765 Chapter 4
Disha didn't expect that Fengyun's first sentence would be to ask about his injuries.

All of a sudden the whole person lit up.

"Okay, okay, that little injury is nothing, it's a trivial matter." The words were extremely happy.

Fengyun nodded upon hearing the words: "Okay, what about Emperor Mu?"

When Disha, who was just happy, heard Fengyun's question, his heart sank again.

"You didn't come to see me." Disha looked at Fengyun.

Fengyun didn't look at Di Sha, but turned to the King of Hell coldly: "I'm here to ask for someone."

As soon as these words came out, Disha's face turned completely blue.

And the king of hell laughed, laughing angrily.

Pulling Di Sha, the King of Hell pointed at Fengyun and shouted at Di Sha: "Now you can see clearly, this woman doesn't have you in her heart.

She only has that Mu Huang, only that bastard. "

When the King of Hell said this, Disha shook violently and shouted, "That's my business."

"Your business? It's not your business at all."

The king of hell also yelled at Di Sha.

"Show me clearly that when you went to save people in person regardless of the danger for her, she plotted against you.

When you were imprisoned in Wuji Mountain because of her, she ignored you.

When you were wounded all over to save them, she was marrying another man.

When you were badly injured, she summoned a teacher to ask for help.

The woman you protect and love with your life, what did she give you?
Only harm, only harm.

Such a woman who only knows how to use you, only knows how to hurt you.

This woman, such a woman, what do you fancy in her?

Where is she worthy of you?
Where is she worthy of you? "

Roaring violently, the air in this direction began to fluctuate.

The king of hell was furious, and he really vented it at this time.

He asked someone to bring Fengyun here, all he wanted was for Disha to see clearly.

This woman is not worthy of love, not worth giving up her life to protect.

It's not worth his black hell to use everything to fight the whole continent.

This is no longer the business of Disha alone.

It's a matter of their black hell.

Disha's body was shaken by the roar of the king of hell, and his five fingers clenched into fists instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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