First-class queen: woman, don't be too arrogant

Chapter 771 Encirclement and suppression on four sides 4

Chapter 771 Encirclement on all sides 2
Their reincarnation of ice has only become harder for thousands of years, and has never merged.

Why, in the hands of these people, it began to melt?

And in their shock.

The thousands of miles of ice crystals melted rapidly.

The melted water flooded towards the third layer of hell.

This ice is originally the ice of punishment.

Compared with ordinary ice crystals, the cold poison and power are incomparable.

At this time, when it melted, the water on the third floor was rippling instantly, and the cold air was overwhelming.

In this cold air, Hai Long waved his hand fiercely.

Immediately, the melted icy water created waves without wind.

After setting off a huge wave, it roared towards the guards guarding this floor of the Black Hell.

The waves are rolling, and the murderous aura is astonishing.

Wherever it passed, it brought about an astonishing cold air and killing.

Taking ice as the layer, we can see how extensive the third layer of ice is.

This melting, the speed and strength of the submersion are not covered.

In an instant, like a sea surging, the huge waves boiled away in all directions, instantly enveloping the guards of the Black Hell.

"Not good, go back quickly." It's not good for someone with high spiritual power to stand on the road, and he wants to leave when he pulls away.

"It's not that easy to leave." Hai Long looked at all this coldly.

Seeing the fierce hands together, a water curtain of light appeared in the sky above the third floor, completely covering the space below.

And at the moment of his shot.

The masters of the mermaid clan behind him all followed closely.

"Seal." There was only one loud roar in unison.

The huge wave that had just melted immediately began to freeze wherever it passed.

Fly by and freeze everything.

Layers of ice, solidified inch by inch.

The shining ice, accompanied by the huge waves, sealed off the guards on the third floor.

"Not good..." Immediately, one after another, the screams sounded one after another.

The third layer uses ice as a sharp weapon.

And when this ice is played with by others and held in the palm, then all the barriers on the third floor of hell will become a sharp weapon to kill oneself.

Water or ice, who can be the opponent of the mermaid clan.

(End of this chapter)

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