First-class queen: woman, don't be too arrogant

Chapter 772 Encirclement and suppression on four sides 4

Chapter 772 Encirclement on all sides 3
"Boom." Ice crystals flew across the sky, freezing the entire third floor of hell.

At first, the gloomy hell, the world of ice, was full of ferocious bones.

In an instant, it became a world of glazed glass, a piece of mirror surface.

And in this mirror, countless black hell masters are still struggling.

"Bang." A water-colored firework burst into the sky.

In this gloomy hell, it looks extremely conspicuous.

The King of Hell's brows were slightly cold, the third floor was broken, so fast.

And at the moment when the King of Hell's eyebrows turned slightly cold.

Fengyun, who didn't look up to watch, coldly picked up the third chess piece and landed it on the chessboard.

Another corner, the eleventh floor of hell.

As soon as the Fengyun chess piece fell, Yafei's hair moved slightly.

With Yafei's hair flying, the eleventh floor of hell on the northeast corner of the black hell suddenly exploded with earth-shattering explosions.

Even though the distance was extremely far away, the loud explosion almost shook the ground on this side.

The face of the king of hell became colder by three points in an instant.

The flames soared into the sky, and spiritual powers of various colors danced in the northeast corner.

That resplendent color has never been seen in the gloomy black hell.

The eleventh level of hell is the killing and punishment prison of the black hell.

The inside is full of prisons with reinforced iron bones and impregnable copper walls and iron walls.

It is the most powerful layer.

At this time, the most solid layer was completely submerged in the sound of explosions.

In front of the eleventh floor, Qianyeli's light yellow dress was fluttering in the wind, and the aura that had always been as bright as the sun was now cold and sharp.

Behind him, dozens of cannons in red were aimed at the eleventh floor of hell.

The whole line of spiritual power shells above the level of Lingdi, after being blasted out by the improved red cannon.

That power is even stronger than the attack on Wuji Mountain a few days ago.

But see the muzzle pass.

Known as the strongest domain layer of the Black Hell, it keeps collapsing and collapsing.

The black hell general who is in charge of guarding this side.

Almost before they could meet Qianyeli at all, they were already bombarded by the fierce artillery fire and couldn't get out of the eleventh floor at all.

Square space, face-to-face confrontation.

Dozens of cannons in red besieged the No.11 floor from all directions, leaving no loopholes.

(End of this chapter)

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