Chapter 87

The servant handed the red jadeite bracelet to Xiaoyu, and after Xiaoyu took it, she turned around carefully, intending to hand it to Mo Anu, looked at her hand, frowned and said: "Miss, your hands are sticky."

After following Mo Anu for so many years, Xiaoyu also became more courageous.

Since the prince and concubine passed away last year, almost all the big and small things in this family have fallen on her.

Not only to take care of Miss Worrying, but also to manage the affairs of the house, as if he has become half of the housekeeper.

After hearing this, Mo Anu waved to her.

Xiaoyu didn't know why, so she walked over.

She stuffed the remaining grapes into her mouth, wiped Xiaoyu's body with her two small hands, grabbed the red jadeite bracelet, raised her hand, it was crystal clear under the sun, and the water head was excellent.

"Oh, wipe! It's a baby!"

Xiaoyu twitched the corners of her eyes, turned her face away, and wondered why she forgot to teach the young lady how to behave all these years!
But thinking about Su Xiaowang, she felt relieved again.

Fortunately, Su Xiaowang and Miss are childhood sweethearts, and they have long been used to it.

"Uncle Zhang, which mansion did you get this bracelet from?"

The accountant has long wanted to say that, except for this red jadeite bracelet, everything else is priceless and precious...

"Miss Hui, this is a gift from Princess Xueyan."

Snow face?

When did she become so kind?

"Xiaoyu, why do you think Xueyan is so generous suddenly? Could it be that she lowered her head in this bracelet?"

"Miss, Princess Xueyan probably thinks that you will marry you in three days' time, and the young prince Su will marry you, so no one will compete with her for His Highness the Crown Prince."

Xiaoyu said with a low eyebrow.

"Crack! Who said you're going to marry Su Ling?"

Mo Anu's words made the servants almost laugh.

"Miss, she is marrying the young prince Su."

Mo Anu waved his hand, held the bracelet up to the sun for a while, rolled up his sleeves, and put them on his upper wrist.

"I'm sorry that she doesn't have the guts to make a fool of me."

Looking left and right, it is a good thing.

"Well, Uncle Zhang, I'll leave this place to you guys. I'm going to sleep for a while."

After leaving Xiaoyu there, Mo Anu ran back to his yard in two or three steps, glanced at the donkey eating carrots inadvertently, and raised his eyebrows.

"Donkey, it seems that Su Ling has been busier recently, and I haven't seen him send a congratulatory gift. By the way, Prince Hua didn't send it either. These two people won't be so stingy, right?"

Mmm!These two people plan to give you a big gift on the same day, don't worry, ancestor!

Could it be that the ancestors are going to drill into the dark room again?

The donkey glanced at her bedroom with big eyes and asked.

"None of your business, eat your carrot!"

Over the past year, Mo Anu has grown very fast, as she said, she is fair and beautiful, has a slim waist and big breasts.

Since Xiaoyu was always stared at her breasts a year ago, she has made up for her every now and then with stewed soup. Now her breasts are plump, but not cumbersome, and she looks extremely attractive.

After Mo Anu finished speaking, he turned and entered the bedroom, closed the door, and drew the curtains with a slam.

In the past in the dark bedroom, she always prepared small candles, but when the curtains were hung today, the red emerald table on her wrist exuded a faint red light, like a candle.


Is this thing still bright?
Mo Anu's big black and white eyes lit up, and the corners of his lips slightly raised.

Then he kicked off his shoes, climbed onto the bed, took out the album from under the pillow, and studied it carefully under the dim light of the red jade bracelet.

"This posture is very difficult! It's easy to bend over! However, my body is flexible, so there should be no problem!"

 Comment, Crazy Four wants to comment, feel big!
(End of this chapter)

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