First-class queen: woman, don't be too arrogant

Chapter 760 Falling into the enemy's hands 7

Chapter 760 Falling into the enemy's hands 7
This time they neglected their duties and failed to protect them.

Then, as they should have done at the beginning.

He stabbed the sky, destroyed the land, and accompanied Fengyun all the way to the end.

"Hey, you guys..." Qianyelan stomped her feet impatiently.

At this moment, Fengyun was already impulsive enough, why did Hai Long and the others come to stir up trouble?

"Okay, you and I..."

"Why did you do this?" And amidst Fengyun's crazy roar, a voice suddenly came from the sky, which was gentle and flat.

But it can't be ignored at all.

Hai Long and the others looked back immediately.

In the sky, several figures slowly emerged from the night.

The leader is not Ya Fei and others in the fantasy sea.

"Sister-in-law, I miss you to death."

As soon as the figures of several people were revealed, Ya Li roared and rushed down towards Fengyun.

Put your arms around and hug Fengyun tightly.

Immediately, Fengyun was blocked by a step and could not move forward.

"Sister-in-law, you are so uninteresting, even getting married..."

"Ya Li." Before Ya Li could finish complaining, Yafei suddenly called out coldly.

Knowing that he broke his promise, Ya Li immediately stuck out his tongue and dared not speak.

Walking slowly, Yafei walked into Fengyun slowly: "Why panic, even if he dared to destroy Emperor Mu, I can capture his soul back for you and create another one."

As soon as these words came out, the audience fell silent for an instant.

Not such a tough word.

There is no such a domineering tone.

However, it just silenced everyone in an instant, that kind of aura...

"Yafei..." Fengyun raised his head, looked at Yafei who was coming, his eyes turned red.

Ya Fei walked in, stretched out his hand and pulled Ya Li away, hugged Feng Yun, and patted him lightly.

Without too many words, just patted like that, but its meaning is thicker than mountains and seas.

Fengyun suddenly felt that all the excitement and love and hatred had a backing.

He reached out and grabbed Yafei's skirt, trembling uncontrollably: "I'm afraid of them, I..."

"Don't be afraid, he doesn't dare to move." Ya Fei's voice was very steady.

That indifference is a downright powerful indifference.

Fengyun's heart became quiet for no reason.

"I thought you were not afraid of anything, but the result was mediocre, mediocre."

And just when Fengyun calmed down, the people behind Yafei spoke up, running and laughing all the time.

(End of this chapter)

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