764 Chapter 3
She is a mere Helian Fengyun, and dares to ask him to let her go.

It's just wishful thinking.

"Fengyun, why bother to fight with words."

In the wild laughter of the king of hell, Ya Fei, who had been standing beside Feng Yun, suddenly opened his mouth.

The hair is flying, and the appearance is alluring.

I didn't see Yafei making any gestures, nor did I see Yafei showing any momentum.

But such a fluffy sentence directly interrupted the maniacal laughter of the king of hell.

That is a power beyond human beings.

The King of Hell withdrew his expression suddenly, and looked up and down at Yafei.

Suddenly, a kind of absolute irony seeped out of those eyes.

"That's great, bringing a man to save another man, Helian Fengyun, good, good."

There is a kind of deep contempt, disgust and hatred in the sarcastic eyes.

"Stop talking nonsense, King of Hell, let me let you go or not let me say a word.

Just don't blame us for bullying others when the time comes. "Yafei's voice was very weak.

And as soon as these words came out, the king of hell didn't seem to feel that he heard some joke, but heard a big joke, and the strong hatred on his face became more intense.

"Let people go, don't think about it, if you enter my black hell, there is only one dead end.

Bullying people with power, okay, let me see how you guys are..."

"Fengyun, Fengyun..."

Before the King of Hell could finish his hateful words, Di Sha's voice suddenly came.

I only heard the sound of bang bang in the bedroom.

It sounded like struggling and fighting.

Immediately afterwards, a figure rushed over like flying, and rushed towards Fengyun.

The black shadow of the fire is not who Disha is.

At this time, Disha's face was full of joy and joy.

"Fengyun, you're here." Disha's eyes were extremely bright and his smile was extremely bright as he pounced in front of Fengyun.

"Di Sha." Seeing this, the King of Hell frowned and shouted fiercely.

But Emperor Sha ignored the king of hell, and his eyes were full of troubles.

Fengyun kept his expressionless face, but at this moment he was very angry with God.

Seeing the easily visible joy in Di Sha's eyes, Feng Yun froze for a moment: "Okay?"

Disha actually understood the two words without beginning and end.

(End of this chapter)

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