766 Chapter 5
Those eyes full of resentment stared fixedly at Fengyun.

I hope Fengyun will refute, I hope Fengyun will speak.

However, Fengyun stood there without moving, only heard Yan glanced at him, and said slowly: "I'm not good enough for you."

With such a clear and light sentence, he admitted all the accusations made by the king of hell.

"Fengyun, you are not allowed to say that, I say you are worthy, and you are worthy."

Di Sha tightly clenched his fists.

"What's more, I love you, and I never care about matching or not."

Looking anxiously at Fengyun, Disha wished to express his heart, and said anxiously: "Besides, I understand why you do this.

I understand what you are thinking, you are thinking of me...

I know what you mean, but I can't accept it, I can't accept it. "

"You know? For your sake? Are you crazy?"

When the king of hell heard that Disha was still speaking for Fengyun like this, his face turned completely green in an instant.

Before Di Sha could finish speaking, he slapped Di Sha viciously on the face with his backhand.

"You don't understand, you don't understand that kind of feeling, you don't know..."

"Come on, hold him down for me, don't let him out without my order."

The King of Hell heard Di Sha say this, and was so angry that he almost wanted to slap Di Sha with his palm.

He let Disha see clearly the ruthlessness of this woman, Fengyun.

Not for him to say nice things about her.

"Yes." Immediately a guard appeared.

"Let go of me, let me go..."

Disha was dragged by them to the bedroom, where they fought and struggled anxiously.

But the Yumang space and the mermaid water wall are both things that restrain the spiritual power of darkness, and his injuries have not fully healed.

At this time, how could he break free from the several masters who deliberately suppressed him.

He was dragged back abruptly.

"Get out, let me go, Fengyun, Fengyun..."

And watching Feng Yun at this scene from beginning to end, he didn't say anything.

Cool and cold, expressionless.

When Disha was imprisoned in the bedroom again, the flat ground returned to silence.

Fang Man, the king of hell, said in disgust: "A rotten woman like you deserves to be loved."

(End of this chapter)

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