First-class queen: woman, don't be too arrogant

Chapter 758 Falling into the enemy's hands 5

Chapter 758 Falling into the enemy's hands 5
Can't see what's going on with him right now.

But it can be seen from the usual cold face, but also the moving appearance at this time.

How strong is this magma, how fierce is this ground fire.

But there was still no sound, no begging for mercy, no moans, no shock.

Only the sound of clenched teeth, only the crushing of bones.

Even if he died, he couldn't be any softer in front of Di Sha.

"Puff..." The magma kept rolling and jumping.

"Haha..." In the midst of this tumbling, Di Sha looked at Mu Huang whose face was completely distorted, and laughed maniacally.

Nanyuan Muhuang, Nanyuan Muhuang...

"The eighteenth floor of hell, just bear it for me." Disha flicked his sleeve robe and walked away laughing wildly.

He will not let Emperor Mu die so easily.

He was full of anger and resentment, and Muhuang wanted to pay back bit by bit.

The night is moving, and the first layer of hell is blazing with flames.

And the eighteen floors of hell, this is the first floor.

Mu Huang, who was in the flames, slowly closed his eyes.

A drop of blood slowly flowed down the body and onto the chest.

The scorching light in the gloomy outline made this side even more gloomy.

The black hell is eerie and cold.

But at this moment, the Nanyuan Emperor's Palace was filled with murderous aura.

"Fengyun, calm down, calm down."

Outside the bedroom, Fengyun rushed towards the direction of Hell like crazy, while Qianyeli and Feng Yunao came behind her, holding her tightly.

"Calm down, tell me how to calm down." Feng Yun's face was livid at this time.

The murderous aura in his body was icy cold, almost competing with the cold winter.

Mu Huang fell into the hands of Hei Hell.

At this time, she fell into the hands of Hei Hell, if she didn't go quickly, the consequences...

Fengyun didn't dare to think about the consequences at all.

She's going right away, right away.

"Calm down and listen to us first." Feng Yunao and Qianyeli tugged at Fengyun.

But just the two of them were actually being dragged away by Fengyun at this moment, and they could hardly control her.

This woman is going crazy.

"Yunyun, let's go, let's go to the black..."

"shut up."

(End of this chapter)

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