Chapter 12

Looking at the words on the bamboo slips, Mo Anu slandered in his heart, after all, he wanted to marry a wife, so what a fool!
She secretly turned her head and glanced at him, seeing that he was looking at her suspiciously, she quickly turned her head and said, "Go find your beautiful wife!"

When Mo Anu arrived at Prince Mo's Mansion, he jumped off the carriage and stepped into the mansion gate without looking back.

Su Ling opened the curtain, looked at her little back with a wry smile and shook her head.

"Little prince, should you go back to the manor?"

Seeing that his complexion was not very good, the coachman thought that his little prince was angry with that crazy princess again.

"Go to Dongyuan."

Mo Anu angrily kicked the stones back to the bedroom, kicked off his shoes and lay down on the brocade quilt, feeling depressed.

No, I have to molested him more before he married his wife, otherwise, it would be too wasteful!

She interpreted the sullen feeling in her heart as: It would be too wasteful for others not to tease her own child, so she decided to take advantage of him before he gets married!
"Miss, the young prince of Suwang Mansion has sent someone to bring the snacks from Qingcha Garden, do you want to bring them in?"

The maid Xiaoyu asked in a low voice outside.

"Take it! Why don't you take it, hurry up! I'm starving to death!"

Hearing that there was something to eat, he stopped thinking about Su Ling marrying a wife, jumped off the bed with bright eyes, looked at Xiaoyu who was a head taller than him, and was as big as Su Ling, and stuffed a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake into his mouth , muttering indistinctly and asked: "Xiaoyu, what has Father been up to lately? Why can't President Mao see anyone?"

"Miss, what is Mao?"

"When I grow up, I will have hair! Where is my father!"

Mo Anu glanced at her impatiently, and after stuffing the sweet-scented osmanthus cakes in his hand into his mouth, he complained resentfully.

"Uh, the lord was summoned by His Majesty to supervise missions in another courtyard. During the summer vacation in July this year, His Majesty will go to another courtyard with His Royal Highness the Queen and His Royal Highness to escape the summer heat."

Mo Anu curled her lips, a little dissatisfied with the emperor Lao Tzu using her Lao Tzu as a contractor.

With the guardian spirit, Prince Mo and Princess Mo never worried about Mo Anu's safety, so much so that she often wanted to know the whereabouts of the parents from the mouth of the servants.

Thinking about today's daughter-in-law, Mo Anu felt that he couldn't let Su Ling go like this, since the prince is not at home...

Instead of a piece of milk cake, she chewed on it, her big eyes chattering wildly, thinking carefully.



Xiaoyu felt the unusual aura coming from her own lady, and felt a little uncertain.

"Is my mother here?"

"Princess Wang went to Anping Prince's Mansion." My heart was even more uncertain...

Hearing Xiaoyu's answer, a sly smile flashed across Mo Anu's round face.

Anping Prince's Mansion is Princess Mo's natal family. It is in Anping County, three days and two nights away from the capital.

"Miss..." Could it be that another moth is about to start.Xiaoyu looked at her anxiously, but didn't dare to ask questions.

"Go find me some clothes! Quick!"

As soon as the voice fell, Mo Anu jumped off the seat excitedly as if he had been beaten with chicken blood, stood in front of the vanity mirror, loosened his long hair and tied it up in a bun, like a little boy carved with jade generally.

Xiaoyu didn't dare to say more, after putting on the man's equipment and replacing her, she stood silently to the side, crying in her heart: Miss wants to disguise herself as a man again to cause trouble, so she must tell young prince Su quickly.

Mo Anu looked around, patted Xiaoping's chest, turned his head and glanced at Xiaoyu, raised the corner of his lips slightly and threatened: "If you tell others, I will marry you to the second bald man in the house!"

Xiaoyu swallowed the words that slipped to her lips and stuck them in her throat, watching Mo Anu kicking her short legs and crawling out of the dog hole in the corner of the East Garden in fear.

She is the son of Prince Mo's mansion, her parents are serving in the mansion, she has a pure and kind personality, so the princess is very relieved to put her by Mo Anu's side.

But... why does Miss always threaten her with Erbald!

"I won't come back these few days. I'm going to stay in the palace. When people ask me, I will say that I study poetry and books at home and stay behind closed doors!"

Moanu's childish voice of instructions came from the dog cave.

(End of this chapter)

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