First-class queen: woman, don't be too arrogant

Chapter 759 Falling into the enemy's hands 6

Chapter 759 Falling into the enemy's hands 6
Xiao Shi, who was jumping to the side, hadn't finished his angry words when he was blocked by Qian Yelan who rushed over.

"Sister, calm down. At this time, we must take a long-term plan."

Qianyelan couldn't see Fengyun's expression, but he felt the fury and anxiety exuding from Fengyun's body more clearly than anyone else.

At that moment, he stretched out his hand to stop Fengyun and said anxiously: "Sister, the Black Hell is here to snatch Muhuang this time.

It can be seen that we have prepared for things, since we can take people away in the hands of so many of us.

Then they must have left behind, you go, you are falling into their trap. "

"Yes, that's what it means, Fengyun, don't be impulsive." Feng Yunao and Qianyeli immediately spoke together.

"Fengyun, don't be impulsive."


At this time, Helian Fenglei, Hai Long and others who rushed over had already arrived.

Tuantuan surrounded Fengyun in the middle.

Fengyun still ignored it.

She knew she needed to calm down at this point.

She knew that negotiating was the best policy at this time.

She knew that if the king of hell dared to come, there must be a trick waiting for her.

She understands the truth of this, and even more the depth of it, she understands it all.

However, she couldn't calm down, she couldn't control it.

The thought of Emperor Mu falling into the hands of Emperor Sha and the King of Hell made her heart tremble.

The people in Hell Hell are too crazy, she is afraid that she will be late, and the one waiting for her will be Muhuang's...

She can't afford to gamble, she dare not gamble.

The blood is boiling, but the heart is boundlessly cold.

The god in his bones throbbed with pain.

She didn't know what Muhuang had received in such a short time.

But she seemed to be able to feel Muhuang's pain and his condition at this moment.

Into the heart and into the lungs, it's all hurt.

"Let me go..." The tragic roar resounded in the air.

That is a decisive gesture and love.

Seeing this, the people surrounded by Fengyun couldn't help but soften their expressions.

They felt Fengyun's mood.

"Boss, if you speak, you will smash the black hell or something, as long as you say a word." In this moment of silence, Hai Long suddenly spoke.

"Yes, boss, if you say a word, we will do it for you." Scar and White Shark said at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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