beginning how to coordinate conflicts and prevent disputes from arising.The Hexagram of Litigation does not teach people how to fight a lawsuit, but warns people to stop litigation and settle disputes.How to do it?
First of all, keep your heart honest, respect the facts and not be emotional, this is based on "fu".Secondly, guard against losing your mind due to momentary anger, and try to settle the dispute from your own side.Third, when it is really necessary to fight, it should be done in moderation, and it is best to quit the dispute midway, which is the most auspicious ending.If you insist on going your own way and fight the lawsuit to the end, even if you win the lawsuit formally, you can only fight and fight against each other, and you will still be fierce. This is called "final murder".

Sixth day of the lunar month: not always doing things, small words, good luck in the end.

"Xiang" said: "If you don't do things forever, lawsuits can't last long."Although small and eloquent, it is justified.

Translation: Sixth day of the lunar month: You can't persevere in doing things, and if you make a slight mistake, it will be auspicious in the end.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: If you can't persevere in doing things, it means that the lawsuit cannot last for a long time.Although there is a slight mistake, the rights and wrongs of the two parties in the dispute will eventually be clearly distinguished.

Interpretation recognizes the strength of both parties before the dispute arises. Although there is a small verbal friction, try to make it invisible so that it will not develop into a lawsuit.This is a very wise decision. Don't argue with others over small incidents. Avoiding long-term entanglement will bring good luck.

Ninety-two: If you can't sue, you can return home.There are three hundred households in the town, and there is no concubine.

"Xiang" said: "If you can't fight a lawsuit, you will return to the house, and you will flee."From the top to the bottom of the lawsuit, the suffering is to the bottom.

Translation [-]: The lawsuit was unsuccessful, and he returned to the fief, and his [-] households (slaves in the town) could be exempted from disaster.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: The lawsuit failed, and he fled home.It is inevitable that the subordinates will file a lawsuit with the superiors, and lose the lawsuit.Fortunately, the disaster did not expand further.

If you fail to interpret the lawsuit, you must stop it in time to avoid disaster.[-] and [-] were in opposite positions, and the two just met and did not correspond, resulting in disputes.Ninety-two is at the bottom, and there is no doubt that it will fail.In [-], the yang line is in the yin position, and in the midst of dangers, the position and situation are extremely unfavorable; in the [-]th, the yang line is in the yang position, and it is the throne, which is invincible. How can the [-] be its opponent!In [-], it would be impossible to litigate with it, and it would inevitably suffer losses, and it would cause disasters everywhere.Fortunately, Jiu Er quickly understood and found that the lawsuit could not go on, so he immediately retreated and quickly withdrew from the lawsuit. This kind of rapid retreat is not easy, but it is also very wise.Fortunately, he withdrew in an emergency, which saved his [-] households from disaster.

Six three: eat old virtue.Zhenli, finally auspicious.Or follow the king's business, no success.

"Xiang" says: Eating old virtues is good luck from the top.

Translation [-]: Relying on the legacy of the ancestors to live.Stay on the right path to avoid danger, and it will be auspicious in the end.Or to assist the king's cause, not claiming to be successful.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: rely on the legacy of the ancestors to live, because the six and three lines of the elephant show that living under the September Fourth Movement can only be auspicious by relying on the shadow of the ancestors.

Interpretation of "Lao Tzu" said: "The husband is the only one who does not fight, so no one in the world can compete with him." This is the truth of "the weak wins the strong".The weak are caught in a lawsuit, which is a place of right and wrong.Only by keeping yourself safe, not competing with others, and knowing how to guard against dangers when you are in danger, can you keep your old salary and get auspiciousness.Even if you are engaged in the affairs assigned by the king, you don't dare to take credit for your achievements. If you can be so cautious, it is almost the same.Even if the opponent is aggressive and difficult to deal with, the weak and weak will not fight with it.Without a single slap, the lawsuit was finally dropped.This is the so-called fight does not necessarily win, not fight does not necessarily lose.

Ninth Fourth: If you can't sue, you will die when you recover, Yu, An Zhenji.

"Xiang" said: "Recovery is fate, and Anzhen is not lost."

Translation Ninety-Four: Lost in the lawsuit, go home, obey the king's order, change your attitude and stick to the righteous way, and you will be safe in the end.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: lose the lawsuit and go home, obey the judgment, keep the righteous way, and will not suffer any more losses.

The interpretation of September [-] shows that once a masculine and contentious person realizes that the truth is not on his side and he has failed morally, he quickly turns around and changes his attitude. He can still return to the right path, correct his behavior, and speak according to common sense.This method of changing course and correcting mistakes will bring about an auspicious ending.After "recovering" (turning back) and "Yu" (changing), it finally turned rigid into soft, and turned lawsuits into harmony.It is of course auspicious to be able to change.

Ninth Five: Litigation, Yuanji.

"Xiang" said: Suit Yuanji, and use Zhongzheng.

Translation Nine Five: Victory in the lawsuit, good luck.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: If you win the lawsuit, you will be lucky, because the line of the Ninth Five-Year Line is masculine in the middle and upright position, which symbolizes that people keep the way of the middle and upright, so it is auspicious.

Interpreting the line of the Ninth Five-Year Line, masculinity is in the middle and upright position, which means that the adult is in the position and handles the lawsuit with a fair attitude. As far as litigation is concerned, this is an ideal situation, so it is auspicious.

Upper Nine: Or the tin belt, which will be removed in the third dynasty.

"Xiang" said: It is not respectful to accept submission through litigation.

Translation Upper Nine: You may be rewarded to wear the official uniform, but you will be deprived of it three times in one day.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: It is not worthy of respect to be rewarded with official uniforms due to litigation.

Interpretation of the upper nine symbolizes a person who insists on fighting the lawsuit to the end and does not know how to repent. Even if he is rewarded for promotion, it is entirely due to the occasional encounter with someone who does not fight.Generally speaking, such a person who keeps litigating does not have a good end, so the word "or" is added before "Xi Zhi Yi Dian Dai" in Yao Ci to indicate chance.Even so, this kind of high official and rich salary obtained through litigation is extremely disgraceful, and it will inevitably be condemned by public opinion. In the end, it still cannot be kept, and it was even deprived by the king's three orders in one day.Soon it was ruined.This is entirely their own fault.The evil results obtained in Shangjiu just confirm the warnings emphasized in the hexagrams and "Zhuan Zhuan" that "the end is fierce, and the lawsuit will not succeed".It can be seen that the entire hexagram of litigation does not teach people how to fight a lawsuit, but teaches people to settle disputes and stop lawsuits.

(End of this chapter)

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