Chapter 7

The need hexagram is composed of the lower stem and the upper ridge, and the shape of the hexagram is "", which symbolizes "need to wait", which means "waiting".The upper hexagram "Kan" is water, representing "cloud air"; the lower hexagram "Qian" is sky: the upper and lower hexagrams imitate clouds gathering in the sky, and it will rain when it waits, implying the meaning of "need to wait".The whole hexagram clarifies the truth that things should be patient in the process of development.

Required: Youfu, Guangheng, Zhenji.Li involved Dachuan.

"彖" said: need, must also.Danger is ahead, strong and not trapped, and its righteousness is not poor. "Need, Youfu, Guangheng, Zhenji" are in the position of heaven, and they are right in the middle.It is also a meritorious service to benefit from Dachuan.

"Xiang" said: The cloud is above the sky, it is necessary.A gentleman feasts on food.

The translation requires hexagrams: If you sincerely abide by this way, you will have a bright and prosperous future, and you will get good luck if you walk on the right path.It is beneficial to ford the big river.

"Zhuan Zhuan" says: "Need" means to wait, because there are difficulties and dangers ahead.Steady and vigorous, courageous and enterprising, but can not fall into danger, its significance is to avoid poor roads and difficulties.Need hexagram symbolizes waiting, sincerely abide by this way, bright and prosperous, and righteous and auspicious, this is because the ninth five is in the sky and in the middle.It is good for crossing big rivers, and going forward can build meritorious deeds.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: The upper hexagram needed is Kan, which means cloud; the lower hexagram is Qian, which means sky.Clouds gather in the sky, and it will rain when the time comes.When a gentleman observes this hexagram, he can feast and enjoy himself, and wait for the time to move.

Interpretation requires hexagrams to dry the lower ridge and the upper ridge, the dry is the sky, the ridge is water, and the upper is the cloud.The cloud rises to the sky, but it has not yet formed rain, and we have to wait for it to rain, so the hexagram needs to have the meaning of waiting.A gentleman looks at this celestial phenomenon and thinks that in the process of doing business, there are times when he has to wait.At this time, it is inappropriate to rush to make a difference, let alone be too nervous. It is better to maintain your body with diet, cultivate your spirit with entertainment, recharge your energy with ease, and wait for the opportunity to work hard again.

Ninth day: need to be in the suburbs, use constant, no blame.

"Xiang" said: "It is necessary to live in the suburbs, and it is not difficult to do it."Utilize the constant, there is no blame, and there is no abnormality.

Ninth day of the translation: Waiting in the suburbs is conducive to maintaining perseverance, so that there will be no mistakes.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Waiting in the suburbs shows that Chujiu does not take risks and take action.There will be no mistakes by using perseverance, which shows that the ninth day of the ninth day has not lost common sense.

Interpretation The place where the ancients lived was called the city, and the outside of the city was called the suburbs. "Need to be in the suburbs" means that Chujiu just left the place where he lived and walked to the suburbs. He knew that there was a danger of rough water ahead, so he stopped and waited. Therefore, "Xiang Zhuan" explained: "It's not difficult to do it." Since the ninth day is a yang line, it has a masculine nature and is easily impulsive.Although it understands the principle of waiting for the time to move, it is still a question of whether it can wait persistently.Therefore, it is not only necessary to be able to wait, but more importantly, to be able to "persevere".Persistence in need is good at waiting.Vigorous people, either driven by their talents, moved by their will, excited by the situation, or lured by their interests, can easily lose control of their rationality, often ignore difficulties when the time is not ripe, and mess things up .This means that although you can need it, you are not good at using it, so a special warning is given in the hexagrams.

Ninety-two: Need to be in the sand, small talk, good luck in the end.

"Xiang" said: "It needs to be in the sand, and it is in the middle."Although it is small and has words, it will eventually be auspicious.

Translation [-]: Waiting on the sand, a little fault, but in the end it is auspicious.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Waiting on the sandy ground, the sandy ground is soft and difficult to pass through, and there will be a delay in the event, and this is your own fault.Even though there were slight mistakes, the final result was still good.

Interpret this line as the second line of the Need Gua.It is difficult to walk on the sand. "Need to be in the sand" means that people are in a difficult situation; but although the sand is difficult to walk, they will not get stuck. As long as they persist, they will eventually get out of the predicament, so there is still auspiciousness to speak of.

Nine three: need to be in the mud, to the enemy.

"Xiang" said: "Need in the mud, disasters are outside."If you are self-inflicted, you will be undefeated with respect and caution.

Translation Ninety Three: Waiting in the mud brings robbers.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Waiting in the mud, the mud is filthy, the environment is dangerous, and disaster is near.If you invite robbers by yourself, but be cautious and adaptable, you will not be hurt.

From the perspective of the upper and lower bodies of the need hexagram, the inner hexagram is the dry part, and the outer hexagram is the upper part.Although Jiusan is above Qian and approaching the danger, after all, he did not directly fall into the danger, and the danger of disaster is still outside, as long as you don't provoke it, it will not come by itself.At this time, we should be careful not to ask for trouble, that is, "cause bandits", otherwise we will be to blame.That is to say, even in the case of imminent danger, the formation of the disaster is self-inflicted, and the cause must be found from oneself.Misfortune is self-inflicted, blame is self-inflicted, and there is no need to blame others.That's why Han Yu said at the beginning of "Yuan Rui": "A gentleman in ancient times also blamed himself on Zhou." "Book of Changes" is exactly the wisdom that teaches people to reflect on themselves.

June [-]: It needs blood and comes from acupoints.

"Xiang" said: "It needs blood, and it needs to be listened to."

Translation Six Four: Waiting in pools of blood, escaping from traps.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Waiting in a pool of blood, calmly and obediently obeying the current situation.

Interpretation of "Zhouyi Zhengyi" said: "The blood is the place to kill; the acupoint is the place to be trapped." Although June 64th was injured in the danger and was extremely critical, it finally became righteous because of its own softness (in the form of Yin Yao Occupying the yin position), even in a pool of blood, he can still calmly wait for the opportunity to escape.Adapt to the situation and obey the changes.Being able to act in this way will eventually turn the danger into a bargain and escape from the danger.King Wen of Zhou was imprisoned in Yuli by King Zhou of Shang Dynasty. He was calm and calm, waiting for the development and changes of the situation. He also devoted himself to studying gossip. It is said that he formed the [-] hexagrams in prison and was finally released.This kind of tolerance is beyond the reach of ordinary people, and it can be said to be an example of "needs from blood, comes from acupuncture points".

Ninth Five: Need food and drink, Zhenji.

"Xiang" said: "Wine and food are chaste and auspicious, and they are righteous."

Translation Ninth Five: Waiting in food and feasts, keeping the right path will bring good luck.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Waiting in food and feasts, keeping the right way can get auspiciousness, which shows that the ninety-five is in the middle to get right.

Interpreting that the Ninth Five-Year Plan has entered the midst of danger is the most difficult and worrying thing to extricate yourself from.But this does not prevent the Ninth Five-Year Plan from being strong and upright with self-respect and self-confidence, so we can deal with changes without surprise, overcome dangers like a barrage, and stay in the normal state.The "necessary for food and drink" in Yao Ci is not about seeking pleasure, let alone being drunk, but about being able to enjoy oneself in adversity, which is of course the result of a clear understanding of things.This kind of joy of drinking and eating is of course righteous but not evil, so the line says "Zhenji".Eat and enjoy yourself in the midst of danger, live in peace, and wait for the times to change. This is the great state of being in danger and waiting for the time.It is difficult to reach this point without a big mind, great courage, and great wisdom.

Upper Six: Entering the acupoint, there are three uninvited guests, respect them, and finally auspicious.

"Xiang" said: Uninvited guests come, respect them, and finally auspicious.Although it is not in place, it is not a big loss.

Translation [-]: Fall into a pit.If there are three uninvited guests who come to visit, treat them respectfully, and you will get auspiciousness in the end.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Uninvited guests come, and it is auspicious to receive them respectfully.Because the whole hexagram is too masculine and oppresses the feminine, but the upper six yin positions are suitable, so there is no danger and no big loss.

Interpretation When you are in trouble and cannot get out, you can only wait for foreign aid. When the low-status but brave and powerful "uninvited guests" come for reinforcements, you must "respect them" and not show the slightest "noble" style and airs, so that you can get up and down. Compatible, auspicious stars shine.Those in distress were able to get out of trouble, although it was due to the rescue, it was also thanks to its attitude of treating people with sincerity and respect.This is the basic idea that Need Gua always emphasizes.The hexagrams point out that when you encounter danger, you must be sincere and respectful, and when you are waiting for the right time, you must not rush forward. When you are out of danger, do not advance lightly;The basic attitude in dealing with danger is to be calm and prudent, and to wait for the right time, which is exactly the spirit of Need Gua.

(End of this chapter)

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