First-class queen: woman, don't be too arrogant

Chapter 775 Encirclement and suppression on four sides 4

Chapter 775 Encirclement on all sides 6
A strong plant smell evaporated.

The exuberant spiritual power of the plants, along with the snacks sweeping past the back of the other side flowers, slowly spread across.

Wherever it passed, the breath of death emanated from the stumped roots of the Bana flower.

Immediately, everything was cleaned up.

In the plant department, the elves say that they are second, and no one dares to say that they are first.

Purification, that is what their elves are good at.

"Don't worry, look at mine." Xiao Shi proudly set up a huge flower, and the speed of eating away was even faster.

Almost twice as much as before.

Dare to compare flowers in front of it Shibatian, it's really Lu Ban's big ax in front of him, and he doesn't want to live anymore.

Countless clones, large and small, frantically swept all the Bana flowers in the northwest corner.

It was as if the sickle was weeding.

Wherever he goes, nothing grows.

And Ya Li followed behind it, and the purification of the plant's spiritual power directly penetrated this side of the soil.

The breath of life and death is colliding and permeating.

The deadly still air is changing rapidly.

Heavy, gloomy, as if black water is about to drop, the entrance of the northwest corner that makes people almost breathless.

The blue sky and white clouds began to appear on the boundary that hadn't appeared in ten thousand years.

A breath called freshness began to permeate.

And with the permeation of this breath, the entrance to the black hell was opened.

The people who had been waiting outside for a long time, led by Helian Fenglei, began to slowly line up to guard the entrance of this black hell.

Also, the exit of the black hell.

Without the deadly poisonous flowers blooming on the other side, there is nothing to fear here.

"Bang." The chessboard of the unknown equipment shook slightly, and became quiet again.

The face of the king of hell changed, and he raised his head to look at the sky in the northwest corner.

There, it is no longer a gloomy and dark sky.

It is no longer a gloomy air circulation.

Instead, there is a pure, empty atmosphere under the blue sky and white clouds.

The face of the king of hell was ugly.

To be taken down by Helian Fengyun so easily?
how can that be?how is this possible?

"There are things in this world where one thing overcomes one thing. If you are arrogant, you must have the capital to be arrogant." Looking at the unimaginable expression on the face of the king of hell, Ya Fei said slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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